In the central schoolyard of Shenjing City, a towering white tiger stands proudly in the void.

Above the school field, the huge blank tiger, the whole body was pure white, the golden king character above the head was shining, and at the same time the vast edge pouring out in waves, engulfing the overbearing coercion.

What's more worth mentioning is that at this time, every hair on this imaginary tiger is lifelike, and you can even see the fangs of the white tiger flaring out under the strong wind of magical powers. With a sharp edge.


In the scarlet eyes of the Void White Tiger, two rounds of crashing scorching sun rose rapidly, and then the former opened his mouth and let out a violent roar, the materialized law of void fluctuates, forming a type of void cannon, and rushed forward.

At this time, in the school grounds, the law was crumpled, like a rag-like void, clearly indicating that the robe was flying, the extremely low-key King Juan, the cultivation base had completely passed that hurdle.

Although the laws on his body have not yet been completely stabilized, although he hasn't broken through for a long time, the white tiger domain that rises and shrinks from the inside of the former's body is like the same heavy hammer, shaking the minds of all those watching.

"Palm Fate Birth and Death Realm, among the young generations of this vast land of China, there really is a great master realm!"

The muttering voice came from the descendants of Wuxianshan in the Shenxiancheng Sitianjian branch, and then the other monks raised their hands and slapped their thighs, and the voice continued to sound:

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, My Daxia is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

Sometimes it is very simple for a country to gain the recognition of its people, that is, it is powerful, extremely powerful!

A strong country will bring the greatest sense of security to its people, and as it is now, countless people will cheer heartily for the younger generation of strong people who have emerged throughout Daxia.

"Father, this White Tiger Academy does not sound, it is a blockbuster, and it hides a palm origin birth and death realm."

Inside the Shen Xiancheng Sitian Supervisor branch, the girl Chu Yanyan spoke with interest in her voice, and then her bright eyes stared at the Void Tiger who began to charge forward and roared, her voice continued:

"This year, the White Tiger Academy seems to want to be completely ashamed, and make everyone remember it."

"Our Daxia's glory is that we can correct our mistakes. This White Tiger Academy is really interesting."

Chu Zhengyang's voice was still gentle, and then a little smile appeared on his handsome face, and he continued to speak:

"When I was in Shenjing City, I always listened to the old guys in the White Tiger Academy showing off the king scroll. I saw it now, but it did not disappoint. Not to mention the rules at a young age, the main reason is that the temperament is tough and calm. ."

After the head of the Taoist Palace Zonghengyuan, Chu Zhengyang, there was no worry on his face. Then in front of him, the girl's questioning sounded immediately:

"Father, in the White Tiger Academy, there is an overhaul of the Palm Origin and Death Realm. You don't worry about our Dao Palace disciples, can you take it?"

As soon as the girl's question fell, the blank tiger in the picture scroll of the mountains and seas, with a huge body like a teleport, appeared on the side of the falling Sun, and then raised the tiger's claws and directly photographed it.


Void was almost pierced directly by the eardrums of the people who heard it by the loud noise of the entire beating, and then the white tiger's claws that materialized the law of sharp edge were slapped on the falling sun without fancy.

The Western White Tiger is in charge of killing!

Therefore, when this tiger claw was shot, it was as if countless sharp swords were unsheathed at the same time, and the sharply sharp swords made everyone who heard it sting all over the body.

Although there is only one realm difference between the Grand Master of Palm Fate Birth and Death Realm and the peak of Dao Reality Realm, the difference in strength can be described as a huge difference.

After an instant, the white tiger's claws directly blasted the falling sun shot by Xu Hao without fancy, and then countless golden sun lights exploded like fireworks, shining the entire sky dome of the martial arts field.

Under the golden light flying, the Void White Tiger roared up to the sky, the golden and white domain enveloped the whole body, and the violent energy vented outward, even the entire void was completely suppressed.

No two in the limelight for a while, unparalleled powerful!

"It's so strong, this person is a dark horse again. This matchup between the younger generation has given people too many surprises. Who could have imagined that in this White Tiger Academy, there is actually a palm fate of life and death. Grandmaster, how old is he?"

An unbelievable murmur came from the girl Chu Yanyan's mouth, and then Chu Zhengyang beside him explained:

"The first king of the White Tiger Academy, who has honed his sword for ten years, has finally achieved what he wanted, and his sharpness has been revealed, and his age should be less than thirty, twenty and eight, which is extremely young."

After the voice fell, Chu Zhengyang's face continued to smile, and his magnetic voice continued to sound:

"In our Daxia cultivation system, every breakthrough in the great realm is enough to completely crush the lower realm monks, especially the great master realm. It is a change above the life level, because it has mastered the law.

"In fact, the reason that the young man named Guan Shanbei can be invincible with just one shot is because although this kid is not high in realm, he has mastered the invincible gunway ahead of time.

"Manpower is exhausted, but the power of heaven and earth is unlimited, and the power of this law is the most intuitive embodiment of the power of heaven and earth.

"With the power of the world and the earth, it will naturally be like a king scroll at this time, and it will be unstoppable to smash the magical power."

Chu Zhengyang's voice fell. Hearing the descendants of Wuxian Mountain, they nodded in agreement.

It has to be said that after the fierce and **** battle tens of thousands of years ago, the inheritance of the Wuxianshan Holy Land, which was once prosperous, has been cut off for the most part.

Therefore, the descendants of Wuxianshan who have been reborn now, except for special practitioners, are in fact completely in the misty state of cultivation, so they turned their eyes to the middle-aged in purple robe in front of them, carrying a thick The color of seeking knowledge.

After that, Chu Zhengyang continued to raise his hand to caress Mei Yan on his chest. Just as he wanted to continue speaking, he heard an old questioning sound beside him:

"Your Excellency, the practitioner, you know a lot about Daxia's practice, and you are not very grateful if you have any questions."

When the voice fell, Chu Zhengyang turned his head, and saw that a group of men guarded him in front of him.

Old Yan's old face at this time was full of the color of the wings, and he continued to speak in a hurry:

"The old man has a granddaughter and grandson, who are in Shenjing City at this time, but because the distance between the shore of the North Sea and Shenzhou Haotuzhu Island is too far, he is a little worried.

"But they sent a letter to report their safety before. There is an emblem on the letter. The old man asked a lot of people, but they didn't know him. I hope you can help me solve my doubts."

After speaking, Lao Yan said nothing, and carefully took out a letter from his arms and held it forward.

Above the envelope, I saw a huge tree that pierced the sky and the earth, standing proudly among the huge cities, exuding indescribable majesty.

At the next breath, Chu Zhengyang's eyes, who bowed slightly, shrank, and his voice came out:

"Xuantian Shenmu, this emblem comes from Baidi Academy!"

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