The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1692: Seek everything

The ice and snow melt, and spring flowers bloom.

When the cold in winter was gradually replaced by warm wind, the entire summer entered a completely different world.

Everything began to recover, the continuous spring rains spread all over the world, moistening things silently.

Although the early spring is not as strong and profound as the deep winter and midsummer, it is subtle and imperceptible, which makes people linger and sink in.

The North Sea in the Taixuan Land has been bitterly cold for tens of thousands of years. Because a person and a country have completely changed, and the various things brought by Zhao Yu, the lord of the north, are not only the revival of vitality, but the mist of Taoist abandoned is so simple.

Many things cannot be seen through at a glance. It takes time to speak slowly, just like the seasonal changes at this time.

Spring not only descended on the Daiyu Mountain floating above the North Sea, but also fell on the Jiao and overseas states on the banks of the North Sea.


The gusts of wind coming from the depths of the North Sea, after being baptized by the light of the sun overhead, expelled the cold and began to become warm and hot.

Afterwards, these heads and tails held the wind, with fiery feelings, clinging to the sea, rushing formidably towards the shore of the North Sea, and making cheerful bursts of noise.

The speed of the howling north wind is extremely fast, it can be said that it is 800 miles in a flash. With the undulating waves of the North Sea, all the way to the south, after about half an hour, the coastline of the north began to gradually appear ahead.

However, what appeared in front of the north wind at this time was no longer the ruined wasteland that was once grayish brown, nor was it a wasteland of loneliness and desolation, but a completely different shore of the North Sea after recovery.

I saw that on the northern coastline that stretched for an unknown number of miles, there stood a relic of the Ao Jia leaning against the sky. This remnant was like a huge bowl falling down, occupying a large area on the shore of the North Sea.

At the same time, in addition to this Ao Jia relic, a huge breakwater dam runs from west to east, like a strong and sturdy city wall, standing between the sky and the earth, preventing the invasion of the North Sea.

This breakwater is not only able to block the waves, but also protects against the wind. Therefore, the rolling north wind directly hit the dam in front of it and rolled back backwards.

Although the **** is strong, there are still many north winds that have crossed the Beihai dam and formally rushed into the shore of the North Sea under the blow of countless winds.

The next breath, an endless field, directly before all the north wind, the eye is full of emerald green.

This is undoubtedly a picture that shocks the soul!

I saw that on the land by the North Sea, square farmland was cut, neatly arranged, as if the gods had carefully arranged it.

At the same time, in these squares, countless gratifying grains grow sturdily, nestle and spread in all directions, forming the most common color of spring by the North Sea.

Emerald green.

The former Northern Territory was a gray-brown that symbolized the endless expanse of ruin, but at this time the Northern Territory was completely different. In the void, there was not only the extremely rich vitality, but also the vigorous vitality like the ancient secrets.

After passing through the breakwater, the northerly wind became extremely gentle, blowing past the grain ears that had begun to plant, causing the greenery on the land of the North Sea to dance left and right like cheers.

"Hula, hula."

The melodious song of life spread to the outside of the district. At the same time, among the criss-crossing fields, a descendant of the original human race in the two states of Jiaohai is working together with the native people of the vast land of Shenzhou.

Then a handsome young man wearing a large robe of the official official of the Daxia Household Department stood up in the field, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his face, and looked up at the sun that had risen above his head. , Said:

"Everyone, let's take a break. Let's have lunch and drink some water. After today's busy schedule, all the crops in this area can be fertilized. You can rest for a while."

After the young man’s voice fell, a dark-skinned teenager next to him rolled his eyes and showed a happy smile on his face. He quickly picked up the hammer and hit the gongs and drums beside him with a violent sound. Rumor:

"It's a meal, a meal, a break!"

The loud voice of the young boy, together with the sound of the gong knocking, sounded clearly among the dense plants, and after a few breaths, people's shadows came directly from all directions.

Then the grains that were tall on both sides of Tiankan began to sway, and a particularly sturdy man walked out of it, and said:

"Come on, come on, eat less for breakfast, but it makes me starve."

"Lao Hei, just open your eyes and talk nonsense. Breakfast is eaten with everyone. You can count the most. Eight big steamed buns and a big bowl of porridge can't feed you enough."

After this person's voice fell, the man named Lao Hei first opened his mouth, raised his hand and patted his particularly strong chest muscles, and the voice came out:

"I am strong and hungry. Who dares to say I do more work today."

With the sound of the exchange, this field suddenly became particularly lively, and among the people walking back from the surroundings, there were men and women, young men, and some older seniors.

After the dark man's voice came out, he smiled triumphantly and wanted to continue speaking, but he heard an old cough from behind.


As soon as the cough sounded, everyone was silent, then turned around respectfully, and said together:

"Good old Yan."

At the next breath, behind the group of people, an old man in black paced slowly. After he came to the dark man, he raised and slapped the latter's stout arm, and the old voice continued to sound:

"Blackhead, after a few days of work, it swelled?"

"Old Yan, how dare you dare, isn't this hungry?"

There was a trace of embarrassment on the dark man's face, and then his stomach made two grunts, which made everyone around him laugh.

"Okay, eat quietly, don't quarrel with Master Li."

After the old man's words came out, this group of simple and straightforward men stood up and lined up in front of the iron pan overflowing with food, with an extremely well-behaved appearance.

"During this period of spring, I have worked hard for you."

After the old man came to the side of Li Xun, the secretary of the household department, he saluted and continued to speak:

"These guys haven't had a good life before, but now they have no worries about food and clothing, and they are a little airy. I hope the adults are not surprised."

There was a little apology in Yan Lao's old voice, and then Li Xun, who sat down, showed a smile, waved his hand and said:

"It doesn't matter, Yan Lao, in Daxia, there are not so many rules under the law. Daxia relaxes a little, and it's good."

After the words fell, Li Xun turned his head and stared at the old man in front of him, with a trace of doubt on his face, and said:

"Old Yan, you are here this time, but something is wrong?"

As soon as this question came out, the old man sitting beside Li Xun gradually showed a little embarrassment on his face. After hesitating for a few breaths, he said:

"Don't be concealed from Lord Li, when I came down I asked for something."

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