The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1616: Light up the world

Akashi is the lifeblood of the entire Changming County.

For countless years, this Changming clan, relying on these bright stones that circulated throughout the Taixuan Land, not only exchanged for the wealth and resources they depend on for survival, but also occupied a place among the countless races in the entire Central Plains.

At the same time, as the most critical core of the Changming family, few people know the output and mining of this feldspar, only two places that account for almost 70% of the output of the entire Changming County.

Akashi Castle is one of them.


Accompanied by the roar of the earth on the north bank of Yuanchuan, the colorful crescent ship with fascinating light, in just a few words of communication, has completely passed through this huge city on the north bank. , Continue to rush southward.

At the same time, on the edge of the heavily guarded deck of the Crescent Treasure Ship, with a calm face, rouge sitting without a word, picked up the teapot, added a cup of tea to Zhao Yu, and then gently pushed it in front of the young emperor. .

At this time, Zhao Yu's brows under his cotton hat slightly wrinkled. Anyone who knows him knows that this is the appearance of his contemplation, because just now, a fleeting thought suddenly appeared in the mind of the young emperor. Flashed in.

At the next breath, Zhao Yu's brows gradually stretched, his lips opened, and the voice came out:

"The entire Taixuan place is like Akashi, things that can be circulated in every household, how?"

As soon as this question came out, the surrounding officials showed a thoughtful appearance, and then a very pleasant voice sounded from the outside of the crowd:

"His Majesty, judging from the fact that my Crescent Chamber of Commerce has done business with the forces of the Taixuan Land over the years, it is really not much."

This sweet and seductive voice fell, and everyone spread out a channel to both sides. Then Crescent Moon's tall body approached and came to Zhao Yu to salute, and the voice continued:

"To put it simply, the number of races and creatures in the Supreme Profound Land is really too many, so it's completely a state where there are too many monks and porridges, and those spiritual resources, although everyone asks for them, may be touched by ordinary creatures for a lifetime. Not once."

As the voice fell, the saluting Crescent Moon lifted up, and the wind of the conversation turned, and the voice continued:

"But this Akashi is different, because it stores some extremely weak power of the sun, which can't be absorbed and transformed, only for lighting, so the price of an Akashi is very low, and ordinary people can completely afford it."

After speaking, Crescent Moon lightly grasped the void in front of him, and after spreading it out, a small fist-sized stone appeared in his palm.

However, it is somewhat surprising that this Akashi is not a transparent crystal color, but a very dark appearance, just like a piece of ebony coal.

"Your Majesty, this is Akashi. It can absorb sunlight during the day and release it at night."

Crescent Moon's extremely comfortable voice continued to resound in everyone's ears, after which the former stretched out his jade-like fingers and lightly tapped the pitch black stone in front of him.

In the next breath, under the gaze of one after another, the surface of this Akashi began to emit a ray of light, spreading outward.

Because it was still daylight at this time, the light emitted by this Akashi looked extremely faint, but it still made the big summer officials on the side brightened and said:

"This Heavenly Profound Land is really magical, and this question seems unremarkable, but there may be a deep mysterious circulation behind it."

"The light of the sun is one of the most original forces between the heavens and the earth. This small stone can store the light of the sun and must have a special structure."

After Sima Annan's voice came out, he continued to stare at the Akashi in front of him, as if he had thought of something, the question continued:

"Nowadays, our Daxia people, most people still use candles at night. If this Akashi is popularized, it will bring great convenience."

As soon as Sima Annan said this, the eyes of the surrounding officials really brightened. As Sima Annan said at this time, if this Akashi was promoted in Daxia, the effect it would bring would be a huge one for Daxia. An incomparable leap.

"As we all know, the alternation of the sun and the moon is one of the most important principles of heaven and earth, and in the earliest days of our Daxia people, because of the primitive conditions, we followed the lifestyle of working at sunrise and living in the sun.

"In the future, even if it is the appearance of candlelight, we still control the elbow everywhere, and if we have this Akashi and make the night day, doesn't it mean that we have directly conquered the night.

"It also means that the time available to all these people has completely doubled!"

This loud voice came out, and everyone's faces suddenly appeared eager to try. Once upon a time, the long dark night above the vast land of Shenzhou was not completely conquered, but now, the existence of this Mingshi indicates that This day is not too far away.

"The role of this Akashi is that when the Crescent Chamber of Commerce started its activities in the Central Plains a few years ago, I had already approved a book about this."

Zhao Yu's subsequent emperor's voice made all the officials with a smile on their faces become solemn. They sat in jeopardy, and took a breath. At this corner of the deck, the bright voice from the young emperor continued:

"It's just that the imperial court has the rules of the imperial court. Because it involves the well-being and life of hundreds of millions of people, I have to issue an decree. Until we thoroughly understand the quality of things in the Taixuan Land, nothing can flow into Daxia on a large scale. .

"My Daxia's time in the Taixuan Land is too short. Under such a shallow foundation, I must erect a barrier to protect the entire country!"

The emperor's voice lingered in his ears, and a senior official saluted forward at the same time, and a uniform voice came out:

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Then Crescent Moon stood upright and said with a smiling voice:

"My sirs, although this Akashi has not yet entered the large-scale circulation of Daxia, we always pay attention to precautions. Therefore, our Crescent Chamber of Commerce has stocked a large amount of Akashi from Changming County over the years.

"In the future, as long as your Majesty gives an order, this Akashi will spread throughout the country at an unprecedented speed."

"So good."

Hearing this news, the great officials of Daxia, including Sima Annan, shook their palms in agreement, but Zhao Yu, who was sitting at the desk, shook his head and said to the teacup in his hand:

"I have other uses for this batch of Akashi."

When Di Yin fell, Zhao Yu raised his hand to face with a gentle move, and the pitch-black Akashi directly flew up. At the next breath, the young emperor squeezed his other hand and squeezed out another thing in the void.

When everyone looked up, it was suddenly a guard guard with the appearance of an eye.

"Detective guard, your majesty, do you mean it?"

Before the startled voice of Xu Qing, the windrunner, Zhao Yu waved his hand hard and directly inserted the investigating guard into the Akashi in his hand.

After an instant, under unbelievable gazes, the investigating guard and Akashi merged directly in one place, and slowly dissipated, without even leaving any clues.

"The sky is up, is this okay?"

Sima Annan’s mouth was difficult to close for a long time. After the muttering fell, the bright stone in Zhao Yujiang’s hand that was hiding the investigating guard was thrown in the direction of Crescent Moon. The steady but shocking emperor's voice continued to sound:

"Take advantage of the civil turmoil in Changming County, sell these Mingshi to the Central Plains of the Taixuan Land.

"I want to dispel the fog on the entire Taixuan land, and at the same time light up the entire Taixuan world!"

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