"Hey, Gold Ingot, you are here, so I can find it easily."

On the deck behind the Crescent Ship, there is a huge recliner, and behind the recliner, four or five pretty girls are standing pretty.

These girls held the fragrant food in their hands, and the girl headed by them carefully fed them to a fat man who was leaning on the recliner.

I saw that this fat man was wearing a golden, densely covered garment with runes, and on the chubby fingers, the luxurious ring reflected the dazzling light under the sun, which was particularly fascinating.

But for some reason, there was no smile on the fat man's face. Instead, he frowned, and his chubby face was full of sadness.

At this time, the Crescent Moon Treasure Ship, after more than a day of hurricane advancement, had already stepped onto the extremely strange pontoon above Yuanchuan, heading towards the Broken Leaf City in front.

Whenever the Yuanchuan traverses the entire northern part of Taixuan from west to east, it will always look like a rolling river and vast smoke.

With the roaring steam, the voice of Lu'er, the maid of Crescent Moon, was heard by the ears of Jin Ingot:

"Gold Ingot, why don't you sit in your old position these days, so I want to find you, and I have to find it for a long time."

When the voice fell, the girl who was still wearing a green dress came to Jin Ingot and looked at the gold ingot with frowning brows in front of him, her face was puzzled, and she raised her hand and patted the latter. There was a light crack.

"Fatty Kim, what do you want?"

Lu'er's slap made the stunned Gold Ingot come back to his soul, turned over and muttered:

"How dare I sit in my old position now, Lu'er, you came to bury me 80% of the time."

It is worth mentioning that the old position of the gold ingot on the Crescent Ship was at the front of the ship’s deck. Zhao Yu is now sitting on it.

That’s why Jin Yuanbao sighed with emotion, and then the young master of the Gold Sect rolled over on the recliner and responded:

"My brother is thinking about things."

"Looking at your frowning face, could it be that you have been upset? That's really rare. The wealthy young master Jin also has troubles."

There was a hint of curiosity in Lu'er's voice, and then the girl sat down on the recliner and continued to ask:

"If you don't mind, just listen to it, maybe I can do it too."

"You are a little girl, what can you do."

After speaking, Jin Yinbao raised his hand and waved it, the bright road ring in his hand made Lu'er dazzle for a while, and then the voice from Jin Yinbao sounded in the girl's ear again:

"You also know that since I left the sect three years ago, I haven’t gone back much in the past few years. Although there will be news from the sect every once in a while, the news that should have been sent to the north has only nor."

After the words came out, Lu'er nodded and agreed with a sudden realization:

"So this is why you asked the butler to return to the sect in advance?"

"Yes, there is the convenience of Daxia's transmission, and there are spies set up by Wu Jinzong along the way. It stands to reason that the butler should have reached the boundary of Jin Jinzong, but for some reason, there is still no news sent back these days. "

"Will it be a delay?"

Although Lu'er's words still carry a little comfort, the little girl's tone is very solemn. The former, who has fumbled with Crescent in the world since childhood, is not an innocent child.

Because of this world, there will always be more bad things than good things!

After taking a deep breath, the gold ingot waved away from the digital waiter behind him, sat up on the recliner, and rubbed the precious ring on his hand as he continued to make a more solemn voice.

"I'm out of the gold sect. I always use sen coins to open the way when I encounter troubles, and the troubles that cannot be solved with sen coins will be really troublesome."

As soon as the words of the gold ingot fell, the Yuanchuan river on both sides of the bridge suddenly burst out with an ear-splitting roar, and then the monstrous river directly surged and rushed, but it was blocked by the enchantment outside the crescent moon. .

"It's an eventful autumn!"

A low sigh came from the mouth of Jin Ingot, and then Jin Dasao, with an undiminished expression on his face, stood up and stared at the shattered leaf city that had begun to loom between the mist in front of him, and continued to speak:

"Lu'er, you should know that this time the so-called Tianxia Daohui will be held in Fufeng County, which is located at the junction of Central and Shangguo.

"Since a few years ago, in Tangdu, the third building in the world blasted the gate of heaven, and after the official war between the Central Kingdom and the Holy Court, the main force of our Jinjin Sect has migrated from Tangdu. Out.

"But this place of migration happens to be Shangxiao City next to Fufeng County. The distance between the two is very close. It is really a wave of unrest, one after another!"

After finishing the sentence, Jin Yuanbao reached out and held down the railing above the deck in front of him, and his voice continued to be heard:

"As soon as the world is in chaos, it is a huge disaster for my Jinzong. I hope this time, this young master can take the people under his hands and retreat."

As soon as the voice fell, the dignified gold ingot suddenly shook his body, because a ghost-like figure suddenly appeared behind the former.

Then the voice from the Tianhui Army Jiang Yue directly passed into the ears of Jin Ingot:

"Gold ingot."

After an exciting spirit, Young Master Jin hurriedly turned around, bowed to Jiang Yue, and said:

"Master Jiang, what's the matter?"

After he finished speaking, Jin Yuanbao raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Yue's particularly cold face in front of him. He was surprised inwardly and continued to ask:

"Master Jiang has a solemn expression, but something important happens?"

As soon as the question came out, Jiang Yue nodded, and the response came out:

"You are right. The news of the Central Plains, the land of the Supreme Profound Land, has just arrived. The forces of the Central Plains have undergone drastic changes. This world Taoist meeting is destined to become extremely unusual."

As soon as the word drastic change came out, the dignified color on the round face of the gold ingot became stronger.

Because he knew how proud the young Radiant Army young man with unfathomable strength in front of him was, and it would be extraordinary for the latter to show such an expression.

Then the fat man let out a sigh of relief, and the sound of questioning followed:

"Master Jiang, the Daoist Society of the World in the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land is about to be held. At this juncture, does it mean that there will be disputes again?"

"It's not easy."

When the voice fell, Jiang Yue turned around, and then his cold voice sounded:

"The news from the front is that one of the four great kingdoms of the Supreme Profound Land, the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom has died."

After speaking, Jiang Yue took the lead in raising his foot and stepping forward, his voice continued to linger in the ears of the gold ingot:

"This news has not yet begun to circulate, but it will soon be known to the world. When the time comes, there will be endless waves. Now you come with me and your Majesty summons it."

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