The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1701: Challenge Baidi

"Guanshanbei, Guanshanbei!"

In the huge martial arts field in the middle of the Shenjing City, deafening shouts rose into the sky and resounded everywhere.

This shouted by countless people together even formed a rolling sound wave, sweeping in all directions, blowing Li Chun's windbreaker robe directly above the void of the martial arts field, and hunting.

Above the void, all the beards and hairs of Li Chunfeng looked at a corner of the stand of the martial arts arena, and that place is where all the young disciples who participated in the martial arts academy and forces are located.

Li Chunfeng's old gaze seemed to have an inexplicable penetrating power, which made the faces of the younger generations of children sitting on the stands become solemn, and violent ripples began to appear in their hearts.

The old man’s actions, in the eyes of these young leaders, undoubtedly represent another meaning. It also means that Nayudang was founded by the pilgrim himself, and has been hidden in the center of the city in the most mysterious manner. The academy finally began to show clues.

Unknowingly, the Baidi Academy has become a temple of practice that all practitioners in the entire Daxia yearn for, because this Academy leads to the taboo road of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division.

Everything that the word taboo represents is self-evident!

As the direct guards of Emperor Fuyao, the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division were so far away in the eyes of too many people. They were like the unreachable temples at the highest point of the sky, overpowering the entire Great Xia cultivation world.

But now this illusory temple has begun to appear downwardly extending channels.

Although this passage is still difficult as a ladder to the sky, it is still ecstatic, especially for the young generations of Daxia with top talents. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the true beauty of the Baidi Academy. .

"Guan Shanbei, this kid, has mastered the invincible grabbing way at a young age, and the rules follow each move, and he is invincible among the younger generation.

"Master Li Chunfeng was the first to pick him. I don't know what kind of sparks he can collide with other powerful young men?"

The muttering question came from the young generation in the stands, and then the young people turned their heads one after another, looking at Guan Shanbei, who was still sitting in the front corner, still in the coarse cloth. Colorful again and again.

With the next breath, Guan Shanbei, who was condensed by countless gazes, stood upright, lightly stepped on the ground with his right foot, and the tall and straight body directly turned into an arc, like a big bird spreading its wings, soaring into the air.

After only a few ups and downs, the figure of Guan Shanbei holding a gun appeared in the center of the martial arts school, and then respectfully saluted Li Chunfeng in front of him, and the young voice came out:

"Master Li, Guan Shanbei is here."

Under the gaze of the crowd, the boy in coarse cloth was no longer as cautious as he was at the beginning. Whether it was words or actions, he was neither humble nor overbearing. With extraordinary demeanor, people who watched nodded their heads and subconsciously said:

"Guan Shanbei deserves to be one of the most watched young talents in this martial arts performance. With this tolerance, it feels extremely extraordinary.

"As the saying goes, the way is like his own. Guan Shanbei has mastered the indestructible gun way at a young age. He must be a man with firm heart. I don't know who is the opponent that Master Li arranged for him?"

After this question came out, the people around who heard it frowned and thought, and responded:

"As the saying goes, the only thing that can fight against the law is the law, so this opponent must be a young top monk, and I think it is either the king scroll of the White Tiger Academy or the second lady of the Xu family of Wei Guogong."

"Then this matchup will definitely be extremely exciting. One side masters the laws of guns, and any magical power can be smashed with a single shot, while the other side is a great master with a gesture and the power of heaven and earth. Think about it and look forward to it."

Accompanied by the exchanges between the younger generations, the atmosphere in the stand of the entire martial arts arena became more and more hot, and then between the world, the voice from Li Chunfeng continued to spread:

"Guan Shanbei, who do you want to put right?"

As soon as Li Chunfeng said this, there was a sudden commotion in the stands of the younger generation, and several young monks who were quite confident in themselves directly stood up suddenly, quite self-recommended.

Then the whole martial arts field fell into silence again, and the sight of Guanshanbei's tall and straight body intertwined from all directions brought fiery heat and wings.

Guan Shanbei, with a scorching gaze on his face, with a young face, had some thin lips pressed tightly, and then he held the scarlet blood gun in his hand tightly, and his turning eyes represented the young man's uneasy heart.

Under the silence of Wan Lai, the passage of time seems to be extremely slow. After more than ten breaths, Guan Shanbei after thinking carefully, raised his head, the color of firmness in his eyes began to condense inward, as if there were two strong shots. The long spears, gathered together, represent the iron will of young people.

At the next breath, Guan Shanbei placed the scarlet blood gun in his hand on the ground of the martial arts arena beside him, staring at Li Chunfeng in front of him with scorching eyes, and raised his hand to salute the front, and the voice came out every word:

"Master Li, the kid has something to ask."

Before he finished his words, Guan Shanbei paused for a while, opened his mouth, and continued to speak louder and louder to everyone around him:

"Whether this person can be chosen by me, kid."

As soon as this question came out, the people who heard it frowned. Even Li Chunfeng's white beard trembled, and there was a trace of interest on his face. Then he looked down and said:

"You want to pick someone, but it doesn't matter."

Li Chunfeng’s voice was joking. The old man who had been in charge of the Great Xia Si Tianjian for more than half his life had actually seen too many rising stars, and now he is looking at the younger generation of monks who have emerged in front of him like a blowout. In his heart is the joy in his heart.

However, Li Chunfeng's gully face did not reveal this emotion, but raised his right hand, facing Guan Shan Beixu below, letting the latter continue to speak.

After a breath, Guan Shanbei, whose face became more and more solemn, firmly squeezed the scarlet gun in his right hand, and opened his mouth with a roar:

"Everyone says that if you want to climb a mountain, you have to see that mountain. We all have the goal of entering the Baidi Academy, but so far we have never even seen the gate of this Academy.

"Then today, boy, I want to touch the gate of this academy with my hands, even if my body is shattered."

After the voice fell, Guan Shanbei lifted the blood gun, pointed straight ahead, and continued to open his mouth and let out a roar:

"Today, I Linping Academy Guan Shanbei, I want to challenge the children of Baidi Academy!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole room was quiet!

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