The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1712: Go south (Happy Chinese New Year!)

Generally speaking, between heaven and earth, the north is the pole, and the farther north, the colder it gets.

However, in the vast world where the Great Profound Land is located, the changes in the four seasons cannot be judged by ordinary common sense, but the climate and temperature depend on the amount of vitality of the heavens and the earth.

Perhaps from another perspective, the living environment of racial creatures depends on the illusory luck.

In fact, it is not only this person who has luck, but a region and a force have their own luck.

Those with more air luck, the weather will be smooth, everything goes well, and the places with little air luck are thin, not to mention the heavens and treasures, the light and the climate are extremely extreme, and they are completely unsuitable for survival.

"Open the gates!"

In the northern border of the Taixuan Land, above the Great Wall at Bafeng Pass, and under the roar of a military academy from the Daxia border, the outermost Tongtian sluice began to slow down with the help of the power of the underground river below. Rise slowly.


Then a deafening roar resounded across the entire northern border of Piaoyu.

After the next breath, behind the opened gate, a burst of colorful fascinating light suddenly shot out, and all of a sudden, the original solemn and heavy city wall was decorated with completely different colors.

A few moments later, a huge treasure ship carried by eight terrestrial tortoises drove out from the gate, and then a loud voice came from the ship, clearly surrounding the huge ship.

"Crescent Boat, set sail!"

After the high voice fell, the eight terrestrial tortoises under the ship roared up to the sky at the same time, and finally they shook their limbs, carrying the giant northward, and ran wildly.

During the drizzle, the dock docked at Bafengguan Pass for a period of time. After the restoration and maintenance of the Crescent Treasure Ship, the whole body was more dazzling, so it was extremely conspicuous from the eyes of the Great Wall.

Then in the rain on the heights of the city wall, a lieutenant in black armor put away the gesture of saluting to the front, and his eyes were fixed on the Crescent Treasure Ship, which was flying away to the south. He hesitated for a while, and a deep voice came out:

"General, your Majesty will go south this time, are there fewer people with you?"

After speaking, the deputy frowned and his voice continued:

"The Central Plains, the land of the profound mystery, is no different from Longtan Tiger Cave at this time. At least a few more military guards should be sent in order to be safer."

The lieutenant’s words fell, without an umbrella in front of him, and Wang Jing, who let the rain fall on the armor, stretched out his right hand to support the city wall in front of him, and the response came:

"When the cultivation level reaches a certain level, the number of people is of little significance, and if it is to remove the small troubles on the road, the Netherwing Army is enough.

"Furthermore, although the main body of Daxia has been restoring and rejuvenating in the past few years, the outward penetration of Dire Division and Sitianjian is not vegetarian. With my Daxia transmission method, if there is a holy altar, then support is also a breath. between."

After Wang Jing finished speaking, he pursed his lips, but there was also a flash of worry in his narrowed eyes.

It is true that outside the northern city wall is an extremely chaotic unknown place, but at this time Daxia's well-deserved master has to go directly to the center of this chaotic place, and no one dares to be sure of nothing.

"Li Kai."

After a few breaths, Wang Jing regained his determination and opened his mouth. After the voice came out, the lieutenant behind Wang Jing stood up straight and responded loudly:

"The end will be!"

"The training intensity has doubled this spring, and at the same time, the state of every soldier has been mobilized. The coach only has one requirement, that is, to maintain a heyday posture that can be used on the battlefield at all times.


After the middle-aged lieutenant named Li Kai gave a military salute, the voice continued;

"By the way, Wang Shuai, earlier today, the newly appointed Master Xue Beichuan of the Department of War Preparations of the Household Department, Xue Beichuan, has already brought the Department of War Preparations to Bafeng Pass. At the same time, there is also the Daxia Platoon. The principal of the top fifty chambers of commerce.

"In addition to the Crescent Chamber of Commerce, which has been ranked first for a long time, there are many chambers of commerce that have recently emerged, such as the Southern Merchants Chamber of Commerce, which once did business in Tianmenxia in the north. The soft leather lining of the armor is the best.

"Under the arrangement of the War Preparations Department, they all came to bid with war preparations. The group of people added up to more than thousands. Just pulling trucks and horses, they almost filled the campus in the pass."

As soon as he said this, Wang Jing's eyes lit up and he turned around, and a young voice came out:

"Well, Xue Beichuan. In such a short time, he has found a corresponding chamber of commerce and organized bidding, which is fast enough."

"This time the combat readiness department is so fast. In addition to Xue Beichuan's outstanding personal ability, his majesty's will is also an important reason."

After Li Kai's voice fell, he thought for a while and opened his mouth again:

"Before the so-called war, food and grass go first, Wang Shuai, is it your Majesty's side?"

"The general trend of the world is to wait for the ups and downs, your majesty can see, I may not see it, so don't think too much.

"We are soldiers, Daxia's sharpest blade. Obeying orders is a soldier's duty, and it is our duty to keep the blade sharp at all times."

After Wang Jing's words and words fell with a rolling voice, the young Marshal Ma, the young Great Xia soldier, stepped forward, and his confident voice continued:

"Assemble all four rank generals in Bafeng Pass, gather in the camp of the commander, and then go to the school grounds for a quartermaster campaign.

"Since the efficiency of the War Readiness Department is so high, I can't wait too much behind."


Lieutenant General Li developed an angry roar, and raised his heel to Wang Jing's young and tall back.

The spring rain above the sky is still falling down, and under the spring rain, the plants on the plain outside Bafengguan, like eruptions, grow wildly outward.

The Northern Territory has not been continuously nourished by the vitality of heaven and earth for too many years. Perhaps it is the so-called “Fujitailai”. Therefore, countless kinds of vegetation have continuously emerged from the ground, bathed in spring rain, swaying back and forth, exuding colorful colors. Colors.

As everyone knows, to reach the true north of Yuanchuan, Yuanchuan must cross the huge northern mountain range. Then, under the precarious spring rain, the Crescent Moon Treasure Ship shuttled between the valleys of the mountains at extremely fast speed.

After a few breaths, the shining three-character boundary stele of the North Sea World is vividly visible, and then the Crescent Treasure Ship does not stop. With the gallop of the eight terrestrial turtles underneath, one end completely rushes out of the northern border. .

At the same time, the moment the treasure ship rushed out of the boundary monument, the eyes watching from a distance suddenly fluctuated, and then anxious voices sounded:

"Here, here comes, that crescent ship has left the northern border, go back and report!"

The voice fell, and a flying race that had been standing guard for a long time on the void, looked at each other, then turned around and disappeared in place.

What these spies sent from the original northern race gathering place on the shore of Yuanchuan didn't know is that the treasure ship that was heading south again was different from any previous time.

There was a young man in the boat.

A young man who singled out the northern border!

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