The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1711: Tell it to my people

"it is good!"

At the Ruins of Taiping City, the city of God, bursts of enthusiastic cheers came from the mouths of every listener.

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

Then these cheers one after another spread out extremely clearly, resounding inside the noisy and wide central market.

However, the people who shop and wander in the Taiping Ruins have long been familiar with it. This can also be said to be one of the unique scenery of the Taiping Ruins.

Because Taiping Ruins, as the largest business district in Shenjing City and the location of Shenjing Station, not only has the most dazzling array of shops and restaurants, but also the best storytellers.

As the third prince of the Central Empire, Yin Wen, said before leaving, storytelling is not an easy task, because it requires language talent to describe and passion to infect the audience.

At this time, Mr. Yu, who was impassioned on the central stage of the Taiping Ruins, was undoubtedly the first of the most recognized storytellers in Shenjing City.

"Thunder is shocked with a slash, there are no gods in the world, Your Majesty, this old gentleman is really good."

The rouge under the **** umbrella, with praise flowing in his big eyes, and then Zhao Yu, who was holding the umbrella, nodded and stared at the flushed face, but the spirit of the old man Yu, who was very energetic, nodded and responded:

"The protagonist in this book of the old man, but his little grandson, is naturally extremely passionate."

Soon after the young emperor's voice fell, he calmed his mind a little, took a deep breath, scanned the lower circle, raised the gavel in his hand and patted it lightly, and then the old voice came out. :

"Everyone, this is the end of today's Daxia young generation's performance of martial arts. You can predict what will happen next. Please listen to the next time."

As soon as this statement was made, an unwilling commotion broke out among the people below, and then the old man raised his hand and pressed it down, and the voice continued to sound:

"Today's aging grandson is at home, I will accompany him more, you know, at the age of the old man, it depends on God's will if he can live for a few days, so the life with his family is also one day and one day.

"By the way, there will be other storytellers coming on stage to tell stories, you might as well listen to them."

After speaking, Mr. Yu, with a smile on his face, raised his hand to the audience below, arched his hands, thanked him again, and began to bow his head to pack his things.

As an old man who has spoken all his life, he keeps everything in his heart, so every time he tells a story he almost always comes empty-handed. A gavel and a pot of tea are everything.

After a few breaths, after the old man had wrapped up his things, he waved his hand to the bottom and walked off the stage slowly under the sound of reluctant hold.

After a few dozen breaths, Mr. Yu walked to the restaurant on the back of the stage, beckoned to the apprentice who was opening the umbrella, and waited quietly under the eaves.

The old man's face was calm, watching the dancing spring rain in front of him, with some thoughts flowing, and after a breath, a young voice sounded in his ears:

"Master Yu, it's been a long time since I saw you, how are you doing well these days?"

As soon as he said this, the old man turned around and saw that two young men, a man and a woman, appeared beside him.

Among them, the man was holding an exceptionally large black umbrella with a handsome face. He was wearing a black shirt and a cotton cap. His ebony eyes were as deep as a black hole that attracted all the light around him.

It has been several years since Grandpa Yu met Zhao Yu last time, so after seeing the appearance of the young emperor, the grandfather's face appeared in a trance.

After a few breaths, a trace of excitement emerged from the old man's black eyes, and then his somewhat rickety figure shook slightly, and hurriedly said:

"I don't know how old the old man is negligent when the son comes, it's really **** it."

After Father Yu saluted, watching Zhao Yu still standing in the rain with rouge, he hurriedly backed out a few steps, and the voice continued:

"My son, go under the eaves to avoid the rain."

"We haven't seen each other for many years. We just listened to it outside. Yu Lao's storytelling is still a must in Taiping Ruins."

After Zhao Yu came down with a smiling compliment, he took Rouge's hand and walked under the eaves. Then he took the black umbrella in his hand unhurriedly and continued to speak:

"Even Rouge was full of praise just now."

"It is the honor of a lifetime to be in the eyes of the son and the lady."

Grandpa Yu's expression suddenly became extremely solemn, and then he continued to solemnly salute Zhao Yu in front of him, and a very respectful voice came out:

"The son can let his aging grandson enter the palace to practice, and he has the grace to rebuild. My grandson and grandpa are grateful."

"This is the good fortune of that kid. To be honest, this is not my arrangement. Lava praises your grandson very much."

Zhao Yu's response was still young and steady, and then he looked at the old man with white beard and hair in front of him, raised his hand, and said the response:

"A few years ago, on the eve of the birth of Daxia in the Taixuan land of Beihai, it coincided with the great changes in the world, and the road ahead was treacherous. All Daxia citizens were like boats floating in infinite darkness, unable to see the exact location and scene ahead. .

"Darkness and the unknown will breed infinite fear, and although we and the entire court have prepared in advance, they have no time to deal with the impact of the forces of the entire Supreme Profound Land.

"At that time, it was precisely because of Mr. Yu that you took the lead and spontaneously organized a storyteller to go to various cities and places in Daxia, lobbying and telling all the people over and over again, eliminating the hesitation in their hearts. fear."

At this point, Zhao Yu's black eyes showed a hint of gratitude, and then the voice continued to spread:

"It is precisely because of the spread of these storytellers like you, that my Daxia can survive this catastrophe in such a stable and peaceful way. I will not forget this."

From the beginning to the end, Zhao Yu is a person who knows his gratitude, and every person who has made credit on the road to the rise of Great Xia has never been forgotten by the young emperor.

"The son is serious. Although we storytellers used to beg for food, three sentences are not separated from the weird and strange things, and the swords and swords of the rivers and lakes are even more convenient, but if we really want us to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, it is just to die. For the sake of it."

After Father Yu fell with a sincere voice, he slowly stood up and continued to speak:

"But everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. In such a critical moment, we always have to do something. Fortunately, we still have a mouth that can speak."

"Many times, the role of speech does not have to be weakened by swords."

After Zhao Yu's emperor's voice fell, he came to Elder Yu's face, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, with an unspeakable and majestic voice, and continued to ring in the ear of the old man:

"Master Yu, I have a suggestion. Would you like to think about it."

Diyin heard, and the **** umbrella in Zhao Yujiang's hand gently touched the ground, and Huang Huang Diyin continued:

"The storyteller pays attention to knowledge and knowledge, so that the content spoken will be loved by the audience. It just so happens that this time I am going south to enter the Central Plains of the Taixuan Land.

"This place has never seen the customs and customs of the Supreme Profound Land. I wonder if you are interested in following me to have a look, and then tell my people about it?"

As soon as he said this, the old man's whole body trembled suddenly, without hesitation, he bowed directly to the ground, and the voice came out:

"Your Majesty has entrusted him, Cao Min, and he will do it!"

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