Xuantian Shenmu Aoxiong City, this emblem is extremely strange to ninety percent of the people in Shenjing City.

But as we all know, in the Baidi Palace of the Shenjing City, there is a sacred tree growing in the imperial garden, which can be clearly seen by any people in the Shenjing City as long as they look up.

In a sense, the Xuantian Shenmu has been linked to the Heavenly Family in the imperial palace unknowingly. On the other hand, except for Zhao Yu, no one dares to use the Xuantian Shenmu as an emblem.

Therefore, Chu Zhengyang's expression immediately became particularly solemn at the first glance of the Shenmu emblem on the Yanlao envelope, and then his solemn voice sounded:

"This is the emblem of the Baidi Academy."

As soon as the four words Baidi Xuegong came out, the people around the Rift Light Valley Terran and others who didn't know the whole situation of the Great Xia Xuegong still had a blank face, but the red lips of the girl Chu Yanyan opened directly. , His eyes widened, and a crisp voice sounded:

"Old man, your back is really amazing, you actually practiced in the Baidi Academy."

After speaking, the girl raised her hand, pointed at the scene in the picture scroll of the fiercely fighting mountains and seas above, and continued to speak:

"The Baidi Academy is now the highest institution of our Daxia. At this time, the purpose of these young generations participating in this martial arts performance, in addition to competing for places in the ancient ruins, on the other hand, is trying to open the Baidi Academy. Door."

At this point, Chu Yanyan raised the corners of his mouth, showing a smile, and his voice continued:

"So old man, the starting point for your younger generations is the end of our dreams for the countless young cultivators of the great summer!"

The girl's sighing voice fell, and the eyes of Old Yan and the fellows in the Rift Valley were getting brighter and brighter, and finally they directly raised their arms and made a fist.

Although these simple men did not have a deep understanding of the Baidi Academy in the girl's words, in fact, for them, as long as the three children including Hongdou are in peace, it is the greatest blessing.

In life, you will not be alone forever. There will definitely be fetters. Therefore, there will inevitably be someone in your heart. Today, Yan has asked Li Xun to come to see this division of Tianjian separately because of his heart. care.

"Master Li, in fact, I want to come here this time because I have selfishness in my heart. The old man thought that maybe our children will appear in the martial arts field of this picture scroll. Some messages on the envelope."

Li Xun's ears, the words from Yan Lao fell, and then a smile appeared on the young face of the former, nodded, and responded:

"During the New Year's Day, Mr. Yan supported him to inquire about the news. However, the Shenjing City was really too big, like a stone sinking into the sea, but now I finally know some news, and it is the highest palace Baidi Academy. I sincerely feel for the old man. happy!"

"Hahaha, today the old man is happy, it's a confession!"

Yan Lao, who learned of the situation of his grandchildren, was full of excitement and joy, his gray beard flicked and his face flushed.

At the next breath, the originally extremely bright light of the entire Sitian Supervisor branch suddenly lit up more suddenly, and then the rich golden light rushed out and crashed down.

The golden light shines, the air roars!

The battlefield of Shenjing City Martial Arts Field, Dao Palace and White Tiger Academy began to change rapidly, attracting everyone's attention once again.

Then, under the condensing of countless lights, the Void White Tiger became more and more violent, roaring and smashing the various magical powers that enveloped it.

After that, a sharp sword with a handle completely composed of the law of sharpness began to continuously emerge from the body of the empty white tiger, and began to roll around, pointing forward like a ten thousand sword returning to the sect.


The tiger roars into the sky, full of emotion.

As the saying goes, the cloud follows the dragon, and the wind follows the tiger. Therefore, although the sword is still hanging, the tiger's whistling and violent wind has already rushed forward.

The wind swept across the world, blowing away the magical smoke that shrouded outside the large array, revealing the scene inside.

Above the entire martial arts field, a piece of pink that occupies the entire line of sight suddenly appeared, and this endless pink, like a soft silk, spread out on the ground of the martial arts field.

Then everyone fixed their eyes and saw that every touch of pink in the silk was a blossoming peach blossom.

In the next breath, countless Daxia practitioners who watched this scene all said in unison:

"Shili Taolin, every inch of murderous intent, good fellow, this imperial brother, actually displayed the Shilihong Great Array!"

Dao Gong Shili Red Formation, after the founding of the Great Xia, Dao Gong was one of the important reasons for the position of the first sect of the rivers and lakes in the first 80 years.

"The bonus is ten li, and the edge is not invaded. The Shilihong Array is the most offensive and defensive formation in Da Xia. It is estimated that even if this king scroll cultivation base has reached the level of the master of birth and death, it is still difficult to break through this formation."

As soon as the words fell, the virtual blank tiger transformed by Wang Juan, in the scarlet eyes under the king's character, a very strong and solemn color appeared.

After an instant, Wang Juan no longer hesitated, and directed the ten-mile peach forest growing out of thin air in the void in front of him, sending out the fiercest roar so far.


After that, the countless sharp swords that hovered around the Void Tiger's body instantly dissipated, and then shrouded in front of him.

The real sword is like rain!


The ear-piercing neighing after the sword of sharpness shreds the void is as endless as countless people blowing their whistle at the same time. It took only a blink of an eye, and the enchantment outside the ten-mile red array was like being caught in a rainstorm. Extremely violent ripples appeared on the invading lake.

The next breath, under the bombardment of the sharp sword formation, the countless peach trees within the ten-mile red formation began to tremble violently, and then the peach blossoms bloomed one after another, and began to fly out of the treetops. , Just like a playful girl in spring.

A very shocking scene began to appear in the entire martial arts field in the middle of Shenjing City!

Thousands of swords rained on the top, and the peach blossom clouds danced and rolled down, and then in full view, the two collided in the void.

When the edge meets the edge, it is destined to be earth-shattering!

Those who are familiar with the Dao Gong Shilihong Formation know that every peach blossom petal flying in the void is essentially a substantive condensate of infinite sharpness.

Therefore, when the petals and the sword light crossed past, the void was shattered, and the crackling sound resounded through the sky.

But at the next breath, a shocking weather surged into the sky from among thousands of peach forests, and it took only a short moment to completely take everyone's perception from the collision.

Then countless monks' complexions changed suddenly, and they shouted wildly:

"This breath is the Palm Origin Birth and Death Realm, and a great master, who is it?"

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