The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1690: victory or defeat

"Quickly, go to the market. In the battle for the ancient relics of Shenjing City, a dark horse appeared, one shot per person, and it was overturning the entire Canglan Academy!"

Inside the restaurants in the major cities of Daxia, a loud shout suddenly came in from the outside, and then the original noisy sound of the restaurant stopped abruptly.

"There is such a thing, go and check it out!"

After a breath, a commotion burst into the sky in the restaurant, and then one of the people settled the bill, leaving the restaurant aside, and hurried towards the market.

Such a situation was staged in the entire city of Daxia, and then the eyes of countless people gathered in the middle of Shenjing, forming a phenomenon-level wave.

In the spring of the ninety-fourth year of the Great Xia calendar, the infinite enthusiasm of the people of the entire vast country was completely detonated by a duel of the younger generation.


The roar resounded from all quarters, and rushed to the sky above the central school field. At this time, the school field had completely become a raging storm ocean. In the anger ocean, not only the waves were ups and downs, but also there were rolling storms. Raging.

At the same time, over the huge school field, in the chaos-like void, the huge figure of Canglan Wind Butterfly, looming, every time it shakes its wings, it can pour out a terrifying storm.


While the storm was raging, Guan Shanbei's steady voice sounded unhurriedly, and then the blood-colored spear in the young man's hand, together with the thunder, smashed the tornado storm from all directions with extreme precision.

No matter how powerful this storm is, it will always be just a shot for this young man.

With one shot, everything is broken!

"This young man named Guan Shanbei has an understanding of guns that no one among the younger generation can match."

At the Crescent Moon Restaurant in Taiping Ruins, the voice from Li Yi in the box rang, and then Sima Annan nodded and said in response:

"Indeed, from beginning to end, no matter what kind of magical powers to attack, this kid only shot one shot. This shot can no longer be described with skill, but is close to Tao!"

After speaking, Sima Annan continued to sway the folding fan, and his black eyes seemed to reflect the law of the Tao flowing under the big spear stabbed by Guan Shanbei. Then Sima Annan showed a smile on his face, and his voice continued. Sounds:

"This shot made me see the shadow of Jiansheng Girl, who also integrated Tao into her bones, and every move follows the law.

"Although the younger generations in these academies have different cultivation bases, after all, not everyone understands the power of the source, so it is not surprising that they cannot stop this shot."

After Sima Annan's voice fell, a strange color suddenly appeared on his face, he swiped the folding fan in his hand, and listened to the continued roar of Guan Shanbei in his ear, and said again:

"What a shot to break the illusion, one shot to sweep the world, the ability to bluff is not weak, obviously only one shot."

As soon as Sima Annan said this, the faces of the surrounding Tianhui Army taboos showed a smile.

It is true that an impressive name, although it does not enhance the power of magical powers, can make all the surrounding audiences cheer and shout:

"The gun shatters the sky, the gun shatters the sky!"

Under the uniform and uniform shouts, the atmosphere in the entire school field directly reached an unprecedented peak, and then the gun carrying a billowing heavy gun power, after picking up the tornado storm that was coming, pierced forward one after another. .

With each spear shot, it can directly smash the storm magical powers and arrows that are constantly sweeping around, and it is an invincible posture!

"Good, good!"

The figure of Guan Shanbei that turned directly into a black and red light before the violent violent, together with the shouts resounding everywhere, in less than ten breaths, it directly approached the other side of the school field, that is, Jiang Xingzhou and the other two Canglan Xue The place where the palace disciples are.

"Senior Brother Jiang, do you want to transfer the Canglan formation and trap the person who rushes in front of you first?"

In Jiang Xingzhou's ears, the sound of the junior brother from behind was anxious, but then he was stopped by the former with a wave of his hand, and then a word by word response came out:

"Within the blood spear that the visitor wields, there is a rule that the spear will follow, so at this time the Canglan array we have released cannot hold him.

"Rather than being smashed by one of the shots, it is better to leave some leeway, and you can continue to display the big formation. In this battle, even if you lose your reputation, I can't retreat!"

The sound of words fell, Jiang Xingzhou's eyes directly became piercing, and immediately after he stopped speaking, he clenched the big bow in his hand, his figure did not retreat but moved forward, and directly strode forward madly.

"The glory of Canglan Academy!"

After a roar came from Jiang Xingzhou’s mouth, the former figure jumped up directly, and the wings of a pair of Canglan Wind Butterfly suddenly splayed outwards, the sea water and the force of the storm surged outwards, and the whole figure rode the wind mightily. Rise.

With the power of one person, while mastering the power of the wind and the sea, as the leader of the Canglan Academy, Jiang Xingzhou's combat power is definitely among the best among all the younger generation in Daxia.

However, due to fortune, it met with a completely unexpected dark horse ahead of time!

Genius cherishes genius, but genius also has its own pride!

Therefore, Jiang Xingzhou, who was riding in the wind, poured out the last vitality from his body without reservation, and opened nine bows at very close range towards Guanshanbei below.

One bow is better than one bow!

Because the speed is too fast, these nine arrows tearing the void can hardly be seen by ordinary people's naked eyes, but the harsh sound produced by the tearing void rang in everyone's ears clearly.


The sharp and incomparable arrows, even if there are enchantment guards around the martial arts field, still rushing toward the face.

After that, Guan Shanbei, who rushed forward, stepped on the ground forcefully, and his whole figure instantly turned from moving to quiet, and he drew sideways from the renju arrows coming from the front.

At the next breath, Guan Shanbei raised his left foot and kicked the **** gun in his hand. While his body shape instantly turned around, the whole gun continued to stab forward, and the gun was suddenly released.

After an instant, the slowly flowing time seemed to become particularly slow under this shot.

Then at a certain point in time, the tip of the big scarlet spear, the arrow hitting directly from the rotation, hit one place.


The piercing sound of fine iron percussion was directly heard, and the big gun continued to move forward invincibly, piercing the blue arrow from the beginning to the end, turning it into flying debris.

After that, Guan Shanbei stepped forward three steps in succession, lifted the whole gun, and swung it violently toward the front.

Gun sweep the world!

With a single shot, all the boiling vitality and energy disappeared and the entire Yanwu school fell into silence in an instant.

Then Guan Shanbei picked up the gun, and the tip of the gun touched Jiang Xingzhou's throat, and a steady voice sounded:

"You lost!"

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