"The willow silk is long, the spring rain is fine, the fragrance mist is thin, the curtain is transparent, the plane tree, the three watchmen rain, and the love is bitter."

At the early morning in the capital city, the thin spring rain pours across the world like a curtain of beads, like weeping like complaints, like resentment like admiration.

Then, on the long street of Baihu Street in the capital city covered by the soft spring rain, a young boy in white flutteringly walked out of the solemn Taihang Palace holding a paper umbrella, and then his singing continued:

"Golden bird hairpin, pink noodles, incense for ears, wax for tears, a leaf, with a sound, the air drops to the sky."

The voice of the white-clothed boy is extremely brave, and he can be heard as an optimistic and self-confident person. Therefore, the grieving song that sounded in the early morning rain curtain seemed a little weird and quite inappropriate.

At the next breath, the young man in white dancing, holding a green umbrella on one side, shaking his robe and long sleeves on the other, squinting at the few people in front of Baihufang Street, and continued to mutter:

"This spring breeze is really comfortable, and spring is really the most comfortable season."

As soon as the voice fell, inside the gate of the Taihang Palace behind the young man, the enchantment surrounded by runes flickered again, and then slowly opened to the sides, walking out of the two groups of monks wearing Sitianjian robes.

The two columns of majestic Sitian monks looked solemn, and their aura had already been fully elevated to the top, their divine consciousness spread out and locked in all directions.

After these Sitian monks walked out of the barrier of the Taihang Palace gate, it only took a moment for them to spread out directly, and in every move, they were neat and clean, and they were never muddled.

At the next breath, the enchanting gate of the Taihang Palace continued to flicker and beat, separated like a river flowing. Several figures stepped out of it again, headed by four full-armed black dragon guards wearing dragon armor.

The four black dragon guards spread out in a two-two formation, surrounding the two figures in the center.

The two figures are one big and the other small. They are beautiful women with the same golden and red hair. They are the Nantian King Xiliu who has been imprisoned in the Taihang Palace for several years, as well as those from the East Jade Shuhuhuo Mansion. Girl Yuliu.

The soft spring rain, accompanied by the breeze, swept gently on the face of the Southern Heavenly King Changxi.

Then this top-level overhaul of the Taixuan Land, after walking out of the Taihang Palace barrier, stopped his figure, raised his hands and spread out, to embrace the entire sky in front of him, and then took a deep breath, and the voice came out. :

"It's really a long-lost atmosphere of freedom."

Every creature yearns for freedom, even if it’s the southern sky of the holy court. After the former’s fascinating voice fell, he allowed more and more spring rains to blow on his face, and continued to breathe, the voice once again lingered in The ears of those around you:

"This is the first time this king has been imprisoned. I have to say that this is a very different experience."

Although Chang Xiliu's words were plain, they carried a sense of scorching enthusiasm for burning everything. Even the spring rain that had originally fallen on the former's pretty face began to evaporate in an instant, making a soft belch.

Then, at the front of the entire **** team, Sima Annan holding a paper umbrella, without looking back, a young voice followed:

"Chang Xiliu, don't be happy too early, because until now, you are still a prisoner."

When the voice fell, Sima Annan continued to move forward, and his voice sounded from the spring breeze again:

"But this young man is confident. Our Daxia Air is definitely better than your so-called Yushu Fire Palace."

"That's true."

Nan Tian Wang Chang Xiliu retracted his open hands, nodded, his expression on his face remained unchanged, and his voice continued:

"The Yushu Fire Mansion is adjacent to the sacred tree of Fusang. There is a strong smell of heat in the air, which is very pungent. Unlike your counterpart, it is fresh and cold, and it is hot and cold."

After he finished speaking, the Southern Heavenly King Chang Xiliu changed his conversation and opened his mouth and said:

"But Young Master Sima, has anyone told you that your singing is simply not flattering!"

"That's bad."

Sima Annan raised his hand and swayed slightly, snapped his fingers forward, and the response came out:

"My singing is the most popular in Daxia recently. My son just learned it at the Taiping Market yesterday. Although my Daxia's background is not as deep as the so-called Taixuan, it also has its own characteristics. If you are interested, you can learn more about it."

This voice fell along with the snapping of the fingers. At the end of Baihufang Alley, a line of imperial guards in silver armor approached quickly with uniform steps.

Then the leader of the Imperial Guard came to Sima Annan to salute, and then a strong voice came out:

"According to Lord Sima, a section of the underground puppet car heading to the Taiping Ruins has been cleared, and it is ready to go.

"There is Lieutenant Lao Li, it should not be too late, so let's lead the way."


After the response fell, the imperial city guards turned around and started to lead the way with a quick walk in front.

At this time, it was early in the morning, and most of the people in Shenjing City were still asleep, so there were still not many people walking on the Baihu Neighborhood.

It is worth mentioning that under Zhao Yu’s will, Daxia Shenjing City took the lead in opening the underground puppets between the Taiping Ruins and the four major lanes after the year, and will directly shuttle through the entire huge Xiongcheng. The time has been shortened by nearly a hundred times.

In this ever-changing new era, the ability of Daxia people to accept new things has been greatly improved.

Therefore, in just a few days, this fast and integrated underground puppet dragon was directly loved by all the people of Shenjing City, and finally became an indispensable part of the daily life of the people. .

Although it is still very early in the puppet station in the west of Shenjing City, there are still many early risers waiting in line in front of the ashamed cars underground.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

A clear bell suddenly rang in everyone's ears, and then inside the silver dragon-like ashamed car, the doors of the carriages slowly opened outward.

"Morning, Lao Li, why rush to the Taipingdi Ruins so early today, it's still raining in the sky."

After the door of the carriage opened, the people in the west of Shenjing City began to file in, and the sound of communication began to sound.

Then the old man called Lao Li took off his hat, reached out and patted the remaining raindrops on his shoulder, and responded:

"This isn't about being idle, going to Taiping Market and listening to Old Man Yu telling a book."

After speaking, the old man leaned back on the back seat, and the old voice continued to speak:

"In fact, we also had a very good storyteller in Baihufang Alley, but he disappeared suddenly for some unknown reason a year ago. What a pity, what a pity!"

As soon as this remark came out, people around him echoed and said:

"Yes, if I remember correctly, that gentleman's surname is Yin, and I don't know where the storyteller Yin is now?"

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