The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1761: I don't know if my dream is a fish

The wind and rain are all-encompassing, and those powers with a thorough cultivation base can use wind and rain as a medium to perceive the different side of the rain.


The soft sound of raindrops hitting the shed made of animal skins resounded like a chaotic prelude played by the heavens and the earth.

Then Li Zeng, the middle-aged monk with a change of expression on his face, came back to his senses, only to find that the young man standing beside him had already walked back to the carriage.

Zhao Yu's previous words made Li Zeng still feel like a world away.

"This son is really a **** and man."

After the murmur came from Li Zeng's mouth, he took a deep breath and also stretched out his hand, letting the rain that passed through the mist fall on his palm, and finally even closed his eyes directly.

After a few breaths, in the thick fog billowing ahead, a clear voice, together with the violently flashing red light, came directly:

"Dear fellow daoists, the repairs have already been completed, and I will set out again soon!"

As soon as this statement came out, the monks who had gone south, covered by dense fog, stood up and exchanged a few words before quickly putting away the objects next to them, and then followed the shimmering trail of camel mountain beasts in front of them. Keep going.

In the next moment, Li Zeng, who closed his eyes, opened his eyes suddenly, and within his eyes, a curtain of rain flickered.

The shape of the rain curtain was the entire map of the fog, mountains and seas, and then condensed to the extreme killing intent, shot out from these eyes, locked in a certain point in the rain curtain.

At the same time, between an unfamiliar gorge not far from here, the roar of strange beasts belonging to the Wushan Sea blasted through the thick fog like thunder.


This roar sounded with violent pain, and then the entire mist rolled with unprecedented intensity, and as it spread out, a huge object smashed out of the dense fog and slammed on the ground of the gorge.


The ground trembled violently and roared, and then the gorge ridge monster above the ground, whose hair was almost exactly the same as the fog, raised its head in pain, and let out the last roar of his life.

The next breath, the fire of life in the scarlet eyes of the alien beast dissipated directly, and the ferocious head fell weakly and motionless.

Then several black shadows jumped out from the neck of the completely dead alien beast, allowing the rain to wash away the **** smell on his body. After a few ups and downs, his figure rushed into the thick fog and disappeared.

If you follow these shadows along the gorge all the way, you will find that on the ground of the gorge, there are corpses of such strange beasts everywhere. These strange beasts are large and small, but they are full of blood and vitality. The appearance of dissipating.

It is obvious that the gorge here is the home of this kind of strange beasts, but today, it is completely destroyed by people, and the disaster of genocide.

After more than a hundred breaths, the black shadow after the entire gorge was cleaned up, turned back to the entrance of the gorge, stood up straight, raised his hand to the two blurred figures sitting on the ground next to him, and said respectfully. :

"Master Soul Envoy, according to your instructions, all the strange beasts in the gorge on the right have been cleaned up."

When the voice fell, the two vague shadows did not respond. Instead, they continued to sit on the ground, motionless, and the pedestrian shadow was right in front of the inflection point of the gorge.

It is worth mentioning that there are three dense mist-shrouded ridges on the left, middle and right, connecting this junction. This is also the most common choice faced by people who go deep into the misty mountains and seas.

Behind each ridge is a completely different world, so this choice is not easy, especially when there are many concerns.

After a while, a hoarse voice came from one of the soul shadows:

"This is one of the points of separation of Wutiance Palace in the Wushanhai Route, and to the left is its own common route in the palace."

After the voice fell, the soul shadow raised his right hand and continued to point to the side, but the place where the soul shadow pointed was not the right side that the shadows had just cleaned up, but the ridge in the middle. Immediately afterwards, the harsh voice continued to speak:

"And this gorge is an extremely hidden passage in the Shenji Pavilion, Master Ku, how do you think I should choose?"

As soon as the words came out, the soul shadow known as the bitter man slowly raised his head and stared at the entrance of the Three Gorges Mountains in front of him. The third eye suddenly opened at the center of his eyebrows, and he raised his hands to quickly seal the seal. , Pointed out gently towards the front.

After three breaths, within the third eye of Soul Shadow's eyebrows, a stream of light blasted outward, like a heavy hammer, smashing the void and clouds in front of him, bursting out a burst of dazzling light.

"The **** machine reads true, bliss turns the golden wheel."

Along with the utterance of the words in the mouth of the soul shadow, the floating light spots in the void instantly converged inward into a huge golden giant wheel, and began to rotate, sending out waves of quite mysterious fluctuations outward.

"Golden wheel, open!"

After a low drink, the soul shadow lifted Jieyin's hands and violently separated them outwards. At the same time, the huge golden wheel with halo around the entire outward, slowly opened amidst the clusters of visions.

The dazzling and dazzling rays of light poured out violently and violently from the inside of the golden wheel, and within the rays of light, something slowly emerged.

"Shen Ji Jinlun Dafa is the highest bloodline inheritance of the Three-Eyed Soul Race, and Master Ku is able to cultivate it."

A shocked voice came from the mouth of another soul race next to him, and then his vague face changed for a while, and the voice continued to sound:

"With this level of cultivation, coupled with the contribution of escorting this quarter of the teleportation formation this time, could it be that after returning to the holy court, Master Ku can compete for the position of deputy head of the Tiance Palace!"

As soon as this statement came out, it was not only the soul clan who spoke, but also the face of the Cewei who stood respectfully behind him suddenly changed.

In the next breath, under the tight gaze of the former, the exact appearance of the things slowly emerging within the golden wheel of the divine machine floating in the void gradually became clear.

That is a scarlet swimming fish!

The scales on this fish are densely intertwined, and the scratches between the scales are extremely deep, as if they are covered with criss-cross wounds. At the same time, the breath that spreads out is equally fierce, no doubt, the presence of the Holy Court Tiance Palace Everyone knows that this is not a good omen.

"I don't know how many people have seen a real deer, and I don't know if they dream of a fish all day long."

After the cold and harsh voice came from the mouth of the soul shadow, he slowly stood up and directly blasted the blood fish inside the golden wheel towards the front, saying every word:

"This bad omen lies in the deity himself, so according to the previous arrangement, the soldiers were divided into two groups. You waited to go to the left, and I walked in the middle."

When the voice fell, the blood fish used the billowing mist as a sea, and slapped its tail directly, and together with the soul shadow, it rushed towards the middle gorge, causing a wave of fog in the sky!

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