The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1729: Long Wei mighty

"Impossible, how could this be? The poison of the lizard emperor is the strongest weapon of our sect. How can it be so easily resolved for so many years without any disadvantages!"

In the southern mountains of Changming County, between the mountains that were completely filled by two monks, a sharp exclamation came from the camp of the wild lizard monks.

As a clan, the people of these wild lizards are most aware of the strength of their toxins. Although the wild lizards have mimicry, frost law, and extremely extraordinary speed, they really make it one of the major sects in the northern part of the Central Plains. toxin.

Among them, the poison of the lizard king, as a means of pressing the bottom of the box, has the power that can be called against the sky, so that all the wild lizard clan have unlimited confidence in the former.

But this faith is completely shattered today, under a bottle containing the so-called purified water.

"The times are different, old lizard."

After the voice of the leader of the lava stone cow fell, the vigorous vitality swept from the inside to the outside of his burly body. At the same time, from the burly upper body of the former, a stream of blue and white ribbons produced by the essence of vitality continued to emerge. The pressure rose to the limit in an instant.

In other words, the purification potion that the leader of the lava stone cattle just drank not only detoxified the poison of the lizard emperor, but even completely replenished the vitality consumed by him just before using his magical powers.

"For a long time, you have been the smartest of us. You are cautious, but scheming, and try to develop and grow the mad lizard clan."

The voice that came from the lava stone bull leader's mouth was full of sorrow, and then the huge bull eyes watched the silent mad lizard clan elder, and the voice continued to sound:

"I have to say that many people have died in your hands over the years, but in the troubled times that have come, sometimes being smart is not a good thing, because smartness often comes with ambition."

As the voice fell, the lava stone cow's fists clenched, and the whole body shook forward suddenly. The roar like a volcanic eruption once again came out of the former body.

In the next breath, the light of lava that was stronger than before began to flow upwards along the body of the lava ox, directly igniting the sharp horns of the former, looking from a distance, it looked like a torch burning in the dark, especially conspicuous.

"Once there are too many thoughts in your mind, you will slack off your practice, but in this world, strength is always the first, and you have been slow to break through. This may be the reason."

After that, the huge body of the lava stone instantly disappeared from the place. At the same time, the roar from the elder of the wild lizard sect directly sounded:

"Old Stone Cow, this elder doesn't need you to preach to me. You are just a stupid bull with a dead brain. Once a defeated man, dare to speak so loudly!"

Before he could say this, a heavy punch shrouded in lava suddenly tore the air out, and punched the old mad lizard's belly without fancy.


The big elder of the mad lizard clan uttered a strange cry, and under the huge force that was enough to smash a small mountain, his back was arched up, his mouth opened and he spit out a mouthful of blood with broken internal organs.

Then the lava stone cow stretched out with the other hand, grabbed the trembling body of the old mad lizard who was about to fly out, and then slammed it violently against the ground below him.


The ground of the entire mountain seemed to shake heavily, and the powerful strength tore apart the solid black stones, forming dense cobweb-like cavities and extending outwards densely.

"The short-term gains and losses are not enough to talk about it. As long as you don't kill your opponent with your own hands, don't be happy too early."

Amidst the rubble and smoke and dust, the lava stone bull leader bowed his head and watched closely at the mad lizard clan elder who was once again shattered in front of his body, his murderous voice continued to sound:

"I know I'm not smart, so I never think too much about things that require two punches to die, and I never try to save trouble, so your tricks of docking to survive are useless!"

After the words were finished, ray of crimson lava light began to flow from the cracks on the ground of the mountain.

In just a few short breaths, it turned into chains, directly trapping the mad lizard clan old man who was about to use his tail docking to survive.

After an instant, the lava continued to face the head of the elder of the mad lizard clan, violently smashed down like a cannon, and the entire mountain peak and the earth began to vibrate up and down again, and the roar was shaking.

"Boom boom boom!"

Such a frantic sight, directly like a big hand, pressed the mouths of the surrounding frenzied monks, making them stand on the spot without making any sound.

The strength of the lava stone cow was so strong that it could smash thousands of punches in an instant, until a large hole was punched out of the ground underneath it, and it stopped.

Then the leader of the stone cow lowered his head and continued to look at the mad lizard old man who was almost inhuman in front of him. He glanced at the cow’s mouth, still with a mocking voice, and once again heard from his mouth:

"One last piece of advice to you, don't underestimate anyone, and sometimes, choice is more important than strategy!"

After speaking, the leader of the lava stone bull raised his big foot, and under the roar of the mad lizard cultivator rushing around, he completely smashed the last spirit of the elder of the mad lizard sect.

In the next breath, it was easier than imagined to kill the leader of the lava stone bull who had always been an enemy. His hands were raised to the sky, and the hot meaning in his eyes became more and more intense. Finally, he roared to the sky and roared:

"Warriors of the Stone Bull clan, the elder of the wild lizard sect is dead, listen to my orders, smash these stinky lizards who can only make trouble behind their backs under our iron hoof!"

As soon as this statement came out, the monks of the stone cow family who occupied the high places of the surrounding hills, Qi Qi released the racial Taoist statues and began to turn into huge stone cows, and roared:

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Suddenly, the boundless savage savage was suddenly suppressed, and just in the midst of this moment, above this mountain of wind and snow, a deafening dragon roar suddenly sounded:


After the dragon roars to the sky, the world is overwhelming. After being passed below, whether it is the Stone Cow family or the mad lizard cultivator who is trapped in the siege, an instinctive sense of fear emerges from the depths of the bloodline, and then they stop the charge. , Looked up at the flying snow flying violently above his head.

At the next breath, the pupils of these monks in the northern Central Plains shrank inward, because the flying snow above was torn apart in a moment, and a huge shadow suddenly appeared above the mountains.

At the same time, the ancient and powerful dragon was rolling down, and then an ancient black dragon that spread its wings directly flew out of the wind and snow, and the unspeakable ancient aura, almost all the monks below, directly pressed down.

"Dragon, look at the shadow behind, there is more than one!"

Accompanied by horrified exclaims, the snow that filled the sky continued to be torn apart by the mighty dragon, and then the second and third ancient black dragon appeared in sight.

Long Wei is so strong, I almost want to turn the world upside down!

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