Make, palm too.

In the age of Xianting Sacred Palace, any fairy sage who can be awarded the title of divine envoy is a great power, because it means that the divine envoy of Xianting Sacred Palace completely controls the world and is omnipotent.

In fact, Zhao Yu and others know that the gods of the Immortal Palace used to be quite a few, such as the two guards of Jinhai and Yinshan, who guarded the immortal gates, and the bell-struck ambassador Lingbo, who guarded the immortal gates to avoid bad luck and warn the world. Great Lord.

These divine envoys who have experienced the collapse of the fairy palace and are still alive in the world give everyone the same feeling, that is, they are powerful, extremely powerful!

The great masters of Jinhai and Yinshan have the ultimate power. With every move, the mountains and the sea are opened. In addition, at this time, there are many Daxia monks in the Moon Yabao Boathouse who witnessed the violent appearance of the Yinshan Master smashing the void. , Has a fairly clear feeling.

"Guanyun Daoist, you just said that this Snow Charm Country Sovereign was once a snowfall envoy of one of the Eight Immortals of the Immortal Palace. Dare to ask the Immortal Palace of the Eight Immortals, who is it?"

Just as everyone was thinking about what Taoist Guanyun said before, Sima Annan followed up with an inquiring sound, pulling everyone's thoughts back, then Taoist Guanyun raised his hand and shook his robe, and continued to speak:

"The Immortal Palace, which once dominated the Taixuan Land, has a strict hierarchy and grants corresponding immortal positions because it wants to rule the entire vast territory.

"These immortal positions are as high as the Haotian Supreme Immortal Emperor, down to the lower realm Xiaoxian who is in charge of a city. There are hundreds of levels, but because the collapse of the immortal palace was so sudden, and the war has been constant over the years, so they stayed There are not many heritage and records."

After the words fell, Taoist Guanyun looked around for a week, and finally stopped his gaze at the forefront. Above the frowning and unchanging face of the young emperor, a voice full of magnetism continued to preach:

"The Eight Immortals of the Immortal Palace mentioned by the Taoist people just now generally refer to the eight great Luo Tianxians, namely, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, Xueshuang Yunhong, each of which has the same origin in the world, and is one of the immortal gods with the greatest influence on the lower realm by the Immortal Palace.

"Because they are better known by the people of the Lower Realm than the other immortals, and they have been enshrined by incense for countless years, and their strength is also among the best."

After finishing the sentence, Sima Annan, who was shaking the folding fan, showed a little interest on his face, and murmured:

"Wind, rain, thunder and lightning, snow, frost, and red clouds, eight gods of heaven, it's kind of interesting."

The Taoist temple where the Taoist Guanyun is located has a very long heritage, so the former knows more secrets about the Xianting Sacred Palace than the average person, and even the young master of the Jin Jinzong Jin Ingot, it is the first time to hear of these eight great Luo Tianxians.

"The monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom turned out to be a snowfall envoy of one of the ancient eight immortals. No wonder he is so powerful that even the fairy mountain sunk under the North Sea can be directly pulled out."

With a little sigh of discussion, it sounded in the room, and then Taoist Guanyun nodded, and the voice came out again:

"Everyone, let’s not mention Tianxian Daluo of the Xianting Palace for the time being. Let’s talk about the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom. At the beginning, Long Boguo and Wuxianshan erupted in a war, which opened the prelude to the collapse and fall of the fairy palace. In a very short time , The entire Taixuan Land is like a dumped mansion, undergoing unimaginable drastic changes.

"When many people have not yet reacted, the ruler who was above everyone else's head has fallen apart without warning. For a while, the Lord has turned the tide and began to suppress the disputes, and finally gradually become the world. First person."

At this time, the history of Taoist Guanyun was well understood by everyone present, but the following words of Taoist Guanyun changed everyone's eyes.

"The entire area of ​​the Central Plains of the Supreme Profound Land is so vast. How can Guangguang rely on the power of one person to sit on the High Heaven Hall, the Lord is naturally helpful, and in addition to the soldiers of the holy court, it is said that in the chaotic period, the monarch of Xuemei One of the most powerful helpers of the Lord has made great contributions."

As soon as this remark came out, a loud discussion came from the house inside the Crescent Moon Boat, and then Sima Annan shoved away the folding fan, and continued with a suspicious voice:

"If you look at what the Taoist Yun said, then the relationship between the Holy Court and the Xuemei Upper Kingdom should not be too bad, but according to the information we have obtained, the Xuemei Kingdom and the Holy Court have not been in harmony over the years, even Quite hostile."

"The relationship between the holy court and the Xuemei Kingdom depends only on the two of the Lord and the Xuemei Guozun, and based on the changes in the relationship between the two in the past three hundred years, it can be predicted that there will be a relationship between the two. crack."

As soon as these words came out, the golden ingot, who was concentrating on thinking, brightened his eyes and directly said loudly:

"Speaking of three hundred years ago, I suddenly remembered something. It is said that the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom was in retreat at that time, but there was a little-known civil strife in the Xuemei Kingdom. The powerful person in the upper realm was suddenly expelled from the country by the Xuemei Guoshan Temple and sent someone to chase him down.

"This incident did not cause too many disturbances at that time, and it was extremely concealed, but this deity had some friendship with my Jinjin Sect, so after secretly accepting the funding from this sect, he went northward. When this high-level powerhouse left, he held a girl who was completely frozen in his arms."

As soon as this statement came out, Daxia officials including Sima Annan suddenly raised their heads, their faces changed, and then the Taoist Guanyun who had also suddenly realized that took a step forward, and the deep voice continued:

"No wonder, the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom left the pass ahead of time. After leaving the pass, the Xuemei clan in Xuemei's country was looking for something in the overwhelming land of Taixuan, and even my Dayan Xiongguan also had the Xuemeizu set foot in search.

"At that time, Ben Dao wondered who was worthy of going to the country for such a big fight, and if the girl who was taken away back then was the inheritance of this country, then all this can be explained."

Following the words of each person in the room, a thread related to the development of Xuemei Kingdom gradually appeared in front of everyone. After a breath, the doubtful voice of Taoist Guanyun came out:

"But there is still something very strange. Generally speaking, although the inheritance of Daozi is very important to the future of the kingdom, the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom is not for it. He has almost rummaged through the entire Taixuan land, even in advance. Not to mention leaving the customs, but also expending unimaginable original power to go to Beihai to pull out the sunken mountain.

"Although I don't know the true or false, but the premature eruption of the five decays of the Heaven and Humans of the Xuemei Kingdom leads to annihilation, which has nothing to do with the large amount of original power expended before.

"This is very simple, because this girl is not an ordinary Taoist."

As soon as Taoist Guanyun's voice fell, a stern female voice in the room suddenly sounded.

Then the Nantian King Xiliu, who hadn't spoken before, flicked his golden flame-like hair, his red lips lightly opened, and continued to speak:

"If this Daozi's blood is flowing from the Taoism of the Emperor Changsheng, one of the Four Royals of the Xianting Saint Palace, how can she not care about her Xuemei Kingdom?"

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