The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1705: I have a knife

One shot, one knife.

Guan Shanbei, who had mastered the laws of guns at the age of a weak crown, emerged as a dark horse in this martial arts performance. It only took a few days to go from obscurity to well-known in the world.

The characteristics of the law of guns are indestructible, so all the opponents that Guan Shanbei encountered before were smashed by one of his shots. This also created this young man from Linping City, Bingzhou, who was extremely enjoyable when fighting. Explosive and direct! .

With a single shot, the supernatural powers shattered!

Guan Shanbei's combat methods are already well known to the world, but at this time the words from the young boy Yu Pengfei on the martial arts field still made everyone around him exclaimed:

"This Guan Shanbei can only take one shot. I didn't expect that Yu Xiaowa from the Baidi Academy would also only take one shot. This does not mean that the victory or defeat of this matchup may be in a short period of time."

The cry of exclamation fell, and the monks who were watching this scene suddenly held their breath, and then these countless gazes fell, and the gaze covering the entire martial arts field suddenly began to fluctuate violently.

Because the rules of the gunway that lingered all over the body condensed to the limit of Guan Shanbei, he directly raised the sky and let out a roar, the rage air machine exploded, and the gun was suddenly pointed forward.

In the next breath, the madly intertwined laws of spear billows boiled straight ahead like a dragon.


Guns roar like a dragon, shining the world!

At the same time, both the void and the ground in front of Guan Shanbei, because of the violent and sharp law of bursts, appeared dense and dense cracks visible to the naked eye, and then the crackling thorns were endless, like countless thunder intertwined and smashed forward. drop.

Guan Zhengbei just fired at the premise, and the void of the entire martial arts field was almost completely torn apart. It can be seen that this young man even had some reservations in the previous martial arts duel.

"This Guan Shanbei's strength can be even stronger, and this dragon-like spear has the power of thunder, and even has another layer of more profound changes!"

Accompanied by shouts of increasing horror, the scarlet thunder spear directly turned into a roaring thunder dragon with its claws dancing and dancing, and together with the void cracks torn forward, it rushed forward to the small standing above the martial arts field. Baby Yu Pengfei.

Under this ruining gun, Yu Pengfei's figure seemed so thin, just like a helpless child under the dumping of Daxia, people can't help but feel the heart, and the shouts almost blur out.

But at the next breath, the shouts that had reached the throat stopped abruptly, and then turned into an extremely excited roar:

"it is good!"

On the martial arts field, Yu Pengfei, who was approached and locked by the thunder's spear, suddenly trembled violently in the coarse cloth draped over his small body, and a mysterious and mysterious wave spread out.

After an instant, Yu Pengfei's entire figure was suddenly blurred, one divided into three, and he jumped backwards, breaking free from the gun.

"This act of jumping out from the lock-in of the gun, although the gestures seem to be light, but the entire younger generation can do this, but it is not an index, because the law of suppressing the entire void.

"As Guan Shanbei said before, if you want to climb that mountain, you must first see that mountain, and you must break free from the law. Unless you have an extremely powerful divine object, another method is to see The densely intertwined laws all over the body, and find the loopholes between these laws."

From the stand of the martial arts arena, a high-ranking monk's explanation sounded, and then he watched closely below Yu Pengfei, who retreated and pulled the distance away, and his passionate voice continued to sound:

"The Baidi Xuegong is worthy of being the Baidi Xuegong. After just this step, the old man began to have infinite expectations for this duel. It's interesting, so interesting!"

Before the monk's words fell, within the violent Yanwu below, the fierce gun roar became more and more harsh, and then the voice from Guan Shanbei rolled out:

"At the feet of the emperor, the Baidi Academy, how strong is it, I will learn it today!"

An increasingly loud voice came from Guan Shanbei's mouth, and then his black eyes squinted sharply, and he continued to look up to the sky with a long howl, and stepped forward violently. The whole figure turned into a scarlet thunder, and rushed towards before.

"One shot, this thunder from Guan Shanbei is coming!"

Even during this time of martial arts, the thunder shot that Guan Shanbei stabbed has been witnessed many times, but seeing it again at this time still made countless people amazed.

The gun shot out like a dragon, and the ears screamed, and at this time the thunder-thundering gun that Guan Shanbei pierced without reservation was more violent and stronger!

The entire field of martial arts was void, in an instant, it was shot by the void in this thunder, and it was split into two directly, and then the shock of the guns spread up and down, just like the terrorist storm wave above the North Sea, almost swallowed Everything in front of you.

"A shot broke the sky!"

Guan Shanbei's lips pressed tightly, his eyes were locked in front of Yu Pengfei, who was retreating on the martial arts field, and at the same time, the turbulent gun law was poured into the long spear in his hand without reservation, even reaching the human gun. The perfect state of unity.

"Human guns are one. This Guan Shanbei's understanding of guns is truly at its peak. It reminds me that there was also a young man who used a gun to overpower his peers and was talked about."

On the stand of the martial arts arena, an elderly monk with some regretful words just came out, and was interrupted by the people around him waving his hands, and then another major repairer shook his head and said:

"There are talented people from generation to generation, so let's look forward."

When the voice fell, Yu Pengfei, who had flew backwards under the gun, slammed directly on the ground under his feet, and stopped his figure. Then, under the gaze of countless lights, he stretched his hand backwards and went straight inward. grip.

At the next breath, an ordinary wooden knife appeared directly in the hands of Yu Pengfei, and was lifted aloft by him, just like a swordsman who would cut out the last of the enemies who were kneeling in front of him. Finished a knife.

Daxia has no pure swordsmen for a long time!

Including the previous martial arts showdown, some people used guns and some people used swords, but none of the younger monks held knives. At this time, the martial arts field in the center of the Shenjing city finally welcomed The first knife to come.

Although it is a wooden knife.

Although he held this small wooden knife in his right hand, it was extremely immature.

But a knife is a knife!

One chop and one chop, pure and simple, only for killing!

At the next breath, Yu Pengfei, who held the wooden knife high, ignored the thunderous shot in front of him and the violent violent void, but closed his eyes directly.

Then the disciple of Baidi Xuegong with a tender and firm face, his lips moved slightly, and a soft voice kept coming from his mouth:

"I have a sword, named Yan Ren, which can kill the Blazing Blade!"

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