In the southern mountains of Changming County, the cold wind roared and noisy like ghosts, and at the same time, one after another surging murderous intentions shattered the sky, like dark clouds, pressing down against the two Central Plains Northland Great Sect monks who were facing each other below.

But at this time, for the veteran sect of the Mad Lizard Sect in the north of the Central Plains, the situation is extremely critical, and even in danger of extinction.

At the outskirts of the mountain where the mad lizard monks who were going to plunder the city of Changming were gathered, a group of burly stone cow monks stood condescendingly and stared at him.

As enemies who have fought each other for so many years, the mad lizard clan is very clear about the strongest place of the mortal enemy Stoneniu monk.

That is a collective violent charge!

Once these savage bulls formed a wave of charge, not to mention other sects, basically no one can stop the fast land boundary of the North Central Plains.

At this time, the geographical location of these mad lizard cultivators was also extremely severe, surrounded by mountains, surrounded by countless stone cow family cultivators, and embarrassed on all sides.

"The terrain we are in is just right on a low slope. If these stone bull byproducts are charged madly, the power will be even greater. This time, it will be more ill-fortune!"

A mad lizard monk who was lucky enough to survive under the bombardment of gravel climbed up from the ground, shook his head fiercely in panting, and then looked around for a week, and the muttering continued:

"The lizard king is here, I don't want to die, I don't want to die yet!"

As the voice fell, a panic began to spread among the monks of the Mad Lizard Sect, and then another mad lizard cultivator beside him staggered and rolled on the ground twice, watching the blood surge ahead. The two elders and the master of the extremely embarrassed mad lizard sect, in their eyes, the look of despair is even worse.

These two are the two strongest monks in the Mad Lizard Sect, and now they are all dying!

Suddenly, a frantic grinning, suddenly rolled from the front, like the roar of a devil, causing everyone to look sideways. After seeing the appearance, they then let out an exclamation:


I saw the West Kuang with its long tail broken and its scales broken from inch to inch, countless blood that continued to gush out, and tyrannical eyes, staring at the bull leader of the lava stone in front of him, and the roar continued:

"Dead, you are dead!"

With such a mad look, the leader of the stone cow standing proudly on the mountain frowned, staring down with cold eyes, and the same cold voice came out:

"Death is imminent, completely crazy?"

Before the voice of the lava stone cow fell, another old voice sounded directly from the side:

"It's you who is dying, old stone cow."

As soon as this statement was made, the Qi on the cliff in the southern part of Changming County suddenly began to change more drastically, and then all eyes turned to the direction of the sound.

At the next breath, the elder of the mad lizard sect with his chest torn up slowly stood up on the ground, the scales on his entire body continued to glow with extremely weird colorful light, and the frightened color in his eyes gradually became wise and bloodthirsty. Instead, a word by word came out:

"Old Stone Niu, to be honest, all of this was beyond the elder's accident, whether it was your appearance, your breakthrough in cultivation, and you actually planted spies in my Zong'an to monitor our every move."

After the mad lizard old man finished speaking, his **** chest wound began to squirm extremely terribly. Pieces of scales grew out again at a speed visible to the naked eye, and healed most of the wound in a blink of an eye.

The clan of mad lizards who are good at tail docking and survival have extremely powerful regenerative ability. Therefore, after the hot law of using the law of ice to keep the lava stone inside the body, the momentum of the old mad lizard began to quickly recover, and the old voice continued to sound:

"You and I have been mortal enemies since I was young. For so many years, I have been very clear about your strength. Now that you have broken through, so you are facing right, this elder is definitely not your opponent, even if you add Xi Kuang."

Speaking of this, the words of the elder of the wild lizard sect reverberated violently, and once again resounded between the peaks with a passionate voice:

"But Old Stone Bull, you broke through and swelled, allowing Xi Kuang to plunge the ice thorn into your body. You must know that there is the venom of our ancestor Lizard in this ice thorn!

"This poison, even if it is a terrestrial god, will decay and die, let alone your old stone cow. After a while, you will kneel in front of the elder and ask me to save you.

"But it's a pity that there is no solution to this poison, so you wailing, crying, and angry, because this is your last voice in this world!"

The increasingly excited voice of the great elder of the mad lizard clan came out, and all the expressions on the faces of the monks of the mad lizard sect that had been heard went directly from the previous fear to ecstasy, and then began to shout:

"The Great Elder is mighty, the Sovereign is mighty!"

Living creatures are extremely easy to fall into a state of madness under the emotions of a roller coaster, and the wild lizards belong to the surviving Taixuan creatures, so at this time they stretched out their claws, grabbing at the void in front of them, and roaring:

"Dead, die, die!"

Between the roars, this mountain peak began to become extremely chaotic, and then a thick voice with deep disdain continued to sound:

"Stupid, with a little cleverness, with two ice thorns, I really thought it would come back, really naive."

As soon as this sound came out, it directly extinguished the crazy fire of these wild lizards like a cold wave, and then under one eye after another, the lava stone cow directly dispersed the lava and dense smoke surrounding his body.

At this time, on the burly upper body of the lava stone, the dazzling blue-violet venom has begun to penetrate out, like a sharp claw, spreading outward, and at the same time, the cold breath swept outward.

As the great elder of the mad lizard clan said, the poison of this lizard king is extremely powerful, and once it erupts, it will cause the law to backlash and rot and die.

However, there was no fear on the lava stone cow's face. When he took a breath, he grabbed it lightly, and a bottle of light blue liquid appeared in his palm. Then he raised his head and drank it without hesitation.

After a few breaths, a strong wave of vitality began to shoot out from the body of the lava stone bull leader, like a violent rain of rain, rushing back and forth in the former body, and at the same time the vitality rushed out. Fluctuations can be clearly sensed throughout the mountain.

Then, under unbelievable gazes, the poison of the lizard king outside the lava stone bull's body gradually disappeared, and finally completely dissipated.

"No, it's impossible, this is the poison of the lizard emperor, how could it disappear so easily?"

Amidst the screaming sound of the mad lizard sect master Xi Kuang, there was infinite horror, and then the former opened his mouth and spit out more blood, and the voice of questioning came out:

"What is it that you just drank, why are you so powerful?"

As soon as this question came out, the disdain in the eyes of the lava stone bull leader became even worse, and then he slapped the huge bull's mouth, and his voice faintly spread:

"I don't know if I tell you, this thing is called a purification potion, turtles!"

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