Somewhere in the misty mountains and seas, within the tumbling ridges, between darkness and the undulations of clouds, a particularly bright light suddenly pierced the void and shot out, causing the brows of the surrounding people to frown.

Although it was only exposed for a moment, the old monk sealed the cloth bag wrapped in several layers of black cloth, but several people still saw the bright luminous thing.

Amazingly, it is a crystal clear stone like a night pearl.

"This Akashi is so clear, so high-quality!"

After the middle-aged Jian Xiu's admiration fell, he stretched out his hand to re-tie the cloth bag in front of him and nodded. For the first time, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the old voice came out:

"Yeah, such a good Akashi appearance. This is the first time that the old man has seen him in his life. So I hope these Akashi can make a fortune, and perhaps do a little bit in the troubled times."

"It's no wonder that fellow Daoists are going to Shangxiao City. It is said that within Shangxiao, there are countless celestial tycoons everywhere, and only that place can make the Akashi in the hands of fellow Taoists play the greatest value.

After the old man's voice fell, the voice of the middle-aged Jian Xiu who was facing him suddenly realized, then his eyes turned and he continued to speak:

"After all, Akashi only has the effect of shining light at night, and it is not helpful to practice. People who lick blood like you and me don't care how clear the Akashi is in their hands. Only those big families in Shangxiao City can do this. The mood of life."

After speaking, he turned his head and continued to speak:

"If it had been a few years ago, I would definitely think you would make a fortune for Daoist friends. There are so many auction houses in Shangxiao City. Even if you can't find a big buyer, you can go straight to the pawnshop to pawn, and the price will be high.

"But it's hard to say right now. Wars are raging. The situation on the Central Shangguo is complicated. Although Shangxiao is recognized as a prosperous city, it is too busy to take care of these top Akashi. I am afraid it will be difficult to get rid of them."

"How can the old man know this truth."

After speaking, the old man sighed again, raised his hand and stroked the white beard on his chest, and preached with helpless words:

"Everyone knows that the sect where the old man is located was once a powerful force in the local county, but under the chaos, he suffered continuous changes. He was besieged by several cases and frequently lost the city within his sphere of influence. Now, more It's the end of the mountains and rivers.

"So in desperation, the old man took the risk and went to Shangxiao City to try and see if he could save the sect from the fire and water."

As soon as the old man said this, he fell into the audible silence within the fog again. It is true that the experience of the old monk is only a microcosm of the beginning of this chaotic era, and the rest of the people present, although they did not say clearly, they all Each has its own helplessness.

People who have left their hometowns can naturally understand their own experiences better, but they also know that the so-called verbal comfort is the palest, and in the end there is only silent silence.

After a few dozen breaths of breath, the female swordsman who had been taciturn beside the middle-aged Jianshou seemed to have thought of something, turned her head and opened her lips slightly, and said to the old monk:

"Old monk, the Akashi in your hand seems to reflect a little bit, is it from a chamber of commerce called Crescent Moon."

As soon as he said this, the old man's eyes lit up, his voice raised a little, and he said:

"Unexpectedly, the little girl knew about the Crescent Moon Chamber of Commerce. This Chamber of Commerce is extremely mysterious. It seems to appear out of thin air, but it has everything it needs and is extremely financially rich.

"And the Akashi in the hands of the old man is also borrowed from the Crescent Chamber of Commerce. This is also the last chance for my clan to come back."

"Father, the reason I know this Crescent Chamber of Commerce is because the sect I belong to seems to have borrowed this Akashi from it, and it is said that this Chamber of Commerce has a very close relationship with the Jinjinzong, and it has funded a lot of sects overtly and secretly. "

As soon as the female Jianxiu said this, the expressions of the surrounding people were different, and then the old monk **** the cloth bag in front of him, took it up again, and tied it with force, and the old voice sounded:

"When the tide retreats, those hiding under the sea will appear one after another, and those who are fighting with gods will suffer from us mortals.

"Many times, the old man really wants to have a world co-owner who will dominate the world like the original Xianting Sacred Palace. This way, I can sleep peacefully."

"Old fellow Taoist, how difficult it is to reunify the world."

The middle-aged Jian Xiu let out a long sigh, and just about to continue speaking, suddenly the ground beneath him shook fiercely.

This jitter is not simply a slight bounce of the ground, but includes all the surrounding mountains towering into the clouds and the entire vast area of ​​the foggy mountains and seas at the same time.

At the next breath, the middle-aged sword repairman stretched out his hand to grasp the long sword inserted in his hand, and his solemn voice sounded directly:

"You waited, did you feel it, the whole Wushanhai just shook!"

"Could it be the fog beast attacking again?"

The same dignified voice of inquiry came out, and several people pulled out their weapons to guard, but in the next moment, everyone's complexion changed rapidly at the same time, because the more violent vibration force broke out under their feet.


A muffled thunderous bang exploded wildly, and the whole earth jumped up again fiercely. Then, whether it was the towering ridges or the rolling fog, because of the power of this huge shock, it began to vibrate extremely. ups and downs.

"It can't be a fog beast, the mountains of the foggy mountains and seas are about to collapse, which fog beast has such a vast power?"

The old monk with the highest cultivation level among the few people exclaimed again and again, then stretched out his right hand, grabbed the somewhat sluggish female sword repairer beside him, leaped back, and continued to speak with a loud scream:

"Disperse quickly and walk towards the middle of the gorge. The rocks above are about to fall."

Before the words fell, the harsh whistling sounds directly sounded. At the same time, the few people who were running wildly were completely lifted by a huge force, slammed on the ground, and rolled all the way.


The harsh wind and howl indicates that what shakes the entire misty mountains and seas at this time is the extremely fierce hurricane from heaven and earth. At the same time, this hurricane is extremely abrupt, rising out of thin air, and it reaches its extreme in a few breaths.

At the next breath, the old monk who was tumbling on the ground felt the tearing force on his hand getting stronger and stronger. After a scream, he could no longer hold the female sword repairer and let go of his right hand.

Then the female sword repairer in the old man's hand was blown away, and just a few huge rocks fell into the sky. The former was smashed into meat without even a scream.

"Damn, **** it!"

The old man let out a roar, and then the whole person was also severely smashed on a rock. At the same time, the void not far beside him suddenly fluctuated violently, and then the entire body cracked like a mirror, and dense cracks appeared.


After a loud noise, the void was completely shattered, and a vague figure rushed out of it, crashed into the ground, and once again made a loud noise!

At the same time, the cloth bag behind the old man broke a hole due to the violent impact, and a clear stone flew out of it and rolled down to the pothole in the ground.

In the next breath, the light of Akashi illuminates the scene in the pothole.

At the same time, the old monk, who was watching him, suddenly began to tremble, biting his lips firmly without making any sound.

Inside the pit, an eight-armed monk like a devil sank deep into the ground, motionless.

Amazingly, it was the dying ninth philosopher of the Saint Court Martial Arts Palace, Bo Ying, whose whole body was shattered!

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