The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1753: The game in the long street

The gun is carried, the wind blows, the noisy wind whistle, shocking.

When Chen Yan, the commander of the Netherwing Army, clenched the big gun in his hand and carried the gun forward, the darkness and wind in the surrounding void seemed to have become the most loyal and obedient soldier, and began to explode the most violent iron and blood. Meaning.

The rolling darkness on both sides of the street burst open in an instant, and at the same time, on the big gun in Chen Yan's hand, runes directly lit up one after another, as if there was a storm inside, it was rapidly condensing.

The Netherwing Army is a ghost that dances silently in the darkness of Daxia.

At the next breath, the giant ghost beast leaned forward, the dark wings behind it suddenly opened, and one person and one beast instantly disappeared in place.

There is a sudden wind in the world!

After a while, a violent hurricane swept forward, tearing apart the void, and even more violent than the wind was the ghost beast shadow melted in the wind, and the ghost winged beast traveled at the extreme speed of the tiger pattern city. The long street requires only a short blink of an eye.

After a breath, the hurricane whizzed by, and immediately after the eldest sister of the two female cultivators, the panic in her eyes reached the extreme, and she opened her mouth and let out a terrible whistle:

"Damn, who are you? I have no grievances with you, why do you want to kill me like this, why!"

Before the sharp roar fell, the sister's words stopped abruptly, and they turned into a sobbing hard to breathe, because a sharp claw stretched out in the void and patted the other woman's head without any fancy. Above.


After a loud noise, the head of the female clerk under the sharp claws was completely shattered like a watermelon, and the scarlet blood clot blew the face of the older sister beside her, causing the latter's tail vertebrae to suddenly rise in unprecedented coldness. Shivering and chilling.

Then he climbed up abruptly, ignoring the blood on his face, and tried to flee backwards with all four feet together. At the same time, he burst out all the vitality stored in his body in an instant.

After a breath, centered on the body of the middle-aged female sister fleeing embarrassedly, a white dagger condensed by supernatural powers directly turned into a violent storm and poured out in all directions.

The middle-aged female cultivator tried to use a sudden explosion of magical powers to force Chen Yan away from the ghostly cruising ghostly wing army, to win a ray of life for herself, but all this was in vain.

The secluded wings are scattered in the wind and united in the wind.

Then the harsh wind whistling became louder and louder, and the entire long street shrouded in the wind-suppression barrier, the void began to vibrate up and down, and then another hurricane rose out of thin air, from top to bottom, and fell formidable in the middle age. Before the female correction.

In the next instant, a huge tiger head appeared in the wind, and the cold eyes shot from the huge scarlet eyes of the Netherwing beast almost completely frozen the void in front of it.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I can offer everything, you want this wooden coffin and the people in the wooden coffin, right, take it, take it all."

With an extremely desperate begging for mercy, Yu fell from the seat of the female nun, but the next breath, a spear stabbed silently, like a sickle cut by death mercilessly, piercing the entire head of the former, and immediately harvested. Killed a life.

Then Chen Yan pulled out the spear and controlled the ghost wing beast to take a step backwards, looking straight ahead, and a steady voice came out:

"A group of mysterious monks approached quickly, cleaning the battlefield within 30 breaths, and taking the girl in the wooden coffin to the Crescent Moon Treasure Ship to the rear."

As soon as this statement came out, a number of ghost wing beasts appeared in the darkness, and the ghost wing army on their back nodded, and the promise came out:


After more than a hundred breaths, this unremarkable long street in the tiger pattern city, the downpour continued to fall, and under the squeaking noise, on the roof of the whole street, dark figures suddenly appeared.

If someone is here, they will be shocked by the ghostly appearance of these dark shadows. Not only do they surround the entire long street at the same time, but the vast array of gods rushes down, clearing every part of the long street. Chu scanned it again.

"Weird, there is nothing unusual. Could it be that the adults in the palace have made a mistake?"

After a while, a suspicious question came from the black shadow, and then all the monks headed by the black shadow raised their right hand, and a cold voice came out:

"Send a monk from the spirit dog clan to smell it, is there any **** smell."

When the words fell, the deputy next to him raised his hand abruptly, and then a figure jumped down from the black shadow formation on the roof. After falling on the ground below, his hands were lying forward, and the racial road behind him was like a figure. It quickly emerged.

This person's Tao is like a pale gray slender giant dog with an exaggerated proboscis. It is surprisingly a family of Siti Spirit Dogs that are extremely rare in the entire Taixuan Land.

The next breath will release the monk of the Spirit Dog family after his debut, his nose began to protrude forward, and then he slammed into the street in front of him.

In an instant, the countless odors remaining in the street air were all sucked into the nose of the spirit dog monk, and the former began to distinguish.

This tiger-patterned city was originally mixed with fish and dragons, so there are so many smells in the air.

Therefore, after nearly a hundred breaths, the cultivator of the Spirit Dog tribe put away his magical powers and spoke respectfully to the black shadow above:

"My lord, there is a smell of blood here, but it happened five days ago, not a few days ago."

As soon as he said this, the leading black shadow was silent for a moment, and then lowered his head and continued to stare at the dark and undulating street below, and a faint voice continued to spread:

"The Lord of the Soul Race in the palace who is in charge of this piece of information has just provided two clues, namely the Book of Divine Machines and this somewhat abnormal street."

After speaking, the black shadow paused, and continued to sound with a majestic voice:

"The clues of the Book of Divine Machines were completely broken after the spirit power tide ended. According to the feedback from the people in the Divine Machine Pavilion, several spirit races did set up enchantments in advance on the night of the full moon yesterday. And lose his mind.

"Secondly, there is nothing unusual about the street below, so none of the clues found anything wrong."

"Master Cewei, this may be the intelligence soul clan adults, because of the soul power tide, there has been a judgment bias."

After the analysis sound of the subordinates next to him fell, Sombra nodded, raised his hand and waved lightly, the voice clearly sounded in all Sombra's ears:

"In special times, be very careful, in order to avoid turning the tiger away from the mountain, let all the people in the city come back, when the light of dawn rises, they will enter the foggy mountain sea, waiting for the **** task to complete this time, it will be a great achievement for me and others!"


After drinking together, the black shadows on both sides of the street disappeared almost at the same time.

Time continued to flow forward slowly, and there was nothing unusual about the streets intertwined with heavy rain and darkness. After a quarter of an hour, several dark shadows that had disappeared before appeared again, and a harsh voice sounded:

"It may really be the illusion of Ben Xiu, but I always feel that this street is a bit weird."

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