The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1803: Before the storm

In the dawn, the nine-day sun perched on the sacred tree of Fusang, the land of the East Pole, accompanied by the crane driven by Xi and the godmother, rose to the sky in the east and began to travel around the entire Taixuan heaven and earth.

The rising sun is always exceptionally soft, and the sunlight shed on the nine heavens is like the big hand of a mother's gentle touch, making people nostalgic.

Today is an exceptionally rare good weather for the Wushanhai Sea. The good weather also indicates a good omen. Afterwards, the monks who have spent an exceptionally long night in the south, opened their eyes and looked around, subconsciously deep. Take a breath.

The misty mountains and seas at night are undoubtedly perilous, and it is a blessing for most of the spiritually tight monks to be able to pass through safely.

After that, the middle-aged Jianxiu with a calm complexion stretched out his hand to put away the Akashi in front of him, turned his head and looked at the old monk who was in a trance not far away. After a moment of concentration, he spoke:

"Old fellow daoists, those of us who travel north and south, should look a little bit more. It is already extremely difficult to survive. As for the dead fellow daoists, I hope her soul can rest in peace."

After the words fell, the middle-aged Jian Xiu looked around for a week, only to see the few people around who were still chatting, most of whom had already lost their lives in the rubble of the violent wind a few days ago.

"The old man is not sad about the fragility of his life, but something else."

After a few breaths, the old monk who recovered from his senses was able to respond, and then the old monk stood up and sighed slightly, his voice continued to sound:

"Maybe you don't believe it, but the old man saw the fall of the land gods on the night when the earthquake fell."

"Old monk, you must be stunned. There are only foggy beasts in the foggy mountains and seas, where are the land gods. Besides, those peerless overhauls that fly to the sky and escape the ground, even if they fall, are not what mortals like us can witness.

As soon as he said this, the old man did not respond again, but turned his head and looked at the back of the gorge where the mist was violently rolling. In the depths of his eyes, it seemed that the stalwart figure looming in the middle of the night appeared again.

At the same time, at the very front of the gorge, accompanied by a loud whistle, the croaking camel mountain beast began to slowly stand up.


The Camel Mountain Beast is huge, so as it stands up, the fog between the surrounding gorges is like being smashed into the ocean of an island, shaking violently.

The next breath, the flashing red light of the Camel Mountain Beast became more urgent, which indicated that the whole team was about to start moving forward and truly embarked on the final journey to the Southern Lotus Sword Field.

"Sima Annan, this Yunwu Sect's team has already traveled within the gorges of Wushanhai for a long time, right?"

Inside the camp on the edge of the back of the Camel Mountain Beast, a voice belonging to Zhao Yu came out, and then the young man in white who was waiting respectfully under the camp stepped forward and responded:

"His Majesty, if nothing happens, there will be half a day before you can completely pass through the foggy mountains and seas and truly enter the core area of ​​the Supreme Profound Land."

"This road is not easy, accidents happen frequently."

After Zhao Yuyoung's voice fell, he reached out and picked up the bitter tea that was steaming on the table in front of him, and after taking a sip in his mouth, the voice continued to sound:

"Many people died in Shengting's Tiance Palace, and Wu Palace even broke a ninth philosopher. What's your reaction after these few days?"

As soon as this question came out, Sima Annan's handsome face showed a solemn look, frowned, and responded:

"The holy court is very quiet, and the silence is extremely terrible, and this kind of quietness, Weichen thought this should be a precursor to the violent storm.

"After all, this may be the biggest damage the Holy Court has suffered since it has manipulated the world, and it will inevitably counterattack."

When the voice fell, Sima Annan stood upright, staring at Zhao Yu, who was unchanged in front of him, and his voice continued to speak:

"And the next movement of the holy court must be no small, because the one-fourth of the teleportation circle that is determined to be won is now in the hands of us and the Central Shangguo."

"There must be movements, but it's just to see if this so-called holy lord is still as tolerant as before."

As soon as Sima Annan's voice fell, the voice from Zhao Yu in front of the camp came out, and then Zhao Yu put down his teacup and slowly stood up, stepping outside the camp, at the same time the still steady voice of the emperor came out:

"Since I am about to leave the misty mountains and seas, let me go out to breathe in the fresh air. I have stayed in the Tiger Gorge for a long time, and it is really a bit depressing."

After speaking, Zhao Yu reached out and opened the door of the camp in front of him and stepped out. Then the extremely faint sunlight poured down from the sky, shining on the face of the young emperor who was not angry and prestigious.

Before he knew it, Zhao Yu had completely faded from the youthfulness he had just ascended the throne. Although his entire face was still young, the power between the eyebrows and the eyebrows was so powerful that he did not dare to look directly at him.

Beside the young emperor, because of the big step forward of the camel mountain beast under him, the dense fog flowed backwards like a river, and perhaps because the sky was clear, the air was still fresh.

It is worth mentioning that there are not many monks in this camp at this time. They have all known from the Yunwu Sect disciples that they will arrive at the Baolian Sword Ground today, so they all have a relieved smile on their faces and communicate with each other. In the meantime, he brought back the wing of the core land.

This cruel world is always like this. There is infinite despair in despair, but after the despair dissipates, the creatures will hypnotize themselves over and over again, always have the opportunity to wait in front of them, and believe in it.

I wonder if this is a kind of luck or misfortune?

"Sima Annan, do you think that the Holy Court will first trouble the Central Government for going to the country this time, or is it us?"

In the midst of the ups and downs of the fog, the sound of inquiry from Zhao Yu came out again, and after Sima Annan in the rear concentrating on it, he opened his mouth and responded:

"His Majesty, it should be the Central Government, because after all, we are in the dark, and the holy court should not be able to detect our hands and feet so quickly."

"Sometimes it doesn't matter for the holy court to find out who did it."

After the faint voice came out of Zhao Yu's mouth, the young emperor stretched out his right hand, spread his slender five fingers, and gently shook the mist in front of him. The emperor's voice continued to sound:

"Because he can completely kill any suspected person, so if the holy court is cruel, none of these south cultivators in the Wushan Sea at this time can live in the core area of ​​the so-called Supreme Profound Land."

As soon as Zhao Yu's voice with a strong evil intention fell, Liang Po's bald head and bright figure appeared not far away, and then he walked quickly towards the camp where Zhao Yu was located. There was something strange in the dark eyes. The look appeared.

After a few breaths, Liang Po came behind the young emperor and whispered:

"Your Majesty, according to the latest information, there was a civil strife in Upper Xiaocheng in the Central Empire, and the entire big city almost changed hands. However, Shangxiao City was quickly retaken, but there were some accidents."

After speaking, Liang Po paused and continued to speak:

"Yin Qing, the eighth prince of the Central Government, is dead."

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