"Choo, chop."

When people are extremely nervous and engrossed, their spiritual sense will be multiplied, especially for monks.

Therefore, in the middle of the Shenjing City, the entire silent martial arts field, the original inaudible door opening sounded clearly in the ears of all the spectators on the stands.

Even some people with extraordinary cultivation can hear an extremely steady footstep, and then frown slightly.

Generally speaking, an experienced monk can tell the approximate body shape of a person according to the severity of the footsteps. This time the sound of footsteps sounded in his ears, extremely light, and then Wang Juan, who was engrossed in the stands, raised his brows even more. Wrinkled, the voice came out:

"Quite light footsteps, this child of Baidi Academy, is it a girl?"

When this word came out, a little aura of Baihu Xuegong son next to Wang Juan responded:

"This is not impossible. We were defeated by Miss Xu Er of the Dao Palace, and I don't know which woman was able to practice in the Baidi Academy."

As soon as this person's voice fell, his eyes changed, and he said anxiously:

"Come here, come out!"

As soon as this statement was made, everyone's eyes lighted up, and then immediately turned into a look of consternation, so the figure appeared in everyone's sight, which exceeded everyone's expectations.

Because the person who walked out of the channel of the self-acting martial arts field was not the handsome and upright white-robed boy in everyone’s minds, nor was it the heroine girl who was just mentioned by the children of the White Tiger Academy, but a childish boy in coarse cloth. child.

This young boy is not more than ten years old. Black clothes are also the most common style on the streets of Shenjing City. Even his face has scratches left by the cold wind in the winter.

He is very young, unbelievably small.

Therefore, the entire martial arts stand, including everyone before the Shanhai Picture Scroll, subconsciously took a breath, and then burst out an uncontrollable exclamation:

"Where is the disciple of Baidi Academy, why is it a little baby?"

Perhaps it was the first time I saw such a battle that made the little baby who walked out of the martial arts channel a little timidity on his face, and then he glanced around with his jet black eyes, and after hesitating, he started to move forward. Stepping.

Xiaowa stepped forward, and the horror and exclamation sounded louder from all directions, rising to the sky and resounding everywhere.

"Could it be that this little baby is a disciple of the Baidi Academy, and the sky is up, this little guy should not be ten years old?"

"Looking at his childish face, it is indeed not ten years old, and he is not in this little baby's body. It senses the aura of too vast cultivation base and laws, weird, really too weird."

One after another murmurs exploded, and at the same time, almost everyone who watched this scene throughout Daxia began to focus on the small figure in the martial arts field.

Around the martial arts field, the twinkling rune enchantment exudes a lingering energy, and it also declares to everyone around that this is a top-notch matchup that is extremely anticipated.

However, the situation on the martial arts field at this time gave everyone a very strange feeling.

Because one side is standing proudly with a gun, raising the edge of the gun to the limit, Guan Shanbei is ready to go, and the other side is the immature baby who is trotting all the way towards the center of the martial arts field at this time.

Such a picture even caused an inexplicable emotion to suddenly rise in the heart of a seated citizen. It was an inherent impression in his heart, and a sense of unreality produced after a strong contrast with reality.

"The Baidi Academy, as our top-level mystery academy in Daxia, the disciple who played in the battle turned out to be a little baby?"

After falling down with a particularly complicated murmur, the younger generation on the stand of the martial arts arena, there are some high-spirited children, and then these people clenched their fists with a little dissatisfaction on their faces, and continued to speak. :

"In this martial arts showdown, Guan Shanbei shot one shot and one shot, one-to-five, all the way through. His powerful strength is undoubtedly, and it has won the respect of all of us.

"But the Baidi Academy only sent a childish little baby to fight. Isn't this too deceptive?"

After the voice fell, Wang Juan, who was also very young, shook his head solemnly, his face flashed with thought, and his voice came out:

"Junior Brother's remark is not correct, just now according to Master Li, the arrangement for this single duel came from His Majesty's holy will.

"With your majesty's mind, how could he target a young monk alone, think more about it."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of several young monks with unsightly complexions gradually showed the color of thinking, and then they came to understand and said:

"Senior brother's words, like a divine enlightenment, made me realize when I was waiting, I was short-sighted."

After speaking, the young man who spoke turned his eyes, as if thinking of something, and continued to speak:

"According to what you mean, brother, that is to say, the immature baby below us has the strength far surpassing you and me, even defeating Guan Shanbei?"

When this word came out, the unbelievable color on the faces of the young monks became thicker, and even more terrified murmurs continued to sound:

"This, how is this possible, if it is so, then when I wait for my practice, I will practice wherever I go. This is just a little child!"

"Because this is an era of complete subversion, everything is possible!"

At the same time as the words of Wang Juan came out with a particularly determined voice, within Shen Xiancheng Sitian Supervisor's branch, a particularly disappointing voice came from the man of the Rift Optics Valley Human Race:

"Old Yan, this kid is not the kid Gu."

The face of the dark man with a black head was full of loss. Not only him, but the expressions of the entire human race in Rift Valley changed from the original wing to disappointment.

As everyone knows, after the figure of the young boy appeared at the end of the martial arts channel, these Rift Valley Human Race men stood up at the same time because they were too excited, but after seeing their appearance clearly, they became thick. Disappointed.

At this time, the little baby who came in front of Guan Zhengqing in the martial arts field, although he was equally young, and his height was not much different from the little baby valley that Yan Lao and others had always worried about, but his appearance was completely different.

Afterwards, at the center of the martial arts field, the little baby who had almost gathered all the sights of Daxia, calmed down on his ordinary face. If he looked carefully, his brows and eyes were flying and he was extremely determined.

At the next breath, Xiaowa raised her head and stared at Guan Shanbei, who was standing in front of her with a gun, and saluted the front, a steady voice came out:

"Baidi Xuegong, Yu Pengfei, please enlighten me!"

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