The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1695: Birth and Death of Palm Edge

"Wow, I'm waiting for the children from the two states, they are also good!"

When Li Chunfeng announced the victory of the Wuxian Xuegong, the cheers like a volcanic eruption sounded directly in Shenxiancheng’s Sitian Supervisor branch, and then the extremely warm atmosphere turned into a billowing wave, which almost destroyed the entire building. The roofs are directly overturned.

The descendants of the original Wuxianshan people have lived for tens of thousands of years under the dark Ao Jia. Now they can live freely under the sun, which naturally releases the infinite enthusiasm in the heart.

Therefore, the indescribable fiery waves poured out to the fullest, swept across the mighty, and people inevitably followed it and cheered.

"Hey, I didn't see the most exciting place. What a pity, what a pity!"

The extremely annoying words came from the mouths of the guys in the Rift Valley, and then the dark guy with black heads on the face of regret, slapped his head and shouted:

"So angry, so angry!"

As soon as the dark man's voice fell, Yan Lao's old voice rang in everyone's ears:

"Blackhead, walk in with the people, this martial arts performance is not over yet, you can see it."

When the voice fell, the men beside the old man nodded and shouted:


The lobby of the Shen Xiancheng Sitianjian branch was enthusiastic, and in the center of the lobby, there was a beautiful-faced young girl in a robes of an official, with a smile on her front, and the people in front of her were answered in an orderly manner. Question.

"Chief official, it is said that you are from Shenjing City. Is Shenjing City big?"

When the question fell, the person who spoke with a wave of his right hand continued to ask:

"How does it compare to our Ao Jia on the shore of the North Sea?"

"Large, naturally large, Shenjing City is the largest city in the summer, and its area is infinite. Although I don't know the size of the Ao Jia where Shen Xiancheng is located, there is no problem in Shenjing City containing hundreds of Ao Jia. "

As soon as Chu Yanyan made this response, the people around him stopped breathing, and then there was a look of wonder on their faces, and the others continued to ask:

"The official Chu, they all say that the city of God is the heart of our Daxia, and high-level practitioners are walking everywhere, is it true?"

"There are countless people in Shenjing City, and there are naturally a lot of high-ranking monks, but most of them are the same as you, ordinary citizens of the Daxia people."

After these years of baptism, Chu Yanyan's response was clear, giving people a feeling like a spring breeze, and then, in his ears, continuous inquiries continued to sound:

"The official Chu, the people in Shenjing City and the vast land of Shenzhou eat differently from ours?"

"It's the same, and the grains we have produced in China and Haizhou are now highly sought-after in the vast land of Shenzhou."

As soon as the words came out, a sincere smile appeared on the faces of the simple men in front of the girl, which was undoubtedly an affirmation of them.

"The official Chu, they all said that in the market within each city of Shenzhou Haotu, there are some magical and unusual things, right?"

"Yes, the array is dazzling, countless."

"Chu Secretary, you said that Daiyu Immortal Mountain, which carries the vast mainland of China, is drifting on the North Sea. How do you know the exact location?"

"You don't need to know, because in the whole world, it's the king's land, and the entire North Sea is our territory, so it doesn't matter where you go."

The girl's words, although plain, but with a natural domineering, after spreading out, the expressions of the people around them suddenly became extremely solemn.

Only at this time, these men on the banks of the North Sea did they understand how confident the beautiful and kind girl in front of them is, and this confidence comes from this great country beneath them.

Then, in the ears of the Beihai people in the entire lobby, Li Chunfeng's vigorous voice from the mountain and sea picture scroll rolled down again:

"The next martial arts showdown, Dao Palace vs. Baihu Xuegong of Shenjing City!"

As soon as this statement came out, the atmosphere in the main hall of the Sitianjian branch suddenly continued to become particularly hot, and after a short rest, the descendants of Wuxianshan continued to look up at the pictures of mountains and seas above. , The sound of inquiry continued:

"Leader Chu, which side do you prefer for this duel?"

"The East, West, South and North Academy of the Shenjing City are extremely powerful, especially the White Tiger Academy. Because of last year's carelessness and underestimation of the enemy, this year's shame and bravery have made this year's shameful and brave, so it is all the way through.

"However, Dao Palace is our Daxia veteran force, with a profound background, and the strong emerge in endlessly, so."

After Chu Yanyan's crisp voice fell, his delicate face showed a little thoughtful color. Just when he wanted to speak, he heard a voice full of magnetism immediately sounded:

"Naturally, Dao Gongsheng."

As soon as he heard the voice, Chu Yanyan turned his head, and saw an elegant middle-aged man in a purple robe with a smile on his face. He did not know when he stood upright on the edge of the table. Then the girl raised her mouth and showed a big smile. , Yelled crisply:

"Father, why are you here."

"Dao Gongzi has a duel, so I will come over and take a look."

After Chu Zhengyang's voice fell, he raised his head and looked at the Dao Gongzi who appeared in the scroll of mountains and seas, and raised his hand to caress the beard in front of him.

In his dark eyes, the figures of Dao Gong children participating in this duel were reflected, and the two brothers and sisters of Wei Guogong Xu from Zizhu Lane were impressively listed.

At the next breath, the two siblings, who had been under Xu Sheng's devilish special training for a while, raised their bows together, exerted force with their right hands, swiped them, and pulled them apart.

Then the void of the martial arts field in the center of Shenjing City began to oscillate at a rapid speed. On the big bow of the Xu family’s brother and sister, two arrows condensed violently between the beards, almost indiscriminately blasted forward. .

In an instant, in the entire picture scroll of mountains and seas, two rounds of particularly dazzling big sun shining in the sky instantly, and at the same time blocking everyone's sight.

"Supernatural power. Falling into the sun!"

One of Wei Guogong's three killing arrows fell into the sun.

The majesty of the great sun that pouring out not only has the light of the sun, but the infinite heat that is scorching out, even if the people watching outside the scroll of mountains and seas across countless distances, there is still a kind of hot body. Illusion.

"So strong!"

Unanimous exclamations came from every citizen.

Then, among the disciples of the White Tiger Academy under the countless light condensed, the thin white tiger leader Wang Juan took a step forward, and the black hair behind him rolled up and down under the heat wave. At the same time, the light of supernatural power flashed in his eyes.

At the next breath, Wang Juan raised his hands, opened his five fingers to hold the void in front of him, and shook fiercely.


After a roar, the entire space in front of it was shaken like a quilt, and then a Void Tiger jumped out of the depths of the space, opened his mouth to the front, and let out a deafening roar:


At the same time, a substantial wave of laws began to condense in the Void Tiger, and then suddenly condensed into a substance under the lock of billions of eyes.

"The Palm Fate Birth and Death Realm, this young monk King Juan of the White Tiger Academy turned out to be the Grand Master of Palm Fate Birth and Death Realm!"

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