The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1700: Pick someone

"Dao Palace vs. White Tiger Academy, this battle, Dao Palace wins!"

In the martial arts field in the center of Shenjing City, with the sudden decrease and calm of the frenzied vitality, Li Chunfeng's old and clear voice resounded through the audience, and then thunderous applause and cheers went straight into the sky.

I have to say that this time the martial arts performance between Dao Palace and Bai Hu Xue Palace was by far the most violent duel of law and the most violent vision.

Therefore, when the martial arts show completely ended for a long time, countless people who watched all this before the picture scroll of the mountains and seas reacted, let out a sigh of relief, and murmured:

"Good fellow, the younger disciples of these two parties are really so vigorous!"

"Dao Palace is worthy of being a top sect with profound heritage. The Ten Mile Red Array is invincible, but although the White Tiger Academy is defeated, this year should be a complete shame."

"In any case, after today, Baihu Xuegong Wangjuan and Wei Guogong's second lady Xu Jin, these two new masters of the birth and death realm of Zhangyuan are destined to be known to all."

A series of exchanges sounded from all over Daxia, and then Qi Qi's emotional voice continued to spread:

"Before Guan Shanbei, and now Wang Juan and Xu Jin, as the saying goes, they became famous all over the world. In this turbulent era, after the waves rise, everything happened too fast.

The Shenxian City Sitianjian branch, filled with the wide lobby of the descendants of the Wuxianshan human race, has become Chu Zhengyang at the center of this place with his insights far beyond ordinary people. After sitting at the desk, he picked it up in front of him. After taking a sip of his teacup, he said:

"This is an era of wanton growth and pursuit of dreams."

After the emotional voice fell, Chu Zhengyang's voice continued to sound:

"In fact, since your Majesty entered the world, our mainstay in Daxia has long become young people, but many people have not noticed it."

When the voice fell, Chu Zhengyang looked around and said again:

"A few years ago, after the taboos of the Tianhui Army and the Night Dire Division appeared in the world, the pattern of Daxia's advanced combat power began to undergo earth-shaking changes. I must have waited for the **** battle in the North Sea a few years ago. Heard.

"Our Majesty the Great Emperor Fuyao, in a battle to determine the universe of the North, facing the peerless overhauls such as the Holy Court Nantian King, the taboos of the Radiant Nightmare, with strong fighting power, made an immortal contribution.

"Although in recent years, with the rise of a large number of high-ranking monks, the taboos of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division have gradually disappeared from the sight of everyone, but the reason why the Baidi Academy is called the No. 1 Academy of Great Xia The reason is that it is the only way to the taboo of Radiant Nightmare!"

As soon as this statement came out, all the descendants of Wuxianshan who heard the words around them looked stagnant. Although the exchanges between the banks of the North Sea and the vast land of Shenzhou have gradually increased in recent years, what Chu Zhengyang said at this time is more for ordinary people. For the people, it was the first time I heard about it.

Therefore, the people in the Sitian Supervisory branch all raised their ears and stared at Chu Zhengyang with an elegant face. Then Chu Yanyan raised his hand to support his chin, his brows stretched, and the clear voice spread. Debut:

"Father, do you think these younger generations who are now famous can be taken by the legendary Baidi Academy?"

As soon as the words Baidi Xuegong came out, the expressions of Yan Lao and the fellow humans from Rift Valley suddenly became particularly solemn, and then the eyes of the rest of the people on the side were also lit up, their shining eyes staring forward, listening to Ziyi Middle-aged follow-up answer.

At the next breath, Chu Zhengyang didn't let the others wait too long, and a voice full of magnetism came out:

"Everyone, to be honest, the criteria for selecting disciples in the Baidi Academy is extremely strange, and the specific situation is not even clear to me.

"But one thing is certain. It is not based on the level of cultivation. Therefore, it is hard to say whether any of these brilliant young people will be favored by the Baidi Academy."

As soon as this statement was made, the awe-inspiring color on the faces of the people around him became stronger, and then the voice sounded:

"If even the young quilt who breaks through the birth and death realm of the palm cannot enter the so-called Baidi Academy, then it is difficult for me to imagine which of the heavenly prides can be favored by this Academy."

"That will definitely overwhelm the peers with talent, standing on top of countless young people in the entire human race!"

As soon as this admiration came out, sitting aside, the burly man with black head and eyebrows jumped up, and then an excited voice came out:

"Doesn't that mean that the little guy from our Rift Valley has such a great talent, mother, it's incredible!"

As soon as the dark man's voice fell, Chu Zhengyang seemed to have thought of something, the corners of his mouth raised, and he smiled slightly, his voice continued:

"For some reason, I always feel that this time, this mysterious Baidi Academy will be caught in the tip of an iceberg in the eyes of the world."

At this point, Chu Zhengyang was stern, raised his right hand and held the table in front of him, and continued to speak word by word:

"After Daxia entered the Northern Territory, we have cultivated for many years, but now the whole secret has begun to change quietly, and the edge of the air has gradually begun to rise and fall."

After he finished speaking, Chu Zhengyang raised his left hand, and the thick and magnetic voice once again lingered in the ears of everyone around him:

"As we all know, the word Baidi can be said to be the master of killing and killing. In the peaceful and heyday, Baidi was self-concealed, but once we began to show our fangs throughout Great Xia, then correspondingly, we will naturally arrive at the Baidi Academy. When it is revealed in the world."

Chu Zhengyang's remarks were eloquent. With the next breath, he listened to the scroll of mountains and seas. In the middle school field of Shenjing City where the re-clearing was completed, Li Chunfeng's figure in white suddenly appeared.

Then Li Chunfeng, who stood proudly in the air, with white beard and hair, raised his hand to caress the white beard on his chest, looked at a certain place in the martial arts stadium stand, and the voice rolled out:

"Your Majesty has an order. At this time, the military showdown is in full swing, and talents from all walks of life are emerging. To ease the atmosphere, a one-on-one showdown is specially set up. This showdown is not tied to the number of places in the secret realm.

Li Chunfeng's voice came out, and all the voices on the entire martial arts field stopped abruptly, and even the needle fell.

Then Li Chunfeng, whose complexion remained unchanged, continued to speak, his voice exploded:

"Guan Shanbei, get out!"

As soon as this statement came out, the martial arts stand and all the people who watched the battle among the major cities all spoke together, shouting like a mountain whistling and a tsunami:

"Guanshanbei, Guanshanbei!"

Deafening cheers came from inside the mountain and sea map above his head, and then Chu Zhengyang, who was in the Shen Xiancheng Sitian Supervisor Branch, straightened his whole body, patted his hands lightly, and made a smiling voice:

"Come here, this Baidi Academy is starting to pick people!"

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