The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1791: Five people needed


The rain that fell from the sky, under the surging air, at some point, began to turn into a lingering rain curtain, drifting down, and then submerged in the void of mist.

On the misty gorge land, the half-dead Li Zeng was lying weakly on the ground, staring straight at the misty sky with dark blue eyes.

The dense fog in the misty mountains and seas hides unknown secrets. Then Li Zeng turned his gaze to the other side, and the thoughts flowing in the eyes of the sitting black robe figure were even greater.

During the drizzle, Xu Qing leaned against the cliffs of the mountains, gently holding up the half of the rune secret box in his hand, and staring back and forth with an elegant gaze.

In the hands of the Radiant Army girl, every rune depicted on the half-secret box seemed very ordinary, but if you look carefully, you will find that there is an extraordinary mystery in it.

"What on earth is this thing, why did Shengting send a martial arts ten philosopher level shocking power to respond to it?"

After Li Zengna still sounded with a weak voice, Xu Qing, who was sitting and restoring her original strength, waved and put away half of the secret box, and did not directly respond to Li Zeng’s question, but turned the topic away and whispered softly. Open the mouth:

"Your life is really hard."

As soon as he said this, Li Zeng, who was slowly recovering under the rain, gave a wry smile, and the response came out:

"Li has a hard life since he was a child. Others can die hundreds of times from injuries. Li just can't die, but hard life also means fate."

"At any rate, it is also the pure blood of one of the Eight Immortals of Da Luo. Your starting point is already countless times higher than the others."

After Xu Qing's voice fell, Li Zeng nodded and echoed:

"Yes, but this time I was able to survive, thanks to the fruit, thank you son for me, for saving my life, I will never forget it!"

Li Zeng said this very seriously, and then the black eyes under Xu Qing's robe moved, and a cold voice came out:

"You are not stupid."

"In order to hide his identity these years, Li has been hiding in Tibet in many cities in Sleeping Tiger County. Apart from the recent exchanges between the three elders of the Yunwu Sect, he has not had too much intersection with anyone, especially like you. Cultivation is the great power to reach the sky."

After speaking, Li Zeng pursed his lips, and then continued to speak:

"If your goal is just the secret box, you will never care about Li's life and death. After all, it is a burden with me, and it is extremely risky. Therefore, besides the impenetrable son, I can't think of any Who wants to save me."

"The son is very interested in you."

Xu Qing's opening voice was still calm, and then he took out a bottle of purification potion, drank it with his head up, and stared at the fog above his head, suddenly beginning to violently roll over the void above his head countless times.

Countless gusts of wind rushed back and forth under the sky, which meant that Bo Ying, the holy court power, was searching like a madman, but Xu Qing's delicate face under the black robe showed no different colors, and the voice continued:

"After this battle, you have nowhere to stay, so it is very likely that you will join us to participate in the World Taoist Association."

"If you are not lucky enough to die this time, Li Mou's life will belong to the son, provided that the son can see me as a useless person."

Li Zeng's remarks did not seem to be too heavy, on the contrary, he revealed that he was taken for granted. Since he took back the heavenly soul eye from his wretched eyebrows, his attitude towards the whole world has completely changed.

Perhaps this is the so-called Shou Deyun Kai Jian Yueming.

In fact, he knew that his state was extremely bad at this time, even if he did not die, there was a high probability that he would become a waste as he said.

It is true that even if Li Zeng’s life is hard, even if he has the original water of the heavy treasure, plus the fruit given by Zhao Yu, he can pick up a life, and he still suffers. Permanent trauma.

Li Zeng clearly understood that, besides some of the treasures he possessed, what his role for Zhao Yu now is that he only has a little understanding of the holy court.

Thinking of this, Li Zeng's eyes narrowed slightly, and his voice came out:

"This fellow Taoist, if someone from the holy court finds this place, you can leave me and leave, and everything in my body, including the original water, can be taken away.

"But there is a request next."

After speaking, Li Zeng exhausted all his strength and lifted his body a little, and the weak voice continued:

"There is a daughter named Tiantian in Xia. She has inherited the blood of the Rain Master under Xia and the blood of the Three-Eyed Soul Race of her mother.

"Therefore, I trouble the fellow daoist to tell the son that I can bring my girl under her command and give her mother's heavenly soul to her, so that it can play the best role."

After the voice fell, perhaps his own daughter rang, and a smile appeared on the corner of Li Zeng's mouth. As soon as he wanted to continue speaking, he heard a very young voice that sounded directly in his ears:

"The son said, I want to take you back, so no matter how many people come from the holy court, this order must be fulfilled."

After the voice fell, in the void in front of Li Zeng, another figure in a black robe lifted his legs and stepped forward. At the next breath, a young voice continued:

"As for you entrusted your daughter to the son, then you may make a mistake and pay attention. The son is famous all over the world.

After the voice came out, the figure of the Gorefiend Li Yi walked through the thick fog and stepped on the ground, looking down at Li Zeng, whose face changed slightly below, and the young voice came out again:

"If you have a chance in the future, you can go to Daxia to find someone to ask, which of the women in Daxia's boudoir, who does not want to be taken care of by the son, but is destined to fail, presumably your daughter is no exception."

After the voice fell, Li Yi gently grabbed a green bottle from the void, threw it to Li Zeng on the ground, and continued to speak:

"Drink, give you half a quarter of an hour to get back to life, and we still have a big thing to do next."

After speaking, Li Yi turned around and looked at Xu Qing, the windrunner who was recovering on the mountain wall. A solemn color appeared in his eyes, his lips lightly opened, and he said:

"Very strong?"

"It's very strong, especially after opening the real body of the Taoist image, everything turned upside down."

Xu Qing's response came out. After Li Yi took a breath, he continued to ask:

"The son asked, if you want to keep his life in the Wushan Sea, how many people are needed?"

As soon as these words were said, the void of this gorge was completely solidified at this moment, and the entire fog around it seemed to show the scarlet red of countless blood waves.

At the same time, in Li Zeng's induction, a world of countless blood seas appeared all over his body, and the roar and roar of the blood demon could even be heard clearly in his ears.

The next breath, in a sea of ​​blood, a voice from Xu Qing resounded loudly:

"If there is no outside interference, it is conservatively estimated that the Radiant Army will need five people."

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