The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1704: One shot, one knife

Yu Pengfei, a name that is extremely unfamiliar to both Shenjing City and the entire Daxia people.

Of course, a childish little baby under ten years old is really difficult to attract people’s attention, even if he has been following the storyteller since he was a toddler, he has walked almost all over the city of Shenjing, even if he held it. The small figure of a wooden knife appears every day in the four seasons of Taiping Ruins.

No matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, this little baby named Yu Pengfei is always behind the storytelling desk of Taiping Ruins, repeatedly chopping a wooden knife.

Because a few years ago, a burly man with a tall body like a hill and a little scary underneath his thick beard and hair gave him this wooden knife, and at the same time told him that the name of the knife is Yan Ren, which can be used to cut the flames.

Since then, Yu Pengfei has always wanted to cut out the Yan Ren Liehu that the man said, but he has never been able to do so.

But he just has a stubborn stubbornness, and he repeatedly emphasized with the friends around him that the name of this wooden sword is Yan Ren, which can cut the flames.

A few years later, in the corner behind the storytelling desk, Yu Pengfei, who was hacking the wooden knife again and again, once again saw the figure with a ferocious face and a hoarse voice.

Then he was taken to the center of Shenjing City, inside the solemn and unparalleled imperial palace.

Yu Pengfei at a young age has naturally no ups and downs in his life experience, but he practiced at the feet of the emperor and was a disciple of Lava Boast, one of the strongest of the Great Summer Solstice!

"Master Yu, this, isn't this your grandson, good fellow, it's Pengfei, it's the kid Pengfei!"

Suddenly a hoarse roar will sound in the ruins of Taiping City, the Wuyang crowd. Then a middle-aged storyteller suddenly turned around and looked at a ruddy old man in front of him, his excited voice continued. Debut:

"No wonder you haven't seen Peng Fei's figure when you are telling the story these days. It turns out that you went to the Baidi Academy to practice. Father, you didn't even tell us about such an important thing."

As soon as this statement came out, the storytellers who surrounded the old man Yu nodded one after another and said in agreement:

"Yeah, we are so miserable that you kept concealing it. We watched this child grow up, but he practiced silently in the Baidi Academy. This is incredible. Among the children of our storyteller , Unexpectedly a Tianjiao appeared!"

"This, this old man, I really didn't expect it!"

Facing the grandson who suddenly appeared in the picture scroll of the mountains and seas, even the old man Yu, who had been used to seeing big battles in his life, showed a little trance on his face.

After Grandpa Yu fell with a little unbelievable voice, he stared at the very familiar little figure in the picture scroll of mountains and seas in front of him, stroked the white beard on his chest, and continued to speak:

"This child was recently led by his master to practice, and the old man really didn't know that his master came from the legendary Baidi Academy!"

After the old man's mixed emotions came out, there was a knowledgeable storyteller beside him, as if he had thought of something, he continued to ask:

"Old Yu, dare to ask how long this kid Pengfei has been practicing with his master?"

As soon as this question came out, people around them nodded. After all, as they said, they grew up watching Yu Pengfei, who had been running around the city with Father Yu since childhood, so naturally they knew that this child's practice time must be short.

"This child followed the teacher's practice at the beginning of the spring last year. By this time, it will take one year to make a full payment."

At the next breath, the words of Old Master Yu's response caused the complexions of the surrounding storytellers to change suddenly, and he blurted out:

"In such a short time for practice, we know that this kid Pengfei usually wears a nose and wields a wooden knife, but he has never practiced any profound methods."

The words fell, and the storytellers in the capital city, including the old man Yu, began to look worried in their eyes.

It is true that in everyone’s understanding, let a little doll who has only practiced for a year be right with a young man who has mastered the laws of gun art. Everyone will feel that this is like a mayfly shaking a tree. There is no chance of winning.

"In fact, the old man also feels that this kid Pengfei only has cultivated for such a short period of time, and he will definitely lose to this Guan Shanbei, but you must not forget, but sometimes there will be things that are far beyond ordinary people's understanding between heaven and earth."

After speaking, Mr. Yu, who gradually straightened his body, became more and more confident on his old face, and then the voice of Zhuji uttered:

"Such things that are beyond common sense are often regarded as miracles by the world. On the other hand, for us storytellers, what we usually tell the world is a miracle.

"So, in other words, we are the ones who should believe in miracles the most, and since we entered the new era in Daxia, there have been too many miracles in this great country."

After he finished speaking, the old man raised his hand and pointed to Guan Shanbei in the scroll of mountains and seas, and continued to speak:

"Including Guan Shanbei, who stands now with a gun, is actually a miracle in this spring. The old man has reason to believe that there will be another miracle!"

After the old man fell with a determined voice, he began to look at Yu Pengfei in front of Guan Shanbei through his firm gaze.

Compared with Guan Shanbei, who is symmetrical and tall, Yu Pengfei, who is still a child, is only about half the height of the former, but Guan Shanbei's eyes don't have any contempt.

The weight represented by the word Baidi, the higher the cultivation base, the more profoundly you can understand.

Because standing behind this is Zhao Yu, Lord of Great Xia, who is the absolute master who created this supreme kingdom with one hand!

"Linping Academy, Guan Shanbei, please enlighten me!"

After the solemn words came out, Guan Shanbei did not hesitate anymore, and pointed the gun forward with his right hand, and the rules of the gunway lingering all over his body instantly rose to the limit.

In an instant, a breath of invincible law burst into the world, and at the same time, the scarlet gun in Guan Shanbei's hand seemed to start to burn with raging flames, shining outward.

Guan Shanbei exploded with his unprecedented cultivation base and declared to everyone that he did not underestimate the enemy.

Then the invincible dragon gun road turned into a violent and harsh whistling, sweeping outwards, and in the induction of everyone, all the air machines in the martial arts field were smashed by a blood gun.

Guan Shanbei's tall and straight body, the materialized gun laws that were swayed, began to condense inward, and then the young voice rolled out:

"There will be only one shot, and one shot will win or lose."

After Guan Shanbei's voice fell, the face of Yu Pengfei, the little baby in front of him, also showed a very solemn look, and then his legs were separated, and a tender response came out:

"That's very good, because I can only get one shot. The master said, if you can't win this shot, you will give up!"

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