The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1731: Baolian Sword Ground

Today is not a peaceful day for the entire Taixuan Land.

What is foreseeable is that every day from now on, the situation will become more and more chaotic until a complete war breaks out.

In the southern part of Changming County in the northern part of the Central Plains, the battle on the hills is just a small epitome. The entire Central Plains has more than one hundred vast counties in the Taixuan Land. It is in such an ups and downs of the heavens. Down, countless forces almost completely killed their eyes.

However, for the monks in the counties and regions in the northern part of the Central Plains, the scenes exposed by the wind and snow flying above the sky are destined to be unforgettable for a lifetime.

It is true that any monk who saw the horror scene of the five dragons pulling the boat would mutter the last sentence, the sky is above.

Zhao Yu and the entire Daxia, with such a shocking battle, announced that this nine-day **** phoenix dominating in the north was officially spreading its wings south and flying to the Central Plains.

Perhaps this is the prologue of Daxia's generosity epic poem, which originated from Qianmo and conquered Taixuan!

The sun sinks in the west, night falls, and the sunset glows like a flame burning to the last moment, hanging on the horizon of a huge city.

Under the sunset, perhaps it is the onset of darkness, and then the bright stones of the big sunlight are stored in the day, and they begin to shine in every household, and they all light up this place in the Central Plains of the Taixuan Land. It's a small city.

Baolian County, Liantai City.

If the former Xian Ting Sacred Palace is located, that is, the current Central Shangguo Tang is the center of Taixuan Zhongyuan, then the two giants with overlapping spheres of influence, Shengting and Central Shangguo, deserve to occupy the most. Rich, but also the most populous location.

The east of the central country is Fufeng County, where the Taoist Society of the World is held, while the former is north, and the neighboring county is Baolian County.

Baolian County is just as its name, and the shape of the entire county is like a lotus flower in bud.

It is said that in the heyday, this lotus flower once bloomed in the land of Taixuan, and then due to the changes in the fortune of the air, the territory has been shrinking. By this time, it has become a budding appearance.

Baolian County, also known as Baolian Sword Ground, is the gathering place of Taixuan sword repairs.

The lotus is no longer in full bloom, in fact, it also heralds the decline of kendo in the land of Tai Xuan.

After the imperial palace suddenly collapsed, the ancient sword celestial lords who had been arrogant in the past disappeared one after another, and together with them, there were the magical powers of kendo and the powerful sword weapons.

In the era when the ancient heritage was severed and the bloodline became popular, the decline of the Baolian Sword Field, which once flourished with fierce killings, is also the general trend.

However, as the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Although the Baolian sword field is not as brilliant as it once was, its strength is still not weak in the Central Plains of the Supreme Profound Land.

Even in some rankings of the rivers and lakes, it only ranks below the top four, and is known as a prince-level power.

It is worth mentioning that the names of the many cities in this Baolian Sword Ground are also very simple, with a lotus in their names, and this is the case for the lotus platform city bathed in the sunset at this time.

Although Liantai City is not the most prestigious city in Baolian Jiandi, it is still extremely prosperous. As the sun sets, a monk carrying a long sword on the wide street walks quickly, or returns home, or Look for a restaurant and have dinner.

Jian Xiu always went straight and talked, and spoke little, so even in the bustling appearance, the whole street was still quite quiet and not noisy.

"Since the collapse of the Immortal Palace, the entire Taixuan Land has been in turmoil for tens of thousands of years, and in the process of the Holy Court gradually occupying the top spot in the Central Plains, this Baolian swordfield has not shown its ambitions."

On the street in the middle of Liantai City, a very clear voice sounded, and she said that she thought she was a tall girl.

I saw the girl wearing a pale blue robe and a black gauze hat on her head, completely hiding her beautiful face.

What is quite noticeable is that behind the girl is a long sword that is almost close to the girl's height.

This sword was completely wrapped in a thick long cloth, but the Baolian Sword Land was the place where the most sword monks used swords in the entire Taixuan Land. The sword repairers had a special induction to the sword.

Therefore, some people still faintly felt that this sword was extraordinary. When they passed by, they glanced at it, and there was a flash of surprise in their eyes.

But the girl didn't care about it, she still walked forward, and continued to speak to the young man beside her:

"Brother Dingshan, you know that the strength of this Baolian swordfield at the beginning is much stronger than it is now. Since the age of the fairy palace, there has been an extremely ancient and long-standing swordsmanship sect that was founded here."

After the voice fell, beside the girl with the sword back, a young man wearing only a coarse cloth and no pupils in his eyes turned his head slowly and finally responded:

"Appreciate further details."

As soon as the words came out, the big eyes under the girl's pocket suddenly lit up, the corners of her mouth raised, revealing a nice smile, and she continued to speak crisply:

"Brother Li, you finally spoke."

After speaking, the girl Yi'er raised her hands and patted lightly, and again came out of her red lips with a little cheerful voice:

"Brother Dingshan, I don't know if you have heard such a sentence, it is called the sword repair of the world, and there is no Qinglian.

"Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, it is possible to know that the Qinglian Sword Sect in the land of Baolian was a well-deserved leader, and even the sword repairs of the entire Profound Skyland have entered this sect for their entire lives. Glory."

After finishing the sentence, Yi'er glanced at Li Dingshan, who was listening carefully, and two red clouds appeared on her cheeks. If you look carefully at the girl's dress, you will also find some thoughts about her daughter's house.

Although Miss Yi'er still wears a hat and a simple and elegant green robe at this time, she is a little different from when she once walked the rivers and lakes.

Not only the hair of a single head is carefully braided, but even on the cyan robe, there are many small flowers that seem to be random, but actually embroidered by stitches and stitches. At the same time, Yi'er has a very pleasant and elegant fragrance.

Such a small change represents the change in the girl's heart, but to Yi'er's chagrin, Li Dingshan next to him is like an elm bump on the way, and he often doesn't say a word for most of the day.

Now that Li Dingshan finally took the initiative to speak, the smile on the girl's face became thicker, and he continued to explain:

"The strength of Qinglian Sword Sect was definitely one of the best in the early days of the collapse of the Immortal Palace, so this gave birth to Jian Xiu's ambition."

At this point, the girl Yi'er paused, and her voice came out:

"This Qinglian Sword Sect wants to make the entire era after the Immortal Palace become the era of Jian Xiu in charge of the universe!"

As soon as this statement was made, the color of solemnity appeared out of thin air, and then Li Dingshan's questioning sound followed:

"In the end, Qinglian Jianzong lost?"

"Naturally lost."

There was a natural color in the voice of the girl Yi'er, and then the response sound lingered again:

"I lost to the Holy Court, and I lost it completely!"

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