The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1727: You're dead

Between heaven and earth, once the air luck begins to fluctuate, everything will start to become extremely elusive when the situation changes.

The wise old man who thought he was foolproof would suddenly realize that he was the most ridiculous clown, and when the fantasy and confidence in his heart were destroyed, the monks of the Mad Lizard Sect suddenly felt a while. Dazzled.

"Damn it!"

A stream of blood pouring from the mouth of the crazy lizard old man, and his chest, where the lava stone cow leader's sharp horns were cut, not only shattered the scales, but even the internal organs flowed out.

Based on the accumulation of the cultivation base of this mad lizard elder, although the physical chest laceration is terrifying, it is not to the point of exhaustion. What really makes him feel bad is the wound rushing out. Hot law breath.

This lava aura and the ice origin power of the old man of the mad lizard oppose each other, and there is a terrifying power like a detonation of supernatural power, which impacts the former's mind one after another.

"This source of power, Old Stone Cow, you have been in hiding for so many years, but you have broken through?"

Unbelievable murmurs came from the voice of the great elder of the wild lizard sect, and then the cultivators of the wild lizard sect who reacted screamed and surrounded the old people.

At the same time, solid ice had begun to appear on the faint golden claws of Sect Master Xi Kuang, and he suddenly jumped up, from top to bottom, to grab the stone cow tribe that was enveloped in thick smoke.

The snow is flying and the aura is raging. Between this mountain peak, the dazzling blue glow reappears, but this ice glow is quite different from the previous colorful wild lizard's ice-cracking tail, both in momentum and power. .

"Even your old lizard as the great elder is not an opponent of this bull. You, a little lizard who has just become the Sovereign, dare to be presumptuous and seek your own death!"

A voice of disdain came out of the thick smoke that billowed, and then within the tornado of thick smoke like a volcanic storm, an increasingly bright red color emerged outward, and at the same time there was another rising. The extremely hot and violent breath.

At the next breath, the crimson storm suddenly separated outwards, revealing a particularly burly red figure inside.

This figure has a bull-headed human body, red lava intertwined on the muscular upper body, and what is daunting is the horns on top of its head that is burning with flames.

And it was this extremely sharp and flaming horn that completely broke open the chest of the elder of the wild lizard sect in a single encounter, and severely injured the latter.

"Supernatural powers, stone cow hammer!"

After an instant, the burly stone cow leader in the flame tornado raised his hand and clenched his fist heavily. On the right fist like a hammer, the lava flames were burning, and the entire mountain peak suddenly sounded the loud roar of the volcanic eruption.

"West Madness, this bull has broken through and is retreating quickly!"

The great elder of the mad lizard sect between the shock of the soul, converging his mind, uttered a loud roar at the front, but the spread of the sound was not as fast as the violent punches, and the voice of the great elder had just uttered. The giant fist hammer had already exploded the air in front of him.


The air above the peak is relatively thin, and without the barrier of air, the power of this vast punch is even more powerful, and the speed is even more violent. It directly smashed into the sovereign west and violently rushed. Above the lower body.


In the next instant, the cracking sound of ice cubes magnified by countless times resounded through the void, and Xi Kuang’s golden body, under the punch of this heavy hammer, unsurprisingly, dense cracks appeared, scale armor and frost downward. Fall quickly.

However, the blood-colored stone cow standing proudly among the billowing smoke did not let go of the heavy fist, but revealed a little unexpected color in his eyes, muttering:

"Dock tail to survive, you four-legged reptiles, really cunning."

After the words fell, Xi Kuang's torn apart body directly began to fluctuate violently, and then directly turned into a long, riddled lizard tail.

Tail docking to survive is the nature of lizards!

At the same time, on the ground behind the Scarlet Stone Bull, two frosty claws broke out of the stone and directly tore the ground apart. Then the scaly figure of the Sect Master of the Mad Lizard appeared behind the former like a ghost, both claws Strangling down violently, the roar came out:

"For so many years, those who dared to look down upon this Sect Master have their heads cut off. Old things, you are no exception!"

When the voice fell in, two black ice thorns appeared in Xi Kuang’s hands. They cut through the void at an extremely tricky angle, and plunged directly into the back of the shining light of the blood-colored stone cow, accompanied by a snorting, directly Plunge into it.

"Many arm is a car, you can't do it!"

Even if the ice stabbed directly into the body, there was no color on the face of the blood-colored stone cow.

Then he slowly turned his head, and in the bull's eye like a copper bell, there seemed to be a roaring flame burning, engulfing the billowing evil intentions, and hitting the west kuang behind.

Under this cold and hot gaze, Xi Kuang's complexion changed slightly, and he just wanted to withdraw, but found that the spike in his hand was directly stuck by the squirming muscles of the lava stone in front of him.

"I'm close to Lao Tzu's body and want to leave. You think too much!"

As the well-deserved strongest of the lava bull clan, the leader of the lava bull has perfect control of every muscle of his own, so he clamped the ice thorn of Xi Kuang, and made the latter hesitate for a moment.

The life and death struggle between the strong, even a short moment, is enough to completely change the situation!

Then the violent lava power continued to circulate violently, the old stone cow suddenly turned around, stretched out his big hand like a fan, slapped Xi Kuang's head without fancy, and slapped the latter like a fly. Shoot flying.


Between the howling wind and snow, Xi Kuang above the void turned into an arc, blasting above the mountain peaks, and at the same time, the loud noise from the sky made all the monks of the wild lizard family watching all this subconsciously shake , Can't help but withdraw one step backward.

After a breath, the impact force spreading outwards was completely swept out. Numerous rocks splashed like bullets, sweeping down a large area of ​​the crazy lizard monks with insufficient cultivation level, while those with more numbers would scurry and evade in a panic. At the same time, with a horrified gaze, he stared at the lava bull leader standing like a **** or devil on the mountain.


Suddenly, a painful cough sounded between the gravel on the mountain peak, and then survived with a tail docking, and the mad lizard sect master who plunged the ice thorn into the body of the lava stone bull leader, slowly between the gravel Climb out.

The West Kuang's state is definitely not good, the scales are broken everywhere, the blood is constantly flowing down, and the breath is extremely sluggish. Even the original lizard's head is even more distorted and ferocious because of too much pain.

Every step of the way out, there must be a blood stain on the ground, but the corner of the mouth of the wild lizard sect master Xi Kuang suddenly opened, and then under the gaze of countless lights, he let out a terrifying grin:

"Hahaha, old stuff, you are dead, you are dead!"

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