The misty mountains and seas with countless gorges intertwined are recognized as secret places in the entire Taixuan Land, but in fact, today's Central Plains in the Taixuan Land is the real wave clouds and strange things, and the world is unpredictable.

"This seat is the owner of the strongest talent in the entire Three-Eyed Soul Clan. This day, the soul eye belongs to me. The real rain armor on you is also mine. Give it back to me. Give it back to me soon. !"

Within the heavier and harder torrential rain, on the devastated earth, the roar of bitter soul filled with infinite unwillingness resounded between the whole world.

The Five Decays of Heaven and Man are the ultimate means of maintaining the supreme majesty of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and it contains the ultimate destructive power in the world.

Therefore, even if only a trace falls on Kupa, its entire body, at a speed visible to the naked eye, begins to cut off its vitality under the stench.

"If you do many unjust actions, you will die. It's not that you don't report it. The time has not come."

The murmur came from Li Zeng's mouth, and then the middle-aged monk who was completely relaxed, the real rain armor on his body gradually disappeared, and the whole person's momentum suddenly became particularly weak.

Although this life-and-death duel with Kupao didn't take long, but for Li Zeng, every minute and every second, he drifted on the edge of life and death, and a little carelessness would be the end of fascination.

But now that the grievances are avenged, and after all the dust has settled, whether it is the weakness of the mind or the body, it is directly like a flood, and it rushes toward the face.


At the next breath, Li Zeng directly let out a muffled hum, and knelt forward on one knee, and the pure law of rain lingering on his body began to shatter every inch.


A soft whisper sounded in Li Zeng’s ears, and then the blue real deer appeared beside the middle-aged monk, and opened his mouth to spit out a clear stream of water to his side, turning it into healing power through Li Zeng. Body.

"Thank you."

The weak voice continued to be heard in Li Zeng's mouth, and then he raised his head and continued to look at the struggling spirit in front of him under the five decay of heaven and man. After taking a deep breath, he just wanted to stand up, but his eyes Shrank suddenly.

Because the bitter soul was gradually melting on top of the body, a small box that was looming suddenly appeared.

This box is only the size of a fist, but it is outlined with dense and extremely complex runes, which can even isolate the power of the five decays of the heavens and humans that are raging on the brave body.

The next breath, the bitter soul, who knew he was mortal, stretched out his right hand with only the withered bones, grabbed the box, and a bitter roar came out:

"I'm dead, and you can't live long, Li Zeng, because what I hold in my hand is something that the entire holy court and the Lord must have. Whether you take it or not, your life must be accounted for.

"This time the holy court won't let you off so easily, Li Zeng, I'll be waiting for you under Jiuquan!"

The bitter roar resounded under the heavy rain, and then it began to cry more painfully, and the whole body began to shatter under the black inflammation of the five decays of heaven and man.

But at this moment, everyone's sight and attention were no longer above the fading Kupui, but all shifted to the small box that fell from Kupu's hand and rolled a few times on the ground.

At the same time, in the camp on the back of the Tuoshandi Beast, the Daxia officials including Sima Annan all stepped forward and said at the same time:

"This rune secret box contains a quarter of the teleportation circle that the holy court secretly obtained from the north?"

"Uncertain, but very likely."

Li Chunfeng's response sound suddenly improved a lot, and then his eyes narrowed, and he grabbed the white beard on his chest, and the old voice continued:

"Previously, the Nightmare Division intercepted a secret letter in the northern part of the Central Plains in the land of Taixuan. It said that the Tiance Palace of the Holy Court had extremely abnormally mobilized a large number of hidden personnel. It took only one night to directly destroy a family of sects. .

"At the same time, this action was extremely abrupt. It was not like the action after the careful deployment of the Holy Court. Instead, it suddenly received news and reacted immediately."

After the words fell, Li Chunfeng paused, staring at the secret box of runes that appeared in the scroll of mountains and seas above, and said again:

"Since the news of the so-called one-quarter teleportation formation appeared in the Snow Charm in the Snow Wind Mountain in the southern part of the Central Plains of the Taixuan Land, as the whole world is rolling, the follow-up formation veins have gradually been revealed to the world.

"The Holy Court has been operating on the Taixuan Land for so many years, so it is natural to know the news of this formation for the first time, so there are many things at this time.

"But whether this secret box is the magic circle won by the Holy Court Miezong remains to be seen."

After Li Chunfeng finished speaking, in the entire camp, the most shocked in his heart, belonged to the third elder of Yunwuzong who tried to pretend to be calm on his face.

As everyone knows, the female elder's heart is already rolling violently at this time. Although her identity and cultivation level are not low, but because of this, she can feel the messages sent out by these people around them and the conversations between the lines. amazing.

In other words, this mysterious force from the north has only been in the land of Supreme Profound for a few years, and it has been able to faintly control every move of the entire holy court!

Thinking of this, Elder Yun turned his head and looked at the front of the camp. The young man with a cotton hat, extremely young but with infinite majesty, fell into a trance for a while.

At the next breath, Zhao Yu, who hadn't spoken before, carefully rolled up the file he had read in his hand, then raised his head, and the steady voice of the emperor came out:

"Whether this secret box is the so-called one-quarter teleportation formation, or the mystery created by Shengting Tiance Palace, it's very simple. Bring it back and have a look, and you will see the difference."

After Di Yin fell, in the picture scroll of mountains and seas, in front of Li Zeng, who was kneeling on one knee, the wailing voice in his mouth stopped abruptly and turned into a puddle of ashes, slightly affected by the rain. Once washed away, it dissipates completely.

Under the five decay of heaven and man, a handful of ashes is the fate of life!

At the next breath, the fist-sized secret box happened to roll in front of Li Zeng, and then the middle-aged monk looked down and stared at the mysterious rune on the secret box. For some reason, the whole mind began to tremble violently. .

The small box in front of him seemed to have an indescribable magical power, constantly summoning Li Zeng in the dark to reach out and pick it up.

Then Li Zeng, whose mind and body fell into a state of collapse, shook his head abruptly and muttered:

"It's really evil, something of the holy court, don't worry about it."

After he finished speaking, Li Zeng mobilized all the strength of his body and stood up slowly, then turned and walked to the extremely restless real deer aside.

But as soon as he stepped out, the middle-aged cultivator stopped in a very awkward manner, and then slowly turned around, staring at the secret box lying quietly on the ground, motionless.

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