The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1752: Leave life, leave the coffin

At dawn, the rain was heavy and the sky was still dark, and the darkness still shrouded the streets and alleys of Huwen City.

The aftermath of the soul power riot caused by the full moon night has not yet completely receded. Although soul power does not have much impact on ordinary creatures, it makes the billowing darkness, deeper and deeper, a icy cold deep into the bones of the bones. Feeling rushing to the face.

On the very inconspicuous small streets of Huwen City, a beast car drove silently in the dark. The car was small and very low-key. At the front of the car, two women in coarse black clothes stood side by side. Sitting and driving.

The one pulling the cart is the most common domesticated beast in Sleeping Tiger County. It has a thick beast palm and flesh pad, so that no sound is made while it is traveling, and then a soft questioning sound comes from the beast cart:

"Eldest sister, do we really want to send the girl behind to the north according to what Li Zeng said?"

After the questioning sound came out, the speaker paused, and a rather dissatisfied voice came out:

"I finally found a strong little brother in this tiger pattern city, just a three-color celestial coin, which will let me disappear for no reason. I am not reconciled."

After the voice fell, the person made a fist and smashed the wooden board in front of him, with a fierce voice:

"Why don't I just wait for a while and never stop?"

As soon as the words came out, the eldest sister sitting beside her face became stern, and she opened her mouth and let out a rant:

"Hugh is so nonsense, Li Gongyi has been waiting for me all day long. The young lady has also healed your and my injuries. If you have such a mindset, I will be the first to spare you."

"Eldest sister, are you willing to look good in the city?

"I know that the guy keeps begging you for cents. This Li Gong loves his daughter very much. Since he is leaving here, there must be a treasure in the wooden coffin behind, I don't believe you are not moved!"

After the voice of cynicism came out, the middle-aged woman called the eldest sister, with a stronger icy color in her eyes, directly stretched out her right hand, grabbed the skirt of the next sister, and pulled it in front of her, lowering her voice. Outgoing:

"Are you going to die? You have not left Huwen City now, so you dare to say such things, and you are not afraid of Le Gong breaking your head?"

After speaking, the eldest sister looked around cautiously for a week. Seeing that there was no movement around her, she breathed a sigh of relief, and her voice continued:

"Other people don't know about Le Gong's cultivation base, can you and I still know it? If he knows that I am going to be unfavorable to his daughter, taking our lives will only be a matter of minutes."

"The daring will die, the timid will starve to death, and the horse will not be expensive. If there is no windfall, we will only starve to death in Huwen City."

An emotional voice came from one of the female nuns. After that, the person gritted his teeth severely, grabbed the reins of the animal cart in front of him, and flicked it hard, and the voice came out:

"I just said those words. If Li Zeng wanted to kill me, he would have come long ago. Why wait until now? Don't you understand? He is explaining the funeral. Whether he can live is still a question. "

When the voice fell, the person pulled the reins again, and controlled the animal cart in front of him with a sharp turn, and directly ran away from the direction of leaving the city, and his voice continued to sound:

"I don't care about it, so let's secretly take it and hide it with her friend, to see what good things Li Zeng has left for his daughter."

As soon as the voice fell, the animal cart rushed into the dark street silently, and then the expression on the elder sister's face changed for a while, but in the end she did not speak, and acquiesced to the actions of the people next to her.

The darkness before dawn is particularly deep, especially under the condition of heavy rain, as if the whole world was dumped directly up and down.

Suddenly, on the animal cart that had been advancing silently in the rainstorm, the two malicious female sisters changed their expressions in an instant, and at the same time they subconsciously pulled the reins in their hands and let out an anger. drink:

"Who is it, come out!"

Angrily rang out, the animal cart under the two of them, because of a sudden stop, it stopped after a certain distance on the street.

But what's strange is that the beast pulling the cart, before the body completely stopped, began to tremble violently, leaned on the ground and let out a whimper.

"Who is it, don't force me to wait for a shot!"

The sound that continued to be heard from the mouths of the two female nuns unknowingly took on the color of fear, because they suddenly discovered the sound of rain that had been lingering in their ears, and disappeared without a trace. .

Then one of the sisters stretched out her hand, only to find that there was not even a trace of rain in the darkness, and she muttered:

"A major repair has stripped away this space, or you and I have fallen into a trap that has already been laid out. No matter which one it is, it is a dangerous situation. You can't wait, let's do it!"

After speaking, the two did not hesitate anymore, each grabbed two daggers glowing with cold light from their waists, and threw them directly into the deep darkness in front of them.

In the next instant, two piercing white lights suddenly blazed into the void, and at the same time, the piercing whistling sound resounded everywhere.

But what made the two female cultivators even more frightened was that after the two powerfully sinking daggers rushed into the darkness in front of them, they seemed to sink into the sea, unable to cause any fluctuations.

The billowing darkness ahead before dawn is like the most terrifying black hole in the abyss, enough to swallow everything.

Immediately afterwards, a deep feeling of powerlessness appeared in the hearts of the two female cultivators. After the powerlessness, it was the fear that made the former tremble.

"Who the **** is it, come out!"

This third shout already brought despair, and after an instant, the darkness in front of the two finally changed, and a harsh whistle suddenly sounded.

This whistling sound is no stranger to everyone present, because this is the sound of wind, extremely violent wind!

As soon as the gusty wind roared, the darkness at the end of the street spread directly to both sides, and a cyan hurricane that was visible to the naked eye rolled out.

In just a few moments, the hurricane swept across the stalled animal vehicle on the street.


At the next breath, the entire animal cart was completely lifted, and the two female repairmen on the cart, together with the wooden coffin placed at the back of the cart, smashed onto the ground. At the same time, the fierce beast pulling the cart at the front was swept away in an instant. The green wind that came was directly chopped into blood foam.

The hurricane rushed with scarlet blood on their bodies, causing the two sisters to tremble like a sieve. Then, under their gaze, a shadow slowly walked out of the darkness on the other side of the street.

What caught the eye was a black, ghost-like behemoth, and the gaze from the giant tiger's head was extremely cold.

At the next breath, as the ghost winged beast stepped forward, the figure on the back of the former gradually appeared.

This man and a beast is a silent ghost messenger in the darkness, and even makes people unable to resist the courage.

Then the deputy commander of the Great Xia Youwing Army asked Chen Yan to lift the big rune spear and shook his finger to the front. A voice that was neither light nor heavy, rolled out:

"Leave the coffin, save your life."

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