The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1709: Always married

"Woo, woo!"

In the west underground of Shenjing City, inside the puppet car that winds like a silver earth dragon, the sound of the vigorous air whistle sounded outward, and in the blink of an eye, it was clearly passed into the ears of everyone in the puppet car.

Now that the underground puppets in Shenjing City have been put into use for some time, the citizens are no longer unfamiliar with the driving of this behemoth.

The crisp bells represent the opening and closing of the door of the puppet car, while the heavy whistle represents the forward and departure of the two puppets.

After the whistle fell, the dense runes depicted on the surface of the entire puppet car began to light up at the same time, and then the strong and substantial vitality, together with the swift gust of wind, roared around the puppet.

At the next breath, the wind gust of the dragon of the puppet car suddenly broke out, and the whole puppet car directly turned into a flash of silver light, completely disappearing in place.

The speed of the underground puppets is unparalleled, but thanks to the debugging by Daxia's skilled craftsmen, there is almost no tremor in the puppets, like walking on the ground.

Then in one of the carriages, the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu tilted his head slightly, watching the glamorous face reflected in the car window, and his golden hair burning like flames, and his thoughts flashed in his golden eyes.

Then next to Chang Xiliu, Yuliu, a little girl with a similar appearance to the former, sat in a precarious manner, with a little timid expression on her face. After hesitating for a few breaths, she finally leaned against the figure beside her with a low voice. Rumor:

"Aunt, where am I waiting to go this time?"

After this question fell, Chang Yuliu didn't look back, but looked at the reflection of the car window with a thoughtful appearance, and then the response came out:

"This time, let's leave the northern border and go to the Central Plains of the Supreme Profound Land."

As soon as this voice was not light or heavy, the girl Yuliu's eyes suddenly widened with an incredible look, and then the voice from the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu sounded in her ears:

"After leaving the northern border, you first go back to the East Jade Hub Fire Mansion. As for the beams that you have forged with the Buddhism of the Western Regions, the king will find time and settle slowly with these bald donkey monks."

After the words of the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu fell, the very sensible girl beside him nodded even though she still wanted to say something.

In the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, every power with a long heritage has its own rules, and the Jade Shuhu Fire Mansion is also not listed. The reason why it can rely on the sacred tree of Fusang, inheritance is largely because it does not Intervene in the original dispute.

And in the Yushu Fire Palace, such a word circulated.

No matter what kind of appearance the earth becomes, at dawn, the sun will always rise, and when there is a big day, the inheritance of the Jade Shuttle Fire Palace will be immortal.

The girl Yuliu is not an innocent person who doesn't know anything, she naturally understands that from birth to entering the world, Yushu Huo Mansion has a short thought, maybe the ending is different.

"Xihe **** mother for protection, I hope that the master will respect her and will not die in vain."

After the low murmur came from the mouth of the girl Yuliu, Sima Annan's young voice from the front of the former's ears immediately sounded:

"It turns out that the heavens are not afraid, and the earth is not afraid. For a hot pot, you can fight with the inextricable Nantian King Xiliu on the Central Shangguo Lao Zun. You will also have concerns. This is really beyond my son's expectations."

"In life, unless you are the unfeeling generation who cut everything, you will naturally be concerned."

After the response came out, Chang Xiliu raised his hand and gently shook the hair that was flowing behind him, then turned his gaze to Sima Annan ahead, and the flat voice continued:

"In fact, these few years in the Taihang Palace have been the rare free days when the king did not need to fight, so I can think about some problems calmly."

After speaking, Chang Xiliu's beautiful face gradually became solemn, and his voice continued to spread:

"The King of Heaven suddenly felt that the lives of the people of Daxia in the North are not bad."

As everyone knows, what a proud and proud Nantian King Xiliu is, and although her position with Daxia at this time has become a little weird, as Sima Annan said before, her identity is still a prisoner of war.

Therefore, the word “good”, since the Nantian King Xiliu uttered it, is enough to show the surprise in the hearts of those around you.

After that, Sima Annan, who was sitting in the front of the car, showed a hint of surprise on Jun Lang's face. Then he turned directly, his black eyes stared at Chang Xiliu in front of him, and he responded:

"Unexpectedly, Your Excellency Nantian King praised the lives of our Daxia people so much, but one thing you are right is that this may be a new era that has never appeared in the entire Taixuan Land for countless years."

After speaking, Sima Annan raised his hands, and then a rather heroic voice came out:

"Let's not mention the other things for the time being. Just look at the puppet car under us for countless years in the entire Taixuan Land. Has it ever appeared?

"Although Wu Daxia is temporarily unable to practice Taoism for everyone, but everyone enjoys the ability to fly through the sky and shuttle through the void. This is the point of the Supreme Profound Land?"

Sima Annan's two rhetorical questions came down with boundless confidence. The Nantian King Xiliu in front of him shook his head, and the response sounded:


"Your Excellency Nantian King doesn't know anything about the vast area of ​​Wu Daxia, which occupies the entire Taixuan land, and there are many new things that have never appeared in the Taixuan land, even if you are one of the top overhauls of the entire Taixuan, It’s also unheard of."

After finishing the sentence, Sima Annan directly took out a folding fan and opened it with one swipe. The half-joking voice once again lingered in the carriage of the puppet:

"According to my son's statement, this time, with your majesty, after participating in the so-called Tianxia Taoist meeting, you don't want to do anything to the Southern Heavenly King with your Majesty, and you will go directly to our northern Daxia and settle down.

"Although it is very difficult for foreigners to become naturalized according to the Daxia Law, I am willing to give the girl your endorsement.

"As long as you get the corresponding credit for this trip and restore your freedom, then you can enjoy the customs of the northern world and Daxia at that time!"

After Sima Annan came out with a little teasing voice, his complexion suddenly changed slightly, because the face of Chang Xiliu in front of him did not show any disapproval. Instead, his golden eyes lit up and he nodded solemnly. The voice came out:

"If you can, Dingjuer and Daxia in the North are a good choice."

As soon as this statement came out, not only Sima Annan and the Black Dragon Guardian in the carriage, but also the little girl beside Xiliu, the Southern Heavenly King, looked terrified.

Then Chang Xiliu, who was completely disapproving, flicked his golden hair again, and his voice continued to be heard:

"As for getting the living conditions of Daxia, you can marry your majesty. I Chang Xiliu is still a woman, and I want to marry."

The voice fell, and the whole carriage became extremely silent for an instant.

At the same time, Sima Annan and the others seemed to have turned into stone sculptures, their mouths open and motionless!

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