The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1730: Supreme gift

The Tai Xuan Land is vast and boundless, and there are so many races living in it that it is even difficult to measure with specific numbers.

Although under countless years of inheritance, these races are extremely diverse, both in size and innate ability, but one thing is the basis of the evolution of all the creatures in the entire Taixuan.


The word blood is undoubtedly important to the entire Taixuan beings, because the Taixuan land's creatures practice through blood inheritance, and they cultivate the Taoist images passed down from generation to generation.

Therefore, almost every Taixuan creature is greatly affected by blood. In other words, these people have conquerors and fearers flowing in their blood.

The dragon is undoubtedly the fear of all creatures.


The deafening dragon's howl, and even the same giant that swept across the entire void, brought unparalleled impact to the creatures on the ground.

Especially above the mountains, they are looking up, watching the mad lizard and stone cow monks in the sky above their heads. In their eyes, they can even clearly see the densely overlapping abdomen of the ancient black dragon, glowing with the huge scales of abyss-like black awn. .

Then an indescribable fear emerged from the deepest part of the blood of these monks, trembling with two strands, almost knelt down.

"The sky is above, and the three black dragons are flying into the sky at the same time. What a battle is this. When can our counties in the Central Plains and Northlands attract such a wild lineup to come."

The murmur came from the mouth of a monk with a green complexion, and then his voice had not yet fallen, the shock on everyone's faces was even worse, and a stuttering voice came out:

"Also, there is the fourth and fifth black dragon!"

As soon as this statement came out, two more earth-shaking dragons roared down above the sky.

Then, above the sky where Feixue was rolling fiercely, right behind the three ancient black dragons that had already begun to show their bodies, two shadows that obscured the sky and sun emerged.

The shadows have the same huge wings. From the outline, they are undoubtedly ancient black dragons. At this time, the number of ancient black dragons across the sky has reached a frightening five.

The five black dragons pouring down at the same time, the dragon power is so huge and vast that most of the monks of the two monks above the mountains can no longer hold on, and they all thumped and knelt down, completely suppressed. Lie on the ground.

Long mighty, reaching the depths of the soul without fancy!

Then these violent trembling mad lizard cultivators continued to raise their heads desperately, staring at the sky above the crazily changing sky.

The next breath, another huge shadow began after the five black dragons, appeared in everyone's sight, and at the same time the screaming sound from below spread out:

"Look, it's another shadow, is it another black dragon?"

"No, this shadow has no wings spread out. It's not a black dragon. It looks like an oval shape, like, like."

Before this person's words fell, another monk beside him spoke out with an extremely shocked voice:

"It's a ship, this shadow turned out to be a ship!"

As soon as this statement came out, an extremely rich colorful light shining directly from the snow rolling above the sky, and then the dazzling light made all the monks above the mountains close their eyes.

After a few breaths, when these monks opened their eyes again and looked at them, a scene that they will never forget, appeared directly in front of them.

Five dragons pull the boat!

Above the flying sky of Blizzard, five ancient black dragons spread their wings as much as possible, with three in front and two behind, dragging a huge treasure ship with colorful camouflage lights across the void.

The entire body of this huge treasure ship is made up of countless cents and precious stones. On the deck, a huge golden Fengao Nine Heaven Flag is flying in the wind. At the same time, the two characters on the hull below are shining, which is daunting.


When the word "Daxia" appeared in front of everyone, the monk below was taken aback for a moment, and finally seemed to think of something, a look of astonishment appeared directly on his face, and he murmured:

"It turns out to be Daxia, the newest overlord of the Northern Territory. No wonder, it's no wonder that there is such a horrible posture as five dragons pulling a boat, so terrible, so terrible!"

After the voice fell, along with the mighty transit of the treasure ship, the entire void above Changming began to appear wave after wave of shock ripples visible to the naked eye.

This almost condensed into a substantial ripple, in addition to the overbearing ancient black dragon's prestige, there is also the majestic majesty of the great power of Yangyang Daxia.

"The overlord of the Northern Territory has a treasure ship going south, in other words, is it participating in the World Conference held in Fufeng County, Central Plains?"

Compared with the desperate mad lizards, the monks of the Stoneniu clan who occupy an absolutely dominant position at this time undoubtedly have much better mentality. Therefore, some of the monks nodded and responded:

"As in today's chaos, although this Northern Territory Great Summer was born out of the sky, as one of the forces in the Northern County of Central Plains, we can fully feel the pressure this force brings to us."

"Yes, according to the legend, a few years ago, this Great Xia used his own power to defend the entire Taixuan Central Plains force cultivator's siege, and even completely destroyed the entire Holy Court South Palace."

After a shocked voice came out, another old man from the Stone Bull clan continued to watch the Crescent Treasure Ship that came completely overhead, and felt the infinite pressure that had risen to the extreme, and a solemn voice came out:

"Originally, the old man was just skeptical about the news of the new North Territory. At this moment, when he saw it, he suddenly felt that the rumors were not false, and he even had reservations.

"Now this northern phoenix, which has been dormant for several years, has completely begun to go south, not knowing what impact it will have on the already chaotic situation in the Central Plains."

When this statement fell, in the wild lizard sect, the lava stone bull leader who directly hammered the former great elder to death, stood upright, and his eyes clearly reflected the vast crescent ship above.

Then the burly monk took a deep breath and let out a long howl to the sky:

"Stone cattle clan, follow this suzerain to give the most noble supreme gift!"

As soon as this statement came out, the lava stone bull leader took the lead to kneel on one knee, press his right hand on his chest, and his head drooped.

At the same time, the rest of the stone cow family above the surrounding mountains, although there were still doubts and fears on their faces, they still knelt on one knee, raised their right hands, and performed the same manners.

The supreme ceremony has only one meaning for the stone cow family, that is surrender!

"It turns out that your Stone Bull clan belonged to Daxia in the North for a long time?"

The roar came from the mouth of the wild lizard Zong Xi Kuang, but in a blink of an eye it was completely overwhelmed by the uniform and uniform sound of sending around:

"The Stone Bull clan sent Daxia Treasure Ship to the south, invincible and invincible!"

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