The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1802: Under the long sleep city

Although it is said that the stronger the bloodline, the more difficult it is to leave the heirs, but the central government has established the country for more than 30,000 years, so the number of emperors under the knees of the old monarch is actually not many.

However, the situation of the Supreme Profound Land is changing. Even the emperor of the Shangguo will die, not to mention the lifespan is exhausted. According to the rules of the Shangguo, once the royal heir in the front falls, then the next emperor will fall. It will automatically advance forward, and so on.

Therefore, in these tens of thousands of years, the princes of the Central Government have rotated one crop after another, and the eighth prince of this generation is named Yin Qing.

For Yin Qing, the citizens of Shangguo Tangdu are not unfamiliar, because he is a genius of practice that the entire Tangdu is famous for. After tonight, all Shangguo creatures will remember this young prince more firmly.

The rain was pouring, and outside the huge city of Shangxiao, everyone seemed to have been used with mute magical powers, and it was difficult to speak any words, and then the breathing of these people suddenly became extremely rapid.

Because the streaks of blood began to follow the rain in the city and flowed out from behind the door. At the same time, the **** smell wafting out of the void began to be more pungent and disgusting.

The blood surged out, and the murderous air rolled up and down, making the half-open Shangxiao city gate behind it seemed to be a real Shura hell, and before the hell, the eight princes of the Central Shang Dynasty stood motionless with their swords.

"Xiao Ba, it's me, my aunt."

After the initial call was not answered, a little eagerness appeared on the old face of the old woman, and then he turned forward faster, a trace of anxiety flashed in the eyes of the figure in front of him, and continued to speak. :

"Come on, healing monk, healing monk?"

Before the words fell, Yin Qing, who was motionless in front of him, finally had a little reaction. He slowly raised his drooping gaze, watching the old woman who was eagerly approaching, and said softly:

"It turns out that it's an aunt outside the city. It's no wonder that these miscellaneous things cost a lot of money, and set up the Purple Cloud Thunder formation to isolate the city wall."

Yin Qing's voice was not loud or even vague, because the entire bottom of his neck was completely pierced by a sword, and the sharp blade cut off the former's breath, even with severe pain every moment.

But the wounds on Yin Qing's body are already too many, so many pains are completely numb, after the voice fell, perhaps feeling a little in the way, Yin Qing moved his right hand on the big sword next to himself, and reached out to grasp the front of his neck Hilt.

At the next breath, Yin Qing just wanted to pull out the sword, and he heard a rapid voice in front of him:

"His Royal Highness, don't draw your sword, otherwise you will bleed to death."

After the girl behind the old woman finished speaking, she beckoned to the rear abruptly, trying to make the healing cultivator in the rear crowd hurried forward, but Yin Qing in front of him suddenly smiled and responded:

"Don't worry too much, because the blood in the prince's body has already flowed out."

As soon as this statement came out, before the people in front of him reacted, Yin Qing pulled out the long sword in his body, and as he said, after the sharp sword was pulled out, there was no drop of blood on the scary wound. Out of it.

Then perhaps the breathing became smoother, which made the eighth prince's complexion a little better. After taking a slow and deep breath, the golden eyes watched the stepping old woman, raising the volume a little, and the voice came out again:

"Yin Qing met my aunt, forgive me, I can't salute him because I'm dying."

As soon as this dead word came out, outside the silent city walls of Shangxiao, there seemed to be a thunder that suddenly sounded on the ground, and this sky-shocking and angry thunder did not fall from the nine-day sky, but directly burst into the sea of ​​knowledge of all the monks. .


While the mind was trembling, the old woman's somewhat rickety body trembled more severely, subconsciously stopped in place, and responded:

"No, Xiao Ba, I have the best treasures of heaven and earth in my country. It will surely live and die."

"It's useless, aunt, I know my body very well."

In Yin Qing's continued response, there was not too much unwillingness, and then he continued to raise his hand, and one after another he withdrew the sharp sword from his body.

Each of the swords that penetrated his body was pulled out, and Yin Qing's momentum surging out from his body became even stronger.

In the end, the billowing momentum rose up into the sky like a dragon, turning into the naked eye to see the void and coercion. In this momentum, there was not only the domineering aura belonging to the emperor of the kingdom, but also the final iron and blood glory of the winner.

"Puff puff puff puff."

The sound of the mighty momentum tearing up the air continued to sound, and Yin Qing stood proudly under the city wall.

He was pierced by a sharp sword and was dying, but he used practical actions to show everyone that he had guarded the Shangxiao City behind him.

At the same time, he also kept the last glory belonging to the Yin family of Shangguo!

"Aunt, Yin Qing did not humiliate his life, nor did he shame the Shangguo royal family. The Shangxiao City behind me was not lost."

The louder and louder voice came from the eighth prince of Shangguo, and then Yin Qing threw the sword in his hand to the front, took a heavy breath, raised his other hand high, and opened his mouth to continue speaking. With a loud roar:

"I'm defending this Shangxiao City!"

Roaring in bursts, piercing the sky, and then the thing in Yin Qing's hand completely appeared in front of everyone, causing everyone to subconsciously let out an exclamation:

"Heads, there are so many heads!"

In Yin Qing's hands, a series of human heads were caught in his hands. The heads of these people were completely cut off, and there was even a large amount of dirty blood flowing down the incision. Among them, there were many big figures in Shangxiao City.

"The Xie Clan of Shangxiao has been entrenched in Shangxiao City for thousands of years. One of the ten major forces in the city, participated in the rebellion. This is the head of the Patriarch, Fu Zhu."

After Yin Qing heard the word by word, he lifted a human head in his hand and flicked it toward the front. The human head drew an arc, hit it on the ground, and rolled out of Chengcheng gate.

"The Tiger Howl Sect of Shangxiao City, one of the ten major forces in the city, participated in the rebellion, and the suzerain punished him.

"The demon cow clan of Shangxiao City is also one of the top ten forces. They participated in the rebellion, and the patriarch fuzhuo."

Yin Qing's voice fell, and people's heads were thrown out again, rolling down on the ground and rolling outwards, and at the same time, everyone who heard it was constantly hit in their hearts.

Because these people were once Shangxiao City and even the entire Central Shangguo, they could cover the sky with one hand.

Then a deep chill began to rush from everyone's tail vertebrae to the top of their heads, so many top forces participated in the rebellion, enough to see how thrilling Shangxiao City tonight is.

At the next breath, the eighth prince Yin Qing under the focus of countless light, his straight body shook and faltered, but in the end he lifted the last-minute head in his hand high, bursting into the void, and roared out:

"This is the city lord of Shangxiao City, who was deceived by the holy court and attempted to treason and triggered the internal turmoil in Shangxiao. This prince would not be enough to vent his anger by killing him thousands of times.

"His head is here, my aunt will nail this person to the pillar of shame in history and be scolded by all ages!"

After the roar, Yin Qing severely slammed the head of the city lord of Shangxiao City on the ground. He snorted and fell backward.

With a thump, Yin Qing slammed on the ground, staring at the dark night sky.

Drops of heavy rain fell on his face, as if he was washing away the blood stains on his face, and then the expression in Yin Qing's eyes changed for a while, and he sang a little song that he heard in Shenjing City:

"Hey, a husband is a guard, don't let him go, kill him and lose his helmet and armor!"

After Qu, Yin Qing closed his eyes.

He slept under the city of Shangxiao and never stood up again.

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