Shangxiao is the top big city in the central Shangguo and Tangdu, and it is also the land of the entire Taixuan, recognized by all forces, and the most prosperous city in the world.

The prosperity of this city is reflected in all aspects.

For example, the unique sound of the rain falling on the city wall is because each of the city bricks used in the city wall of the Henglan Tiandi big city is an extremely expensive special material.

This material was not born naturally from heaven and earth, but was made by countless craftsmen with great painstaking effort. Not only does this brick have incomparable sturdiness, it is even more rare that it has a channel for the vitality of heaven and earth inside.

As everyone knows, the defensive power of a big city depends on the power of the city defense formation to a great extent in addition to the solidity of its own wall materials.

If the big city wall itself is the body, then this great defense formation is the armor outside the body.

However, most of the time, the solidity of the wall and the energy consumption of the runes are in opposition. However, at this time, the city wall of Shangxiao uses this special brick to perfectly solve this contradiction. The two sides can be described as brilliant workmanship.

To build a complex and delicate vein of vitality within countless city bricks is destined to be a huge project spanning several generations. In light of this, the prosperity and strength of Shangxiao City can be seen.

The fierce wind and rain slapped on the huge wall, and the thickness of the wall is equally breathtaking. From east to west, it looks like a huge square.

At the same time, on the square, the inquiries of the eight princes of the Central Shangguo continued to sound under the rain:

"Before this prince went to the North Territory a few years ago, I kept you waiting to completely transfer from Tangdu to Shangxiao City. By this time, it has been a long time. How is the progress? I don't want to hear bad news. ."

After the voice of the question fell, a man in black robes was behind, with a smile on the old face, and the response came out:

"Now in Shangxiao City, our family has a strong right to speak. Except for the important officials directly appointed by the monarch and the Shangguo court without excessive participation, all major families and sect forces have infiltrated, and your Highness Your mother clan also allows a large number of people to go to the sky.

"His Royal Highness looked forward and laid out the Shangxiao City in advance. I was very puzzled when I was waiting, but at this time, I knew your Highness's vision was high and far-sighted."

"Stop flattering, I just thought I couldn't develop in Tang Dynasty, so I let you go to Xiaoxiao."

Regardless of the fact that this Central Shangguo eighth was born extremely handsome and handsome, but when he scolded someone, he came with his mouth open, and then he waved his hand and continued to speak:

"Stop flattering, this prince does not eat this set. You have been eating and drinking hot in the sky these years, but I have been captured by the abnormal country in the north for several years."

After the word "captive" came out, the face of the old man behind him changed drastically, but the old man didn't care, his voice continued:

"You don’t understand, it’s not a shame to be captured by Da Xia. I can walk around in the capital city at any rate. The third child has been a storyteller in the city for several years. He was locked up with the fellow Nantian King Xiliu."

Speaking of this, the face of the Eighth Prince showed a very strange color, and continued to sound with an unbearable voice:

"It is said that Lao Zun was really miserable being bullied. For a while, even the Da Xia people felt sorry for our Lao Zun. Whenever I heard such news, Lao Tzu would shrink his head and really couldn't bear it."

After speaking, the eighth prince paused slightly and turned his head slightly, his face instantly became extremely serious, and his voice came out again:

"In the past few years, this prince has gained a lot, and Xiangbi's third son also thinks like this, so don't despise this northern phoenix.

"The Holy Court is powerful, and its strength hidden behind the mist is unfathomable.

"If my upper country wants to break through this chain of yoke, the key point is no longer the hidden Sejong gates headed by Taiqing Sect, but the northern kingdom that was born out of nowhere.

"You and I all know that the holy court has been secretly arranged for countless years, and almost all the powers that have been named have arranged the so-called balance, and this big summer is the biggest change so far."

As soon as these words came out, this place of the city wall suddenly became particularly quiet, and then the old man in black robe nodded and spoke slowly:

"The situation has developed to this point. The forces that had their own ideas in Shangguo gradually converged on the rest of their minds, and began to unify the outside world. There is another message. Our Dragon Court monks in Shangxiao City were also a few days ago. There are still quite a few people going north to participate in a big operation."

As soon as the old man's words fell, the eighth prince frowned tightly, reached out his hand to touch his chin, and the voice murmured:

"According to your statement, after the high-level combat power is drawn, our Shangxiao City at this time is now in a state of emptiness?"

When the voice fell, the eighth prince continued to stride forward, allowing the heavy rain to continue, and murmured:

"There are crowds of people entering the city, the whole city is in chaos, and the high-level combat power inside is empty. This way, for those in the city with ulterior motives, this is undoubtedly the best time. Therefore, under this heavy rain, they will definitely do it. What."

When the words fell, the eighth prince kept walking, and the louder voice sounded again:

"Therefore, if we call up the manpower, the prince will have to see which families and sects in Shangxiao City are internally rebellious and will do this treasonous thing of treason."

As soon as this statement fell, the last ray of light above Shangxiao City completely dissipated, and then one after another the sound of gold and iron hitting, suddenly resounded in all directions:

"Boom, boom, boom!"

After this sound came out, the figure of the eight princes happened to come to the side of the city wall, and in the next moment, the vast sea of ​​light composed of infinite lights burst into the sky through the darkness.

Then a very prosperous city, with countless buildings spreading one after another, appeared in front of the two of them.

This is the most prosperous city in the Central Plains in the Great Profound Land, and it also represents the appearance of the Great Profound City after the collapse of the Immortal Palace in the Great Profound Land.

If Tangdu, which has an infinitely long history, represents the inheritance and glory of the fairy palace era, then Shangxiao, which was established by the Central Shangguo, has only been built for tens of thousands of years, but this Shangguo has developed rapidly over the years. The epitome of.

In other words, it is not just a city, but a faith and a symbol in the hearts of all the people of Shangguo!

The crowds are raging, the lights are sea and sea.

Then the light of the lights in Shangxiao city shining into the sky on the face of the Eighth Prince on the city wall, and then the latter stretched out his right hand, as if to touch the heart of the city beating in the depths of the earth.

At the next breath, the eighth prince's cold voice came out:

"Brothers fought against the wall and defended against their insults. This city, I have to defend this city!"

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