The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1718: Civil strife


The Yuanchuan, which is spread like silk and satin in the northern part of the Taixuan Land, has never reduced the flow of water for countless years, accompanied by a roar.

At the same time, the bridge above Yuanchuan was like a bridge rising from the void, meandering and spreading between the water and waves, and then on the inaccessible bridge, the Crescent Moon Boat continued to move forward at an extremely fast speed.

In fact, on this treasure ship going south, in addition to Zhao Yu and others who went to the Central Plains in the Taixuan Land, and escorts such as the Southern Heavenly King Xiliu, there were also a lot of monks from southern forces.

It was just a few months ago that these monks entered the real Northland and experienced the completely different scenery of the north. Now with the return of the treasure ship, they are relying on the door of the house at this time. Chatting:

"Brother Dao, to be honest, before I came to the Northern Territory, I couldn't think of how Da Xia, who suddenly rose out of thin air, would look like this."

It was an old man whose weather-beaten eyes contained extraordinary experience, and the old man's robe embroidered with patches of flying feathers indicated that he was a rare trochanter in the land of the profound mystery.

In a sense, groans are a kind of casual cultivator, but the difference is that they have extremely strong strength to support the wandering heart in their hearts.

The Taixuan Land is not a place of peace that can be visited everywhere, so the various forces know that every old troubadour who has been to many places is not easy to provoke.

"The old man can be considered to have been to many places in this Taixuan Land, even the Jade Shuhuhuo Mansion at the extreme East, he glanced at the Fusang Shenmu at the edge."

After the old roving man finished speaking, a little reminiscence appeared in his old eyes, and he continued to mutter:

"But no matter where it is, even the Central Shangguo Shangxiao City, known as Taixuan's most prosperous city, can't compare to the feeling that Bafengguan gave the old man."

The words fell, and another middle-aged monk on the side spoke with a curious question:

"Master, how does that feel?"

"It's the weird feeling that is not in the same era as the rest of our Taixuan forces. You see, in this Bafeng Pass, whether it is architecture, lifestyle, even practitioners, they are completely different from us."

After the old roving voice fell, he raised his hand and waved, and continued to preach with a little regretful voice:

"It's a pity that we can only move in a small part of the Bafeng Pass. It is said that the real Daxia is located, that is, the Daiyu Mountain, which sank tens of thousands of years ago, floating on the North Sea at this time.

"If you are lucky enough to visit, the old man will be worth it in this life!"

After finishing the words, the other monks around the old man who had stayed in Bafeng Pass for several months nodded, with a look of approval, and then someone immediately spoke:

"In fact, the most unforgettable thing in the next is the self-confidence of this Daxia citizen. If you know that this human race has been in the realm of Supreme Profound for so many years, there is only one word that can describe it, that is, despair.

"Even before the birth of Daxia in the North, the entire land of the Supreme Profound Land, and even a human race that could not be found, was taken to the holy court for treasure."

As soon as the words Human Race and Baby came out, the monks who gathered together to chat with each other changed their complexion slightly, and then the old roving voice came out:

"Everyone, the strength of this Daxia who controls the Northern Territory is unfathomable. The cultivators of the North Sea who have been advancing for several years say that none of them have returned.

"If you still want to go back here alive, listening to the old man's words, it's best not to use your brains, but also to tell you the forces behind and dispel the original idea.

"This Daxia can't be offended by ordinary people, this is a piece of advice!"

The old troubadour's particularly serious words came out. The spies who belonged to many forces around them changed their faces and said haha.

"Father, you are worrying too much. I'm actually the same as you, yearning for freedom, and I like to walk around, not with some other purpose."

"Yes, yes, the towering walls of Bafeng Pass and those puppets with fierce and violent auras still make my memory fresh at this time.

"Such a victorious pass is simply unbreakable, how can I wait to raise any disrespectful thoughts."

After speaking, one of them looked around and saw a fat and a thin two people hurriedly walking by the edge of the deck. He quickly opened the topic and said:

"Look, you guys, the one wearing the golden robes and the rings in his hand should be the gold ingot and the young master, right? Isn't it possible that something has happened in such a hurry?"

As soon as this statement was made, the eyes of everyone around him condensed to the front deck. As the former said, the fat gold ingots are highly recognizable, the steps are hurried, and the round faces are full of solemnity, even A lot of sweat beaded on his forehead.

At the same time, the gold ingots followed each other's steps, following a young man in black robes, who walked through the deck between the steps, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Unusual, maybe a big change has happened."

After a brief period of thought, the old groander slapped his palms and narrowed his eyes.

At the same time, the gold ingot, who followed Jiang Yue's steps forward, raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, his eyes moved, and he said:

"Master Jiang, the Xuemei Kingdom, one of the four great kingdoms, suddenly died out, making Xia Xia suddenly think of what happened before.

"It is said that a few years ago, for the so-called inheritance, the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom even went to the ruins of the fairy palace above Tangdu to discuss with the holy priest about pulling out the sinking fairy mountain in the North Sea."

After the young voice of Jin Yuanbao came out, Jiang Yue's footsteps in front of him kept on, and his response came down:

"This matter is true. More than three hundred years ago, the saint of the Xuemei Kingdom passed through the northern boundary city and came to the vast land of Shenzhou. For this reason, the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom pulled out the Daiyu Fairy Mountain and took this Saintess."

Although Jiang Yue's response was still dull, the gold ingot was able to hear the extremely thrilling game behind it.

Then, just as Jin Yuanbao continued to contemplate, Jiang Yue's voice continued:

"The monarch of the Xuemei Nation, although he has a foreboding that his time limit has come, there are so many variables between the world and the earth. She is too late for her death, so that the funeral is not clear."

After he finished speaking, Jiang Yue who was walking in the front paused slightly, with a solemn voice, once again lingering in the ears of the gold ingot:

"According to the current situation, when the Xuemei Kingdom died last time, the entire Xuemei Kingdom was split into two parts, and each other began to fight to death."

As the voice fell, Jiang Yue raised his head and looked at the billowing waves boiling from the Yuanchuan before him, and his voice continued to be heard:

"In other words, the Xuemei Kingdom, one of the four great kingdoms, has already begun to walk down the mortal world due to civil strife!"

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