The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1693: Combat readiness department

On the banks of the North Sea, countless square farmlands are neatly distributed, and at the same time, the grains in the fields are luxuriantly growing, giving a prosperous appearance.

After the revival of the northern border, the land is fertile, the water source is abundant, and the area is huge. Therefore, in just two short years, the Jiao and overseas states have become the largest granaries in Daxia today.

After being screened and nurtured by the Ministry of Households over and over again, each of the grain seeds in the north is almost as tall as one person, and grows densely, like a small forest.

As it approaches noon, the big day hangs in the sky, shining down with the spring sun.

In the early spring, the shore of the North Sea is still a little cold, but once you bathe in the sun, you will be warm and very comfortable.

Then, between the fields not far away from Shenxian, a group of people from the Rifting Light Valley Human Race, immersed in their heads, ate the fragrant food in their hands, but if you look closely, you will find that the eyes of these strong men have peace. Different traces of others.

These men were once voluntarily gouged out of their eyes. Although they later regained their vision under the supernatural powers, the scars left before still exist.

Yan Lao's prestige is extremely high among the Rift Light Valley human race, so when he talks with the young secretary Li Xun, even the big-handed dark guy on weekdays eats food cautiously, not daring to make too much noise.

Later, after the four-character word for asking for each other in Yan Lao's mouth, the men around him who were eating lunch stopped all their hands and their ears were directly pricked, which seemed particularly concerned.

At the next breath, Li Xun's slightly surprised voice sounded in the ears of these people:

"Old Yan, it doesn't matter what is the matter for you."

After the voice fell, the old man with wrinkles on his face put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, saluted Li Xun in front of him again, and responded:

"That's it, Lord Li. Recently, the young generation in the capital city is in full swing, and today is the day of the final showdown. During this time, the people below have been talking in my ears, saying that I don't want to miss this. The grand occasion of the last day."

After speaking, perhaps feeling a little embarrassed, the old man moved his lips. After hesitating, he continued to speak:

"During this period of time, we have been broadcasting day and night in spring, and we haven't even rested for ten days. Therefore, we wanted to take this group of people to Shen Xiancheng in the afternoon to fulfill their wish."

As soon as Old Yan’s words came out, the eyes of the Rift Light Valley people around who heard the words lit up. Although these guys still tried their best to maintain a stable appearance, the secretly clenched fists represented their hearts, not as good as the surface. So calm.

It is true that this martial arts performance of the younger generation, which is in full swing, is like a whirlwind. Not only has it swept across the 36 states of the vast land of Shenzhou, but also the citizens of the other two states are also firmly attracted away.

And one of the reasons why the people on the shore of the North Sea are also extremely concerned about it is that Ao Bai and Ao Fu, who were originally the senior brothers and sisters of Wuxianzong, also shined in this martial arts performance.

With their invincible strength, the entire Daxia people knew of the strength of the younger generation from the shore of the North Sea.

In other words, at this time, beside the Shenxian City where the Rift Light Valley human race is located, Ao Bai and Ao Fu’s home arena, and in the newly built city on the lands of the outer two states, there are also many people. The two cheered.

After the young emperor ruled the northern territory with an invincible posture, with the popularization of practice, the martial arts style of Daxia began to gradually rise, even those middle-aged people who were quite old began to pay attention to practice. , Not to mention a sturdy man.

Therefore, between this field, with Qiyi's gaze, they stared straight ahead at Li Xun who was thinking.

After that, the extremely young household secretary did not let these guys wait too long, nodded and said:

"As the saying goes, everything needs to be relaxed and moderate. During this period of time everyone really worked hard."

As soon as this statement was made, the eyes of the men around were brighter, and a smile appeared on Li Xun's face. With a big wave of his hand, the young voice continued:

"Lao Yan's request is correct. After lunch, let's go to the market of Shenxiancheng together to watch the final showdown of the martial arts. Feast your eyes!"


A burst of cheers rose from the fields, blended into the spring breeze of the north, and spread far and wide.

The spring breeze in February, like scissors, cut through the void and revolved to the big city on the shore of the North Sea. I saw that Shenxian City, which was almost destroyed in the Battle of the North Sea, was renewed after reconstruction.

Shen Xiancheng's original gossip-like pattern has not changed much, but thick soil is piled on top of the bare armour to cultivate various plants.

And it is worth mentioning that under the Ao Jia, an extremely vast piece of land was being cleared out at this time, and the buildings above it were being built, which already looked like a big city.

"I haven't seen it for a few days. The construction of the Five Immortals City below is more than half completed. The craftsmen of the Daxia Engineering Department are still as efficient as ever."

In the mid-air of Shen Xiancheng under the warm sun, wild birds of the North Sea were waving their wings, circling and waiting to land in the market below. Then in the hoop below one of the wild birds, Yan Lao's response sounded. :

"Because of the harsh environment and hurricanes in the North Sea, it was impossible to erect buildings on the ground. Therefore, Shen Xiancheng was built on the Ao Jia in mid-air.

"But now the North is too safe and stable. Whether it is the North Sea hurricane or the once extremely harsh environment, it has become a thing of the past, so naturally there is no reason to live in this midair.

“That’s too inconvenient, let’s say nothing else. It takes too much time just to go up and down every day. I hope that the city of Five Immortals below can be built as soon as possible. Only when the earth is above the ground is it considered solid."

"Naturally, this is the case. After all, the ancestors of our human race have lived on this earth for generations, and the power of the earth also flows in our blood."

After Li Xun finished speaking, Yan Lao next to him looked down at the bustling Bagua City Ruins of Shen Xiancheng, and continued to sigh:

"I have to say that the more the descendants of the original Wuxian Mountain who have lived in the North for a long time, the more they will feel how incredible it is at this time in the North. The old man often trances in his dreams, whether everything now is just an illusion."

After speaking, the old man shook his head, and the old voice continued:

"This is not an illusion, because even if it is an illusion, the old man can't imagine the incredible appearance around him today."

When the voice fell, Li Xun beside the old man grinned. After a few breaths of silence, the young voice came out:

"This is not an illusion, and everything that is happening around us now is because someone is carrying the weight of the entire northern border."

After speaking, Li Xun took a deep breath, his voice continued:

"Old Yan, after I've been busy with spring sowing for a while, boy, I'm going back to the capital.

"My transfer order has been issued, the War Preparation Department of the Oxiahu Department."

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