
Li Zeng, lying on the ground, felt a little dry and dry, not because his body, which could no longer be worse, continued to deteriorate, but because of the violent tremor in his mind.

These few conversations that sounded in his ears were extremely flat, just as natural as asking what kind of lunch to eat today, but if the content of the two exchanges was heard by any monk in the realm, they would be shocked infinitely. Tao was shocked.

Intercept the ninth philosopher of Shengting Wugong, Bo Ying!

"Why is this son?"

The muttering voice sounded within Li Zeng's sea of ​​consciousness, and then he simply closed his eyes and allowed himself to be caught and quickly shuttled between the void.

I don’t know how long Li Zeng’s ears were the turbulent roar of air that stopped abruptly, and then the middle-aged monk felt that he was thrown out of the void again. After a bang, it seemed to burst out of a bubble and continued to fly forward. .

After the next breath, a hard touch came, and Li Zeng could clearly feel that he was sliding a long distance on the smooth object. Then the former shook his head, opened his eyes, and he saw a very familiar face. .

"Mother, I have another illusion, how can I see my daughter's face."

When the voice fell, Li Zeng closed his eyes again and sighed heavily, but suddenly, a pair of small hands lightly patted the former's face, and then the girl's soft voice came out:

"Father, daddy."

As soon as he said this, Li Zeng's whole body suddenly trembled, his eyes suddenly opened, and an incredible voice came out:

"Girl, girl, why are you here."

"Here is the Crescent Moon Ship belonging to Daxia in the North. We are now above nine days, being dragged by several ancient black dragons. It's so majestic."

After an extremely excited voice came out of Li Tiantian's mouth, it seemed to have thought of something, his brows raised, and he stared at Li Zeng on the deck, and continued to speak with a very serious voice:

"But Dad, I heard you swearing again just now, which is not good."

After the voice fell, Li Zeng slowly raised his right hand, tears flashed in his eyes, and a little choked voice came out:

"Father stop scolding, he won't scold him in this life, because God is not thin to me."

There is a long way to go, and one can always find the home of his soul in the long life.

But as far as a country and an emperor are concerned, their mission is to let their people have a destination!

Within the Wushan Strait Ridge, the Yunwu Sect and a large number of monks going south, continue to follow the complex ridge surrounded by clouds, under the guidance of the red beast of the Camel Mountain, and head south.

Fortunately, after the initial riot of fog beasts, subject to the violent ups and downs of Longwei in the entire Wushan Sea, as well as the magnificent Qi machine for overhauling and fighting, the high-ranking fog beasts in the Sleeping Tiger Gorge have converged and avoided.

As a result, among the gorges, the team headed by the Cloud Mist Sect did not encounter the misty beast crisis again, causing the monks to relax a little, but their complexion was still solemn.

In the Great Profound Land, the turbulent and changing tide will cause obvious signs before it erupts completely. At this time, the strange scene in the misty mountains and sea is obviously one of the signs.

At this time, the cultivators who were heading south were not afraid of rolling so long in the Central Plains of the Supreme Profound Land, and their sense of danger was naturally not low, so they were all reticent and morale low.

Many times, for most monks like crucian carp who cross the river, they know that there are tigers in the mountains, but they want to go to the mountains, in order to fight for the traces of illusory opportunities.

"Sister Xiaoyu, Master has been in this camp for so long, so he won't be in danger, right?"

Outside the camp of the Camel Mountain Beast, several disciples of the Yunwu Sect stood in the rain, and then the young disciples who spoke, continued to watch the tent looming between the drizzle and thick fog, and the voice continued to speak:

"Who is sacred in this camp? Since then, there have always been many people who have entered and left the camp by themselves. Everyone feels unfathomable."

As soon as the voice fell, the female disciple Xiaoyu, who was standing in the front of a few people, suddenly turned her head and exclaimed:

"Someone is here again."

As soon as the sound came out, a vague figure appeared directly, and after taking a step, it turned into an arrow from the string and rushed forward.


After a muffled sound, the figure appeared directly outside the camp, and at the same time, the violent energy blasted outward along the road, turning the people of the Yunwu Sect disciples on their backs and exclaiming.

At the next breath, within the small camp, the voice from the official Sitian Supervisor sounded directly:

"Urgent report in the Wushan Sea!"

"Quickly tell."

Sima Annan's voice fell, and Si Tian Jian Chuan Xin Si Li arched his hand in front of him, and the voice continued to speak:

"Fangcai Shengting Martial Palace's ninth Zhebojie, wrapped in a vast power, descended on the battlefield between the Central Shangguo and Shengting Tiance Palace within the Suihu Gorge Ridge."

"The entry of such a high-level monk will break the deadlock between the two sides, but I don't know how the youngest member of the central government will respond?"

After the monk's words came out, Zhao Yu, who was sitting on top of the camp, raised his head. After the voice of interest passed, the monk Si Tianjian saluted the top and said:

"Your Majesty Shengming, Yin Wen, the third prince of the Central Empire, is indeed prepared. In addition to the two dragons, he can also summon the will of the ancient Xianting Great Zhou Tianlong soul to suppress Bo Ying.

"Now the two sides are fighting a stalemate, razing all the towering gorges in a radius of a hundred miles to the ground. The entire Wushanhai close to the center has almost become an extremity."

As soon as this statement came out, the eyes of everyone in the camp suddenly lit up, including Sima Annan and other officials from Daxia Zhong, all looking at the figure sitting upright above.

Then Zhao Yu, who was wearing a cotton cap, leaned back gently, with thoughts flowing in her dark eyes.

Zhao Yu is thinking, because this is not an easy decision to make.

Once this decision is ordered, it also means that from this moment on, Daxia will completely change the original national policy of recuperating and living alone in the north, and truly step onto the stage and begin to participate in this magnificent Taixuan expedition.

The people in the camp are all confidantes who followed Zhao Yu all the way, surmounting endless difficulties and obstacles.

They went from the original vast land of China to the land of Taixuan today.

They know the young emperor, and they also know that this is a cross-age decision concerning the entire Daxia's hundreds of millions of people. For anyone, it is an infinite pressure like the sky.

At the next breath, all the officials in the camp knelt on one knee, with their heads drooping, using their actual actions to show the strongest and sharpest will, and uniform roars rolled out:

"Your Majesty, my Daxia should rise from Qianmo and conquer Taixuan!"

After the words of the public officials in Daxia came out loudly, in the turbulent camp, Zhao Yu, who was sitting steadily, slowly raised his eyes, raised his hand and waved forward, gently spit out:


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