"Guan Shanbei, challenge the children of Baidi Xuegong!"

Shenjing City Center Martial Arts Field, after a loud roar from Guan Shanbei, it suddenly became extremely silent.

The spectators on the stands, including all the people who watched all of this outside of the mountain and sea picture scrolls, showed deep astonishment on their faces, especially the younger generations who were originally eager to try. Fists clenched, and my heart shook wildly.

It is true that the roar that Guan Shanbei announced to the world was beyond everyone's expectations, but it completely ignited the flames in everyone's hearts.

Along the way, this originally unknown young man from a small town on the border has passed the test and created a miracle that belongs to this spring. It also allows all Daxia citizens to see their own in this stubborn and resolute figure. The shadow, or what I want to be in my heart.

Those who do not succumb to fate are more able to arouse empathy among all people.

Therefore, after a brief silence, roaring like a volcanic eruption, it burst out between the sky and the earth, almost shattering the void and the earth.

"Guan Shanbei, good boy!"

Under the roar of the mountain roaring like a tsunami, the monks who had fully reacted their eyes lit up, looked at each other, and murmured:

"This Guan Shanbei is challenging the people of the legendary Baidi Academy. If Master Li agrees to the former's request, does it mean that the most mysterious Supreme Academy will lift a veil of mystery before the eyes of the world today? "

As the voice fell, more and more excited expressions began to emerge from everyone's faces, and then more and more people seemed to think of something, their faces seemed particularly hesitant and anxious, and the voice came out:

"Oops, I should let the kid in the family come and see what the monk in the Baidi Academy looks like, but at this critical juncture, the kid doesn't know where he went!

"The Baidi Academy, that is the Baidi Academy. If you know that you have missed the first birth of the Baidi Academy, the person who missed it will not regret it."

After the words fell, everyone began to turn their attention to Li Chunfeng, who stood proudly in the void of the martial arts field, and began to wait for the old man's decision.

"Father, if according to your intentions, Master Li would agree to Guan Shanbei's challenge to the Baidi Academy?"

Inside the Shenxiancheng branch on the shore of the North Sea, a question from a young girl Chu Yanyan sounded, and then Chu Zhengyang, who was sitting on the side, nodded directly and responded:

"Exactly, the strength of the Baidi Academy has always been word of mouth. No one can see how powerful it is, but this time, you should be able to keep your eyes open and wait and see."

When Chu Zhengyang's words came out, the men of the Rift Light Valley human race next to him looked at each other, and then Yan Lao stood up and his voice came out with Qi Yi:

"If this Baidi Academy really has a disciple born, will it, will you see my juniors?"

"Master, if those children do practice in the Baidi Academy, then it is really possible!"

As soon as the black-skinned man's black-headed voice fell, Li Chunfeng's old voice suddenly sounded in everyone's ears:

"According to the will of the sage, you can choose anyone of the younger generation. Therefore, Guan Shanbei meets your requirements!"


Satisfying these two words, whether it is the entire Daxia mainland or the outer two states on the shore of the North Sea, in the next second, they will all burst out with an earth-shattering roar.

That was the exclamation of countless people opening their mouths almost at the same time!

As a major event that Daxia has rarely participated in in recent years, coupled with the power of the world's first artifact, the mountain and sea map, makes it difficult to count the number of Daxia citizens watching this scene at this time.

And the uniform voice of so many people sounded outward, and even the void of the North Sea seemed to begin to tremble violently, then turned into a rolling wave, swept outward, and set off an infinite wave on the North Sea.

"The Baidi Academy is really the Baidi Academy. Is this academy founded by His Majesty himself finally lifting its most mysterious veil?"

The muttering voice came from the mouth of a seated citizen, and then everyone looked at the huge martial arts arena in front of them, the flames in their eyes became more and more vigorous, and finally began to stand up, making a uniform roar:

"Bai Di, Bai Di, Bai Di!"

At this moment, the enthusiasm of countless people throughout Daxia, which had been completely ignited, once again ignited, boiling to the extreme.

This is a completely different era.

As Zhao Yu once said, in this brand-new era, we need to lead the coquettish Tianjiao!

"Boy, thank you Master Li for your accomplishment!"

Guan Shanbei, standing with a gun on the martial arts field in the completely boiling Shenjing City, nodded to thank Li Chunfeng in front of him.

Then the young man's eyes were narrowed, his energy in his body was raised to the limit, his sharp eyes fixed on the other end of the martial arts arena, as if he was facing an enemy.

It is true that in the names of people and the shadows of trees, in the entire Daxia, there is no younger generation who would underestimate the Baidi Academy, and Guan Shanbei is no exception.

At the next breath, Li Chunfeng, standing in the air, looked down at Guan Shanbei where the law of guns in his body began to soar rapidly, and finally a smile appeared on his old face, and the old voice came out:

"Boy, good luck to you."

When the voice fell, Li Chunfeng raised his hand and waved forward, and the barrier around the martial arts field began to rise suddenly.

At the same time, the beating rune light above the enchantment heralded the beginning of this battle that attracted countless people's eyes.

"Everyone, who is this disciple in the Baidi Academy?"

As the enchantment of the martial arts field rose violently, almost the same questioning sound rose from the hearts of all the people who were watching all these people, and then others around them responded:

"This is what all of our practitioners want to know, because now almost every younger generation who has risen to fame in our Daxia has not entered the Baidi Academy.

"Therefore, it is really hard for me to imagine what unknown Tianjiao can enter the eyes of the Baidi Academy and obtain the qualifications to practice under the feet of the sky!"

At the feet of the emperor, how Rong Yan!

For any Daxia practitioner, these four words at the feet of the emperor represent the supreme glory.

In the next breath, in the central martial arts field that gradually became quiet, a rhythmic door opened suddenly sounded.

"Crack, click!"

The sound of the door being pushed open was not loud, but it lingered clearly in everyone's ears.

For some reason, the people who heard the noise in the stands began to beat their hearts violently, and their hearts suddenly became particularly tense.

"The Baidi Academy!"

The solemn four words began to appear in everyone's heart. After a few breaths, everyone's eyes shrank, because a figure walked out of the channel of the martial arts field.

A child!

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