The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1795: Make a fortune

When the sun sank into the horizon, the night struck fiercely, and for countless dense fog rolling in the misty mountain strait, the night represented the extreme darkness of reaching out to the five fingers.

Under the dual effects of darkness and thick fog, the monks who are in the Sleeping Tiger Gorge at this time will have their senses of time and space become more blurred at the same time, coupled with the extreme tension of the spirit, they will undoubtedly be extremely exhausted.

In this way, both the Yunwu Sect and the other sects responsible for leading the monks through the gorge will arrange the night as a rest time and will not continue to move forward.

Perhaps it was the so-called Fuji Tailai. After being attacked by the sharp-billed mist bird, the Yunwuzong team did not encounter too much danger. They were even lucky to avoid the mountain that collapsed because of the violent battle. The flat ridge ground is used for trimming.

The rain that originally enveloped the misty mountains and seas completely stopped unconsciously, and then a bitter wind ran through the entire gorge, resounding in the ears of all the monks, making a continuous whining sound. .

"The wind through the ridge is quite cold. It was previously reported that after the death of the Xuemei Kingdom, civil strife occurred in the Snow Snow Mountain in the south, causing the billions of years of wind and snow on the Mountain to be overwhelmed by the Central Plains. The disaster of overturning.

"I thought it was a rumor, but it's really getting colder these days, isn't it true?"

In the formation of the monks going south in the gorge, a worried voice sounded, and then the middle-aged sword repairman who opened his mouth took off the long sword from his back and stood beside him, looking down at the front and placing it on the ground. Of a small Akashi.

This Akashi is about the size of a fist, because the internal texture is turbid, so the light it emits is not bright, and the fog around it can only illuminate the surrounding area.

In the dim light, in addition to the middle-aged monk, there were a few people sitting cross-legged on the floor, but their faces were dark, their eyes flickered, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

After the middle-aged Jian Xiu's words fell, it took a few breaths before an old man around had recovered his senses, and responded:

"Although this sacred mountain of snow wind is one of the sacred mountains that support the sky, it is still very far away from our place. If the snow on it really collapses, it will not reach this place so quickly, so you fellow Worry too much."

"Who will say what will happen in this world today?"

After the old man's words fell, a different voice immediately sounded, and the one who spoke was a young female sword repairer. Although her appearance was ordinary, her eyes were extremely heroic, and the vigor that surrounded her body was not weak.

In fact, in the Central Plains of the Taixuan Land, there are not many single-handed intrusions like women, but the Taixuan Land is extremely vast, and it is not surprising that there are races where female cultivators are inherently stronger than male cultivators.

After that, the sister also took the sword in her hand from her back and inserted it into the ground of the gorge beside her, her voice continued:

"Let's not talk about it, just before our trip to the south through the foggy mountains and seas, have you ever thought about encountering a fog beast riot?"

As soon as this rhetorical sound came out, in this narrow Akashi shining place, several people cast their eyes down, and the complex colors on their faces flashed past.

It is true that in this fog beast riot, several of the people present had their relatives and friends killed in Xia Ling, otherwise these monks who did not know each other would not gather here and hug each other.

The night was silent. After several people took turns talking, they fell into silence. Only the red light of the camel mountain beast that did not shine like a searchlight in front of it brought some comfort to the monks in the gorge.

Then the middle-aged Jian Xiu who started talking gave a wry smile and said softly:

"This world is really torturing."

After the sigh fell, it seemed to have thought of something. He raised his head and glanced at the people in front of him. The voice continued:

"Since we can meet here, it is also a kind of fate for you and me. Why not have a chat. Apart from relieving boredom, if you are congenial, you can have a response after you enter the core of the Central Plains."

When the middle-aged Jian Xiu said this, he looked straight at the female Jian Xiu who was shrinking in front, and among the few people present, only these two were carrying long swords.

Compared with other monks, Jian Xiu is undoubtedly more looking forward to going to the core of the Central Plains because of the fact that Qinglian Jianzong is publishing hero posts.

However, this female sword repairer looked a little pessimistic at this time, her face was full of loneliness, and she murmured:

"It's still a question of whether you can get out of the misty mountains and seas alive. If you confess your life here, everything is in vain."

When the voice fell, the middle-aged Jian Xiu frowned, shook his head and said:

"You don't have to be so pessimistic, but I'm a little curious. I'll just wait for Jian Xiu to go to the Baolian Sword Ground. Do you fellow Daoists also have some relatives and friends in that core place. If you know that, it won't be peaceful."

As soon as the words came out, the other monks looked at each other, and then the old man sighed, stretched his hand behind his back, took off the tightly wrapped cloth bag, and said:

"It's true that I waited for this time to venture to the Central Plains of the Great Profound Land, but I actually wanted to go to Shangxiao City!"

As soon as the three words Shangxiaocheng came out, the middle-aged Jianxiu who was sitting cross-legged raised his brows, and said in a surprised voice:

"This Shangxiao is a famous and famous city, but this city is located in the eastern part of the Central Upper Kingdom, and it is well known that the Upper Kingdom is now at war with the Holy Court, and there is even news that the entire Upper Kingdom will move its capital to Shangxiao City. ."

After speaking, the female Jianxiu beside her frowned and nodded in agreement:

"Yeah, when you are heading to Shangxiao City at this time, don't you hit the gunpoint? Although it is said that the land of the Supreme Profound land has the highest opportunity, it is not worth it to die if it is clear."

After the voice fell, the old monk, who placed his back bag in front of him, stretched out his hand and said in a voice:

"Since everyone has experienced life and death and friendship, so Ben Xiu didn't hide it. I went to the sky this time, but reported the purpose of making a fortune.

"As the saying goes, spiritual practice is nothing more than the land of wealthy couples. If you can make a fortune, it is also a great opportunity."

After speaking, the old monk opened the cloth bag in his hand, and everyone looked down, only to find that there was a black cloth bag inside the cloth bag, which wrapped the contents tightly.

Then, under the gaze of a pair of eyes, the old monk continued to pull apart the second layer of cloth sac, and suddenly a dazzling light shot directly into the cloth sac, causing the people around him to close their eyes suddenly.

After a while, several people opened their eyes, staring at the old monk in front of them, and muttered:

"This, this is Akashi? Why is it so bright?"

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