The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1784: Too many good things

In the land of primordial mystery, the more a monk who has practiced for a long time, the more he understands that there is a way of heaven, and the way of heaven has will and rules.

From the very beginning, the monk enters the body into the initial stage, and walks upward step by step, knowing the law, touching the law, and then to the final touch law. This road is a path of detachment drawn by heaven and earth for the creatures of heaven and earth.

But once on the way of proving the Tao, someone dared to take tricks and stepped on the bridge of heaven and earth that was planted with Tao fruit. It was enough to not be known by the Tao. Once exposed, it would be a naked crime of deceiving the sky.

The crime of deceiving the sky deserves death!

There is no so-called benevolence in Tiandao. Once the most basic rules are trampled, then the most violent sanctions will be suffered.

This is the truth, the bitterness of the breath plummeting at this time will not fail to understand, so facing Li Zeng who raised his hand to his eyebrows, his body began to tremble violently, and he kept whimpering with fear. .

But the rain sword that pierced through his body and the power of the rain master engulfed it completely blocked Kupu's ability to act at this time.

Therefore, letting infinite despair engulf the whole body, this unmovable three-eyed soul clan of Tiance Palace could only watch Li Zeng's palms, and his sight became more and more magnified.

"Bitterness, after so many years, between you and me, it really should be settled."

When the voice fell, Li Zeng's three fingers were directly inserted into the center of the bitter brow, and then he held the soul eye with dazzling light.

Time seemed to be completely still at this moment, and at this moment, Li Zeng repeated it countless times in his dream. At the next breath, Li Zeng slammed the eyes of the heavenly soul outward according to the movements in his dream.

"Do not!"

Accompanied by the hoarse roar of Bitter Soul, the soul eye of the former's eyebrows was completely buckled, and at the same time, the more violent original power poured out along the pit of Bitter Soul's eyebrows, even in this misty gorge. Inside, formed a pillar of vitality that penetrates the heavens and the earth.

"Juan'er, your eyes are brought back for you for your husband."

The muttering voice came from Li Zeng's mouth, and then he withdrew a step back and looked down at the **** soul eye in his hand. In addition to sorrow, there was pain in his eyes.

There are too few and too few real winners under the heaven and earth, even if the great enmity is avenged, how can the pain of the past be reduced by half?

"He is finally free."

In the camp of the Camel Mountain Beast, the same choking murmur came from the mouth of the third elder of the Yunwu Sect. Before not knowing it, the plump woman with the head upturned, on her cheek, two lines dripped. Tears.

"My eyes, return your eyes to me, **** it, Li Zeng, you ant, return your eyes to me!"

The terrifying roar of fear and horror resounded throughout the world, and then the stowaway who was falling from the bridge of heaven and earth, desperately stretched out his hands, trying to hold down the original force of the eyebrows that is venting outwards, but to no avail .

The next breath, the entire depths of the void suddenly heard a particularly clear sound of fragmentation and collapse, which meant that the bitter soul was completely blasted down the bridge of heaven and earth, and the momentum that gushed from the inside and out of the body was instantly reduced by countless times.

"No, I'm the core member of Shengting Tiance Palace, return my eyes quickly, otherwise, you will be enemies with the whole Shengting, you will be cramped by bones, and your soul will be destroyed!"

Kupao's roar is getting more and more urgent, because it has sensed the entire world, and there is a magnificent will that straddles countless spaces and locks in, and behind this infinite will is the ultimate anger that has been deceived.

"Enemy with the holy court?"

A rhetorical question with a sneer came from Yu Li Zeng's mouth, and then he controlled the rainwater gathered around his body, and washed the eyes in his hands clean, and then lowered his head to stare at the bitterness that suddenly began to grow stronger and painful. There was a cold voice:

"Since the holy court besieged and killed me back then, it has long since ceased to die!"

Li Zeng's voice fell, and countless black auras suddenly gushed out from the bitter body.

Then the face, body, and even limbs of the three-eyed soul race began to age at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then a strong and incomparable stench spread directly outwards, causing all those who were watching this to frown. .

"Good guy, it's the most terrifying five faints of heaven and man. It seems that Heavenly Dao is extremely angry about this soul race stealing the bridge between heaven and earth."

Inside the camp of the Camel Mountain Beast, Sima Annan sounded with a sigh, and then Li Chunfeng next to him stared into the wretched body, and more and more faint black air gushing out, his eyes flashing. The complex color after a moment.

It is true that for the cultivators living between heaven and earth, if they did not fall prematurely on the way of seeking the way, then the last thing they have to face is the five decays of heaven and man that make all major repairs extremely fearful.

So far, there is no solution to the five failures of heaven and man. This is an accepted fact!

Then Li Chunfeng put away the different color in his eyes, his lips lightly opened, and an old voice came out:

"The five decay of heaven and man is coming, this bitterness is dead, but I don't know if the thing escorted by Shengting Tiance Palace is in the hands of bitterness?"

Li Chunfeng's voice fell, and the angerless eyes within the camp condensed on the sitting figure of the third elder of the Yunwu Sect.

Then Elder Yun retracted his gaze looking at the scroll above, shook his head and said:

"This elder does not seem to have become a high-level person in Tiance Palace. I am just an insignificant existence in the holy court, and I am responsible for a few things around Sleeping Tiger County on weekdays.

"On the other hand, the Holy Court escorts Zhongbao. Naturally, the fewer people know, the better, so I don't know any news in advance."

Elder Yun's remarks were justified and very calm, and then Sima Annan lightly waved his sleeves and continued to speak:

"This time the team going south from the Tiance Palace is divided into two parts. If the thing is not from the bitter soul, it is from the third party of the Central Empire."

As soon as this remark came out, Sima Annan turned around, and Yinglang's voice resounded inside the camp:

"How was the ambush battle between the Central Shangguo Dragon Court and Tiance Palace going on at this time?"

After the question came out, a secretary of the Tianjian in the camp raised his foot and took a step forward and responded:

"Still in the midst of fierce battle, but the central government has the upper hand. The two golden dragons pointed out by the third prince Yin Wen are extremely powerful and have shredded a lot of Shengting strategy guards."

After the voice sounded, the Daxia official in the camp did not show much joy on the face, but frowned subconsciously.

No one would underestimate the hidden overlord who has dominated the Taixuan Land for tens of thousands of years, and knows that the powerful Daxia people do the same.

While everyone was thinking about it, Zhao Yu, who was sitting behind the desk, suddenly put down the file in his hand, and the emperor's voice resounded through everyone's ears:

"This is a game in the game, Xu Qing, you go to the Xia Ling where Li Zeng is and bring him back. He has too many good things in his hands now, someone can't help it!"

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