The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1707: Shattered Stars


The sound of the burning flames resounded throughout the world. When Yu Pengfei held the wooden knife that burned the flames of the last days and cut out Yan Blade in front of him, the whole world was completely filled with a golden red color.

The doomsday messengers who have destroyed every world are best able to know what color it will be on the eve of the world falling to pieces.

That is at this time, the destruction crimson blooming in the martial arts field of Shenjing City!

The martial arts stand, including the countless people who watched all of this before the picture of the mountains and seas, after Yu Pengfei cut forward with the knife, the entire line of sight, including perception, seemed to be occupied by countless burning apocalyptic crimson.

Although there was a fast flashing enchantment around the martial arts field that blocked it, this piece of redness still made everyone seem to be in a land of the end of the world that was about to be destroyed, and at the same time, there were countless lava lands that were fragmenting.

In the next breath, in everyone's perception, the red of destruction in front of them gradually dissipated, revealing the exact appearance behind the fog, and then the mind suddenly began to violently shake.

Because what occupies the entire mind is a huge planet!

At the same time, above this star, lava was densely covered, and sky-burning flames soared into the sky everywhere, and then a series of huge cracks appeared on this huge star, spreading outward and shattering.

"The sky is above, this star is about to break!"

A voice of extreme horror sounded from within the consciousness of a seated citizen, and then the cracks in the stars within the sea of ​​consciousness of all people broke faster and more violently.

The next breath, an even more shocking exclamation, came from the mouths of every citizen. At the same time, above this dying star, a fiery knife that covered the sky and covered the sun, burning the flames of the last days , Suddenly rushed out of the chaos and darkness, chopped down.

"Yan Bian cuts the stars, is it the wooden knife that Yu Pengfei has just cut out?"

After the murmur fell, this truly ruining sword slashed directly on the broken star without any fancy.

Then inside this star, the power of the most original star core, together with the mighty power of apocalyptic smashing, turned into a beam of light and rushed to the sky, bursting out the rare extinction fireworks.


Under the loud noise of the shattering chaos, Yan Yan continued to cut the entire star downwards, and then a particularly dense pillar of star destruction poured outwards. Finally, at a certain moment, the star completely burst outward.

After an instant, an indescribable light and flame exploded from above the broken stars and swept outwards, causing the eyes of all the people to be closed tightly at the same time.

Although the drastic changes that occurred in the sea of ​​knowledge of all spectators seemed infinitely long, in the real world, Yu Pengfei held a knife and chopped it down until Yan Ren completely divided everything in front of him. In fact, it was only a short time. An incomparable moment.

After an instant, countless people closed their eyes because of the apocalyptic flames, but some people slowly opened their eyes.

It's Yu Pengfei!

After that, this young baby, who was still holding the wooden knife tightly and with a tender face, stared at the jet black eyes in front of him, and a trace of joy flashed through, and he said softly:

"I have Yan Blade, but I can cut the flames of the last days and finally succeeded once!"

As the words fell, the raging and violent apocalyptic flames completely erupted, completely burning everything in front of the young boy, and even the enchantment runes around the martial arts field began to shatter, showing the power of this sword.

Destroy the stars, destroy the world!

After that, the entire martial arts field in the middle of the Shenjing City, as well as the entire city and the market in front of the countless cities, mountains, seas, and seas in Daxia, became silent. Rebirth.

After dozens of breaths, the first violent breathing sounded from the monks in the martial arts stand, and then more and more breathing breaths sounded from the stand, after being united in one place. , Directly produced a wave like a tsunami.

A large amount of dense sweat slipped from the foreheads of the watching people, and the clothes were wet in a blink of an eye. Then the people who reacted raised their hands and wiped the sweat from their foreheads, staring down, and muttered:

"I, I read it right, this one, this one is too violent!"

I saw in the huge martial arts ground below, the rune enchantment that originally soared up into the sky, under the boiling flames of the last days, shining with the red light after being roasted, shattered and fell.

What's more striking is that in the martial arts field, starting with Yu Pengfei, who was standing with a knife, the ground was completely torn apart, forming a huge gap that became wider and wider, extending outwards until this martial arts performance. At the end of the field,

"This martial arts field made of special materials was split with a single knife. Is this the strength of the first Baidi Xuegong son of the Great Xia?

An unbelievable murmur came from the mouth of a monk, and then the people who were still in a trance, shook their heads, and continued to stare at the center martial arts field, which was almost completely changed. .

In the martial arts field, Yu Pengfei's small body stood proudly, and in front of him, except for the completely cracked ground, there was no one. Then there was a cultivator who recovered, as if he had discovered something, and continued to exclaim:

"Guan Shanbei, Guan Shanbei has disappeared. He was sent out of the martial arts field by Shanhai Tu, which means that he was directly defeated by this knife!

As soon as the word "defeated" came out, a more shocking cry of exclamation sounded from all directions, and then intertwined eyes began to scan in the martial arts arena, looking for the figure of Guan Shanbei who was holding a gun, but could not find it. .

"It's defeated. Under the sword of Yan Blade that destroys the stars, no younger generation can hold on, even three or five are the same."

After this murmur was heard, the figure of Li Chunfeng with fluttering beard and hair appeared directly above the void, and then the old and strong voice resounded through the sky:

"In this battle, Baidi Academy, Yu Pengfei will win!"

As soon as this remark came out, the entire martial arts field first fell into the audible silence of the needle falling, and then the mountains whispered and the tsunami roared deafeningly:

"Bai Di, Bai Di, Bai Di!"

"Yes, old man, that kid Pengfei really won, God, this kid is only nine years old, and he was able to cut such a devastating knife. This is a miracle, a miracle!"

Before the Taiping Ruins and Mountains and Seas Picture Scrolls, these storytellers in Shenjing City, who were almost forty to fifty years old, hugged each other and jumped and jumped, their faces full of excitement.

Then Old Man Yu raised his head and stared at the slightly dazzling sun above his head, his eyes narrowed, revealing a faint smile.

They are the group of people who Daxia told the world about miracles.

And this spring miracle is destined to belong to Daxia's younger generation and also to his grandson!

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