The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1694: I'm late

The Department of War Preparations of the Oxiahu Department.

After entering the northern territory of Daxia and pursuing the policy of cultivation and vitality, the Department of Combat Readiness Department has been silent for a few years. After a year later, when a Si Cheng named Xue Beichuan was transferred to the post, he gradually entered the entire university again. In the eyes of Xia court officials.

At the same time, what shocked all Daxia officials was also a will from the Baidi Palace:

All ministries of Daxia should cooperate with the operations of the War Readiness Department and must not obstruct.

As the saying goes, before the war, the grain and grass go first, and the movement of grain and grass can reflect the movement of the Daxia army. Therefore, every official of the ministries has been aware of it, and they have been particularly concerned about the actions of the War Preparation Department in recent days.

After all, the will of Zhao Yu, the lord of Daxia, is the will of everyone in Daxia!

In the sky above Shenxian City by the North Sea, Yan Lao, wearing a simple black dress, actually doesn’t know the meaning of Li Xun’s statement of the War Preparation Department, but he knows that for the young people who are sent outside the household, this time Transfer is undoubtedly a kind of promotion.

Therefore, the old man bowed his hands and said:

"My old man, congratulations to Master Li for his promotion."

For some reason, in the voice of the old man, in addition to congratulations, there are also regrets. It is true that the Rift Optics Valley people have made extremely valuable achievements in planting food these years, which is in line with the contribution of the young man in front Are inseparable.

But Qianlong will eventually take off, and the old man naturally also clearly understands that it is impossible to keep the young man in front of him in the criss-crossing terraces by the North Sea.

"Master Li, you really should go to a bigger stage."

The old man Yan's calm voice fell, and then Li Xun, who had a darker skin, showed a little helpless look on his face, and said:

"Old Yan, to be honest, I'm afraid I can't do well."

"Where is Master Li? Ask the other people in the Rift Valley, who is not confident in Master Li. After all, we are together, but in one breath we won the leader of the North Sea for several consecutive years."

After the words fell, the old man took a serious look, raised his hand and patted Li Xun's shoulder in front of him, and continued to speak with a serious face:

"In the past few days, the people of Rift Optics Valley want to practice for you in Shenxian City, and I hope Master Li will not refuse."

After he finished speaking, the old man continued to open his mouth and sigh slightly, staring at the Bagua City Ruins of Shen Xiancheng, which was getting closer and closer below. In his old eyes, thoughts floated.

After more than a hundred breaths, under the bright but not dazzling winter sun, a few North Sea wild birds carrying a group of people from the Rift Light Valley human race slowly landed on the Bagua Market Ruins in the center of Shenxian City.

At the next breath, a very noisy breath came directly, and at the same time the entire market square was blocked by the bustling crowd.

Although this large city standing in the middle of Ao Jia is quite cumbersome compared to other cities on the ground, it does not affect its status among the descendants of Wuxian Mountain in the north.

Therefore, Shenxiancheng in Haizhou and Bafengguan in Jiaozhou have become the cultural and economic centers of the two other states.

"Boom, roar!"

Suddenly, an extremely violent cheer erupted from a corner of the market. Then the figures on the square turned their heads, including the cracking light on their faces that became increasingly excited. Gu man.

Then the man named Blackhead yelled:

"Mother, I won't be late, is it because this final duel is over?"

After the voice fell, he glanced around and saw an acquaintance among the crowd surging ahead. He hurriedly turned three steps into two steps to approach, and a rough voice came out:

"Brother, please tell me how the situation is going on in this showdown. Why is the big guy cheering now?"

As soon as the question was heard, the man who was obviously taken aback saw the annoyed blackhead appearing in front of him. After a light breath, the response came out:

"Your kid rushed over like a cow and shocked me."

After speaking, the excitement on this person's face appeared again, and he shouted:

"Just now Guan Shanbei won again, and continued to pick a full five people from the other academy with one person. It was too strong, really too strong, and even gave me an urge to practice guns."

When this word came out, the face of the swarthy man with black head also showed a strong expression of excitement. He clenched his fist and gave out a low growl:

"I knew that this kid Guan Shanbei can definitely maintain his invincible posture, he deserves to be my optimistic kid!"

The grassroots rise in the end, once a miracle is created, it can arouse the support and admiration of countless people in Daxia. At this time, the dark man who raised his arms and shouted was one of them.

Then the man put a smile on his face, his eyes rolled, and then he hurriedly said:

"By the way, brother, how about the record of Ao Bai and Ao Fu on the shore of the North Sea?"

When the question fell, the young man in front of the man slapped his hands, raising his voice a lot, and then he heard:

"Brother Blackhead, being interrupted by you like this, I almost forgot. The academy where Ao Bai and Ao Fu are located by the North Sea was also invincible before, and today's battle will begin immediately."

After he finished speaking, the person quickly turned around and waved his hand, and the anxious voice continued:

"Walk around, the Sitian Supervisor branch where we hurriedly went, maybe the fierce battle of this meeting has already begun."

As soon as this statement came out, the Rift Optics Valley Human Race and others suddenly made a riot, and then hurriedly accelerated their pace and walked towards the Shen Xiancheng Sitian Supervisor branch not far away.

As a semi-official and semi-practice institution in Daxia, there is no doubt about the role of the divisions of Sitianjian in various places. It is like a rope, connecting more and more practitioners throughout Daxia.

Although the Sitianjian branch in Shen Xiancheng is young and has been completed in less than a month, it has become one of the busiest places on the banks of the North Sea.

At the same time, in the extremely wide lobby of the Shen Xiancheng Si Tianjian, countless people from the two states gathered together, not only were there no seats, but there were even very few places to stay.

Everyone in the hall raised their heads, staring intently at the scroll of mountains and seas above their heads that were intertwined with light and shadow, holding their breath and daring not to let out the atmosphere.

"Let's give, let's give."

A vigorous voice sounded at the entrance of the Sitianjian lobby, and then the black head of the man, with several strong men, squeezed a way through the door.

First, I respectfully let Yan Lao and Li Xun step in at the rear, and then turned and looked up urgently, looking at the fascinating picture scroll of mountains and seas above.

I saw the dragon's whistle deafening on the picture scroll, and the dark green dragon's breath pierced the void.

At the next breath, all the light dissipated, and then Li Chunfeng's old voice resounded through the sky:

"This time duel, Wuxian Xuegong, win!"

"it is good!"

In the entire Shenxiancheng Sitian Supervisor branch, cheers rose to the sky, and then the dark man with black head raised his hand and patted his head, muttering:

"My mother, it's really late."

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