The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1760: Feel the wind and rain

In fact, since the three-color celestial coin fell from the sky in the Crescent Restaurant in Huwen City, the horror in the heart of the middle-aged monk Li Zeng has become more and more serious.

Tiandao seemed to be around him, and in the final period of his firm revenge, there was an encounter that could be called destiny.

Then Li Zeng, who held the Dao Guo tightly in his hand, did not open the mouth to continue putting the fruit in his mouth. Instead, he put down the fruit in his hand and said with a little bit of horror:

"What this fellow Taoist said is too shocking to the world, and I dare not judge it."

"Sima Annan is talking and laughing. Fellow Daoist Li, don't worry about it. This guy talks nonsense all day long and can't be true."

After Zhao Yu finished speaking, he leaned back in the same manner as the middle-aged monk, and continued to speak with a calm voice like Pinghu:

"I heard from other people that Fellow Daoist Li and a certain elder of the Yunwu Sect had a lot of friendship. Could it be that he was once a good player in this misty mountain and sea?"

As soon as the young emperor asked this question, Li Zeng's expression remained unchanged, and he put the green Dao Guo in his arms into his arms, and the response sounded:

"It's true that when I was young, I did have a good relationship with Yunlan and several people, and they often traveled between the misty mountains and seas.

"It's just that something happened later, so I left for a while, and didn't return to Huwen City until ten years ago."

"No wonder."

A rather gentle smile appeared on Zhao Yu's face, and his voice continued to spread:

"Since entering this Sleeping Tiger Gorge, You Li Daoyou has a calmness that ordinary people don't possess. This is not the mentality that a novice should have. It seems that the land we are stepping on now was also the place where You Li Daoyou once galloped."

"The son is really joking, I'm just a mortal."

After Li Zeng smiled and finished speaking, he stood up straight, raised his right finger to the front of the entire gorge, and following the direction of the former finger, you can see a rather conspicuous red glow among the dense fog, which is flashing. Flashed.

At the next breath, the middle-aged monk's voice sounded again:

"Since the son is a little curious about Yunwuzong's crossing the gorge, let's talk about some details that I know.

"Look, my son, in fact, the most critical part of the entire southward team is the camel mountain beast that is emitting the light of guidance at this time."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhao Yu and others' minds came to mind that the huge alien beast that first stood up on the Yunwu Square, as well as the tents densely packed for the monks of the Yunwu Sect to live on top of the alien beast.

"As we all know, there are countless ridges in the Wushan Sea, and each ridge is full of unknowns. This may be the residence of some fierce beast, or it may be a bottomless pit."

After Li Zeng's voice came out, Zhao Yu nodded and raised his hand to signal the former to continue speaking, and then the middle-aged monk's voice with the vicissitudes of life continued to linger in everyone's ears:

"The unknown, the dense fog, and the maze of ridges together constitute the sinister place of this dangerous place. If there is no precise and safe route, this place can really be called ten deaths and no life.

"But for so many years, the monks who shuttled through the misty mountains and seas to and from the core land also found some clues, that is, the alien beasts that originally existed in the gorge, possessing some extremely magical in the dense fog. Ability."

"That is to say, the origin of the huge camel mountain beast in the front of the Cloud Mist Sect is within this misty mountain and sea?"

After Sima Annan’s questioning sound came out, Li Zeng nodded, and looked up at the dense fog in front of him. The red light was continuously shooting in, and the response continued:

"This camel mountain beast was conquered by Yunwu Sect in a certain gorge by coincidence. It not only has a wide back, it is used for the elders and disciples of the Yunwu Sect to ride, and it provides a fairly safe environment. More critically, it can emit a very conspicuous red light beam in all directions.

"These beams of light can not only penetrate the particularly weird dense fog between Sleeping Tiger Gorge, but can even scan and explore the surrounding environment. It is simply designed for crossing the gorge."

"So according to the current deployment of the Cloud Mist Sect, on the one hand, this camel mountain beast was used to launch a red glow to the rear to guide the monks. On the other hand, the strange beast opened the way in front of him. comprehensive."


Li Zeng nodded and continued to explain:

"The Yunwu Sect has been in this business for such a long time, and it has even become the top spot. Naturally, it has an extraordinary ability. And the appearance of this camel mountain beast is that the Yunwu Sect can have the confidence to bring so many monks together. An important reason for passing through the foggy mountains and seas.

"Otherwise, with such low visibility, people from other sects can only choose small-scale actions, otherwise they won't be able to bring so many people."

Li Zeng's words had just fallen. Under this canopy simply built by middle-aged monks, Liang Po's burly figure walked in the rain, then gently handed a letter to it, and said:

"My son, there is a letter here, take a look."

"Where does the letter come from?"

After Zhao Yu's majestic and unparalleled voice fell, Liang Po did not hesitate, but directly spoke, spit out:

"Si Cheng, Ye Yiye, rushed to send it, saying that it would be handed over to the son as soon as possible."

As soon as he said this, Zhao Yu put away the smile on his face, raised his hand to take it, and opened it. After lowering his head and scanning, he quietly put away the zhezi, and Di Yin said:

"It's really interesting that there is such a thing."

After the words fell, the middle-aged monk Li Zeng looked back, looking like he had never heard of it.

When he arrived at his experience, he naturally knew that as a guide, he would not ask if he shouldn't ask, and if he shouldn't be heard, he would be regarded as having not heard.

But Li Zeng subconsciously ignored the most important point.

That is, this place is a full day deep into the Wushan Strait Ridge. No matter what the content of this urgent letter is, its appearance is already shocking the world!

At this moment, Li Zeng, whose thoughts were a bit heavy, did not notice the details behind this that would make him even more horrified, and then Zhao Yu threw the fold in his hand to Sima Anan aside, and thoughts flashed in his ebony eyes.

After a few breaths, the young emperor standing under this crude canopy suddenly stretched out his right hand, letting the rain from outside fall on his palm, and a gentle questioning voice came out:

"Friend Li Dao, do you like rain?"

As soon as this question came out, the middle-aged monk Li Zeng's complexion was taken aback. After careful consideration, he responded:

"The Taoism of the race underneath is water attribute, and rain can be described as a source of strength."

"Have Li Dao heard such a sentence?"

After finishing the sentence, Zhao Yu retracted his right hand, stretched out his finger and gently squeezed, Di Yin continued to roll out:

"Some people can perceive wind and rain, some people can only get wet by rain."

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