The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1815: Ups and downs

In the middle of the Baolian sword field, on the main road, a cultivator of the Qinglian Sword Sect wearing straight sword robes, riding a handsome alien beast, escorting several carriages behind them, and moving forward steadily.

At dusk, the setting sun made the sky of the Baolian Sword Ground show a piece of sunset glow like a blazing flame. After being connected, it gave people a sense of vastness and cruelty.

The setting sun was like blood, the atmosphere was solemn, and a cold female voice sounded as the strange beast moved forward:

"In the legend of our Baolian sword and ground, once such a **** sunset appears, it means that the heaven and the earth have experienced a terrifying battle."

After the words fell, Fan Xing, the female disciple of the Qinglian Sword Sect with a broad sword on the back of Alien Beast, raised her head and looked over her head, her voice continued to speak:

"Our Baolian sword field has seen such a continuous blood sun for several days. It can be seen that the impact of the previous battle at Wushan Strait Ridge is far from over, and even just beginning."

The girl's voice fell, and she turned her attention to the side, with a little curiosity in her eyes.

Beside the girl Fanxing, two young people were sitting cross-legged on the frame, eating a beast leg unhurriedly. It was Zhao Yu and Sima Annan who had really entered the core of Taixuan Central Plains. .

At this time, several days have passed since the battle between the Saint Court and Baolian Sword Land, but just as the girl Fanxing said, everything is far from over.

In addition to the scarlet sunset above the sky, what is more intuitive is the scar on the ground that is directly penetrated by the Baolian sword.

On this road, there are not many cities that are directly penetrated by scars, and more are the sword repairers who are dragging their families to move out, and there are even a large number of sects, and they are relocated, with a sad expression.

This miserable scene after the war has undoubtedly given those monks who went to the core of the Central Plains to go to the core of the Central Plains with a head blow, and they were shocked and dizzy.

In the mouth of the overseas monks in Wushan, the core of the Central Plains should be a place full of vitality and blessings. There are rare treasures in the world, and there are great opportunities everywhere, but the facts are just the opposite.

Since the four major sword sects merged into one, the Baolian Sword Land has been able to directly rank among the top ten in the entire Taixuan Land. However, even so, the scenes after the war are not as cruel as the rest of Wushan Overseas The place should be better.

The coldness of Tiandi Avenue lies in fate.

No matter where you are, the head falls to the ground, perhaps in an instant.

"There are a lot of monks fleeing with their families on this road. Such a situation will make those monks who are eager to go south to be disappointed."

The red light of the setting sun shone on Zhao Yu's face, and outlined the angular facial curves of the young emperor. After speaking, Zhao Yu swallowed the beast meat in his mouth, and the voice of the girl Fanxing responded:

"People always yearn for the world portrayed by others, even if it is closer to death.

"In fact, the so-called Central Plains core place may have been a scam from the beginning. Every monk from the outside will be disappointed. The only difference is the difference in time."

After speaking, the fair-skinned Fanxing retracted the gaze from his eyes, opened his red lips lightly, and continued to speak:

"My treasure lotus sword land is at the exit of Wushanhai, so it's no surprise that this situation has already been seen. There are even many monks who can't stand the extreme gap in their hearts and choose to turn back."

As soon as the female Jianxiu Fanxing's voice fell, the voice from Zhao Yu sounded immediately:

"Unexpectedly, you are young, but you can see it thoroughly."

As the Di Yin fell, the young emperor gently leaned his body back, looking at the road in front of the road that was gradually becoming dim under the sunset, and the silhouettes of people hurrying along the road, and said softly again:

"No matter what this so-called core place is, it is always the place where the Qi and luck of the entire Taixuan place converges.

"Otherwise, there won't be so many forces. They don't hesitate to die, just to stay here, right?"

When Zhao Yu's faint voice came out, the pretty face of Female Jianxiu Fanxing suddenly stagnated, and after moving her lips, she did not respond.

With a few words, Fan Xing knew that the two horizons were not on the same level. The young emperor’s eyes were looking at a height that the former could not match. Therefore, Fan Xing would naturally no longer express his views.

Because of the different locations, living beings have a triple state of seeing things, seeing mountains as mountains, seeing mountains as not mountains, and finally seeing mountains as mountains.

Fanxing could see the cruelty and deceit behind the core of Taixuan Central Plains, and he was already in the realm of looking at mountains instead of mountains.

But what made her mind slightly shocked was that the young man next to her who looked younger than herself was eating a tiger and devouring gaze, looking at the illusory luck.

"Who are you?"

The mumbled doubt sounded from the starry sea of ​​knowledge, and then the voice that could not be rejected continued to sound in her ears:

"I just heard other people say that the road under our feet is called Ups and Downs?"

"Master Hui, this road is indeed called ups and downs, and this ups and downs road runs through the entire Baolian sword field, from north to south, wide and flat, crossing all the rivers and mountains, and going straight ahead to the south."

Speaking of this, Fan Xing took a deep breath, and a hint of pride appeared in his eyes, and his voice raised a lot:

"Because of the existence of this Dao, the monks in our Baolian swordfield no longer need to cross the dangerous obstacles of the towering mountains, but can go straight south from beginning to end, and at the same time, the communication with other counties has increased countless times."

"Listen to you, the ups and downs look straight and resemble a sword."

"The son's eye, in ancient legends, this path was formed by a sword from the sky falling to the ground, and even if you look down from the sky, you can see the sharp blade."

After speaking, Fan Xing's brow furrowed, because she suddenly thought that in addition to the ups and downs of Pingshan and across the river, there was another horror that runs through the entire Baolian Sword Ground at this time. trauma.

Thinking of this, a trace of haze flashed through the girl Jianxiu's eyes, and the scars were broken. This was not a good sign, and Fan Xing took a deep breath and opened his mouth and continued to speak:

"My son, it’s said that this road was not in the name of ups and downs. Later, a sword master appeared in my Baolian sword ground. After going round and round, he returned to the sword ground in his later years and watched this road penetrate. The entire straight road in the sword field was renamed the floating road."

After speaking, Fan Xing's eyes rolled, and his voice came out:

"Swords are going straight back and forth, and so are sword repairs. The sword master named this path so, and he doesn't know what it means. Over the years, there have been many guesses about sword repairs, but they are all far-fetched and there is no convincing explanation ."

As soon as the young girl Fanxing said this, Zhao Yu, who was about to continue eating a bite of the beast's leg, stopped the action in his hand, raised his head, and a steady voice came out:

"Why don't you let this young man guess the meaning of the name of this path?"

"My son, please."

Fanxing's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand to draw, then his red lips opened, his face was shocked.

Because of his ears, a voice from Zhao Yuping slowly sounded:

"Floating on the surface is beautiful scenery, only when you sink in your heart can you find the answer. Perhaps this is the deep meaning of the word floating.

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