In the huge martial arts field in the middle of Shenjing City, the pink peach blossoms and the billowing sword rain blasted against each other, making the entire void almost on the battlefield of infinite fighting.

The screaming sound, the cracking of the void, the harsh cutting sound kept lingering in the ears, and the sharp air pouring out at the same time not only chopped the void, even the ground of the martial arts field appeared densely and criss-crossed. Deep marks.

Over the martial arts field, countless peach blossom petals and sharp swords cut each other every minute and every second, and the violent void shook the mind of everyone watching.

It is true that the upside-down scene at this time has exceeded the definition of the younger generation in the hearts of Daxia people.

"It has changed, everything has changed. The waves behind the river will push the waves forward. I did not expect that our older generation will be surpassed by the younger generation of cultivators so quickly. Our practice in this life has been practiced to a dog. Go on."

"Today is different from the past. This is the most amazing era. In this era, practice is no longer like we do and eats the age bonus. Therefore, what we need is to change the inherent practice methods in our thinking. , Otherwise the gap with the younger generation will only get bigger and bigger!"

The voice of this rather wise old man just fell, one wave of unrest, one wave after another.

In the ten-mile peach forest, a force belonging to the realm of the Grand Master of the Birth and Death Realm of the Palm Fate rushed straight into the sky, and at the same time, in the most magnificent way, declared to all the people of the summer that in this martial arts showdown, There is another great master of the younger generation!

How dazzling is the rich domain power, the momentum billowing like wolf smoke billowed into the sky, causing every practitioner to open his mouth and make a strange cry at the same time:

"This second great master is from Dao Palace!"

"Father, it's no wonder that you see that the king scroll breaks through the Great Master Realm and is still full of confidence. It turns out that there are younger generations in the Dao Palace who break through the shackles. You already knew it, right?

"Father is one of the principals of the third courtyard of the Taoist Palace, so naturally he still has some understanding of the realm of the children in the palace."

In the Shen Xiancheng Sitian Supervisor branch, after speaking, Chu Zhengyang, who was fluttering in purple clothes, raised his head and looked at the increasingly imposing martial arts school ground above, and continued to sigh:

"Since our Great Xia descended to Beihai, the land of Taixuan, and your Majesty recast the order of the North Sea with great strength, the laws of this world have become more and more perfect. This also means that our Daxia monks have made breakthroughs in realm and become even more complete. For easy.

"In the past few years, the world of practice has undergone earth-shaking changes, and those young leaders who are stuck on the level, under the enlightenment of the law, if it is a coincidence and deep accumulation, they can even directly break through. ."

As soon as he said this, Chu Yanyan on the side raised his hand, with a thoughtful look on his face, and asked:

"According to your father, among the younger generation of Daxia, the number of people who have broken through to the birth and death of palm edge should be more than the two now?"

"That is natural, there must be some, but the cultivation base has not been revealed."

Chu Zhengyang nodded, continued to stare at the top, and continued to speak:

"We Daxia, now the real top young generation, must at least master a certain degree of power, otherwise the strength is too close, and it is really difficult to distinguish the strong from the weak for a while."

After the voice fell, the scene in the picture scroll of mountains and seas above suddenly changed again, and a figure slowly walked out of the ten-mile red array where countless peach blossoms were flying.

This figure is slender, with a black hair **** behind him, and his face is delicate and stable. Under the guard of the sky full of peach blossoms, his pretty appearance is gradually revealed in front of everyone.

It is the second lady of Wei Guo Gongfu, Xu Jin!

"The great master of the birth and death realm of the palm fate in the Dao Palace formation was originally Wei Guogong, the second miss of the Xu family, Xu Jin. After the famous family, it is really extraordinary.

Compared with the shock to the people around when Wang Juan revealed his cultivation base, Xu Jin's momentum rushed to the sky at this time, and Xu Jin, who was surrounded by the power of the Grand Master's domain, made people feel somewhat taken for granted.

As the saying goes, the tiger father has no dogs. The Xu family is one of the fourteen surnames of Ying. In the past, there was Xu Sheng, the master of Wei Guo Gong, who was cultivated to the sky, and Xu Qing, the windrunner commander of the Tianhui Army.

There are already two of the top Xeons of the Great Xia in the family, and it is not surprising to think that there will be another Grand Master of the Realm of Palm Origin and Death.

"It's the little girl from the Xu family, the talent of the Fourteenth Clan's blood flow is really amazing."

The elder Daxia practitioners fell with a little envy. Xu Jin, who walked out of the peach forest, paused in his footsteps, staying in place, and then staring sharply at the roaring Void Tiger in front of him.

Because of the power of the domain radiating from inside and outside of the body, the Dao Gong robe on Xu Jin's body was flying especially violently at this time, and at the same time, a purple dragon-shaped bow was suspended beside the girl.

On the big bow, a purple dragon hovered on it, and extremely strange purple awns radiated from the intertwined dragon scales, giving people a cold feeling like an ice cellar.

"What a cold bow, the second young lady of the Xu family seems to be a great killer too!"

Among the hundreds of soldiers, the bow is the weapon that attack is far greater than the defense, and for an archer, the ultimate pursuit is to take the enemy's first-level kill and sharpness from thousands of miles away.

At the next breath, Xu Jin, who was standing in the Shilihong Formation, looked straight ahead, slowly raised his left hand, and grasped the purple dragon bow floating in the void.

And the moment Xu Jin held the longbow, the long dragon entrenched on the purple bow beside him opened his eyes instantly and directly raised his eyes to the sky and let out a earth-shaking dragon roar.


The billowing dragon roar exploded outwards, showing a substantive law aura of purple meaning, engulfing it with enough energy to freeze the void, directly blowing the surrounding ten-mile red peach flowers away.

Then Xu Jin bends the bow with her right hand and yanks away, pointing far ahead.


Between heaven and earth, a clear and incomparable bow-drawing sound suddenly sounded, which is enough to show how violent the power contained in this bow is.

After a breath, the bowstring on the purple dragon bow was slowly pulled back, and the deafening dragon's whistle was once again louder several times, followed by a purple crystal-like arrow, which condensed on the bowstring at high speed.

"Crack, click."

A bitter chill of freezing everything burst like a tide, and then on the ground of the center martial arts field, a thick layer of purple ice condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye and spread out.

On the entire battlefield, in addition to the pink of the Shili Red Formation and the blazing white of the white tiger's edge, a third color appeared.

Purple, cold purple!

After a breath, Xu Jin, who was drawing a bow and arrows in the large array, began to burn with turbulent purple light all over her body, her lips were pursed, and she loosened her fingers to let go of the strings at the Void Tiger.

Then, between heaven and earth, the girl's voice directly sounded:

"The name of the bow is life, but its function is death!"

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