In the ancient fairy court sacred palace, the immortal emperor ruled the world, and the most powerful and powerful under him was the Four Royals.

In other words, in the order of the immortal position of the immortal palace, the Siyu Great Emperor must be above the Daluo Tianxian.

After the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng was casually uttered from the mouth of the Nantian King Xiliu, everyone who heard it was shocked. At the same time, this is also the second Four Royal Emperor Zhao Yu has heard of since the previous Qinghua Emperor. .

"Antarctic Emperor Longevity?"

There was a murmur of interrogation, which came from Zhao Yu's mouth, and then the young emperor leaned forward, his ebony eyes staring at the indifferent Chang Xiliu below, the overbearing emperor in the entire room, More and more prosperous.

The next breath, when the Emperor Wei was almost snapped like a tsunami, Emperor Huang Huang's voice once again lingered in the void:

"Chang Xiliu, one of the four imperial emperors, Changsheng, has something to do with the Xuemei Kingdom today?"

As soon as this question came out, the Southern Heavenly King Chang Xiliu, who was under everyone’s eyes, raised his head, and his golden eyes looked at Zhao Yu’s black eyes at the same place. The corners of his mouth were raised, showing a little smile, and he spoke. Responded:

"This was once a secret. Legend has it that the Snow Maiden of the Immortal Palace used to be the Snow Girl, who was later the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom, and was the daughter of the Antarctic Emperor Changsheng.

"At the same time, the entire Xuemei clan, relying on this relationship, has occupied the famous Dongtianfudi, Fengxue Shenshan, and built a mountain temple to worship the Emperor Changsheng and be blessed by him since the time of the Immortal Palace."

As the voice fell, Chang Xiliu raised his right hand, pointed his finger towards the front, and suddenly a big golden flame burned up in the void.

I saw this flame burning out of thin air and spreading out. It only took a few breaths to directly burn out the appearance of a huge mountain, and then the cold voice of Chang Xiliu continued:

"Although the Emperor Changsheng has many heirs, the Xuemei Kingdom is his most beloved daughter. Therefore, before the collapse of the fairy palace, the Xuemei clan received a lot of blessings.

"The mountain temple is full of top-level cultivation methods and treasures. In between, the overall strength of the Xuemei Kingdom in the post-Xiangong era after the collapse of the fairy palace is very strong. Among the four great kingdoms, it ranks No. Two."

"After the fairy palace collapsed, what happened to the Great Emperor Changsheng?"

The question of the young emperor always reaches the core level, and this question is also the truth that the people present want to know. Then the Nantian King Xiliu, who was in full view, put away the slightly raised corner of his mouth, and shook his head in response. :

"I don't know, after the immortal palace collapsed, whether it was the immortal emperor or the four imperial emperors, these peerless overhauls that once covered the entire Taixuan were missing at the same time. This is also where everyone doubts, because everything is too weird.

"For so many years, some people have explored and searched for the secrets of the disappearance of these top-level overhauls, but they never ended up quickly. Therefore, in a sense, there has been a huge gap in the cultivation and inheritance of the Central Plains in the Great Profound Land!"

After the steady and clear voice of the Nantian King Xiliu came out, everyone in the lobby became more thinking. Then Sima Annan raised his hand and rubbed his stubble-grown chin, and the voice came out:

"For countless years, according to the evolution of the heavens from easy to difficult, the distribution of cultivators' ranks are all pyramid-shaped. The collapse of the fairy palace and the disappearance of top-level overhauls are like a knife, directly cutting down this Although the uppermost layer of the pyramid will not allow the tower to collapse directly, this will bring a very serious consequence."

As soon as Sima Annan's words fell, Xuebancheng, which was also affiliated with the military aircraft department, was surrounded by blue eyes, and the response sounded:

"The disappearance of the top-level overhaul means that the inheritance is cut off, and the blood and magical powers that are the best in the world are lost. Later generations want to climb up again. In the process of re-exploring, it may take countless hours, or even on the other hand. In other words, this is a subversion of the spiritual world.

"The two armies oppose each other, and the side that takes the first level of the enemy's general can often win easily. If you look carefully, you will find that the drastic changes in these tens of thousands of years may be a beheading tactic."

The words of Xuebancheng are like a boulder smashed into the smooth water of the lake. It has stirred up infinite waves in everyone's hearts. Even the Nantian King, who has always looked unchanged, has a slight golden pupil. Shrinking, lips pursed tightly.

"The top inheritance of the Central Plains in the Taixuan Land is completely cut off. This also means the importance of the inheritance of major repairs such as the Four Imperials. It is no wonder that the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom paid so much attention to this saint, even at the expense of the core source. Force, leading to premature fall."

After a few breaths, in the silent lobby, a sigh from Taoist Guanyun came out.

At the next breath, Zhao Yu, who was sitting at the front desk in the front of the lobby, leaned forward, raised his right hand and tapped on the table in front of him, making two soft sounds:


These two not-so-loud percussive sounds, engulfing the mighty imperial Dao’s majesty, swept outwards, instantly pulling back the thoughts of everyone in the lobby, and finally the young emperor’s voice lingered in his ears:

"The general trend of this world is unpredictable. With the limited information we know, everything is just speculation, but since Wu Daxia is already in the North, he will inevitably be involved in the chaos of the entire Taixuan world.

"Therefore, focusing on the present is the right way. Now that the monarch of Xuemei Kingdom has died, all everyone has to do is to deal with the impact of this matter."

When the emperor's voice fell, the young emperor raised his hand, picked up another secret book from the desk, and the voice sounded again:

"Xuemei is one of the four great kingdoms, so it's not necessary to repeat its influence. It has only been a few days since the monarch of Xuemei has fallen, but the chaos has already appeared."

After finishing the sentence, Zhao Yu stretched out his hand and pointed at the Zhezi in front of him, and Emperor Huang Huang continued to linger in everyone's ears:

"Now the entire Xuemei Kingdom has begun to split. The princess of Xuemei Kingdom and some priests of the Snow Mountain Temple did not accept the decision of the Xuemei Kingdom to pass the throne. They directly split the ground and ruled. The two sides are at war with each other. The battle for the throne is about to happen!"

As soon as the emperor's voice fell, outside the lobby door of this Crescent Treasure Ship, a monk stepped in from the outside, and then this person separated from the crowd in front of him, and walked directly to Zhao Yu and knelt down, with his hands up. A secret letter, an urgent voice came out:

"Your Majesty, the latest emergency report of the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land."

"But you say it's okay."


After speaking, the monk took a deep breath, and then a loud voice came out:

"It's the teleportation formation. The news of the teleportation formation appeared in the people of the Taixuan Land, to be precise.

"The princess of the Xuemei Kingdom sent someone to tell the world that anyone who helped her win the throne can give her a quarter of the teleportation line on hand, and the world is in an uproar!"

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