The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1816: Baolian's fate

"All that floats on the surface is scenery, but only when you sink into your heart can you find the answer."

Under the setting sun, the girl Fanxing riding on the alien beast had bright eyes and repeated such a sentence. Then the girl's face changed for a while, and finally turned into respect and admiration.

The distinguished young man beside him returned to the carriage after eating the animal's legs, but the exchange of a few words has benefited the female disciple of the sword sect greatly, and his heart is shaken.

The wind rolled straight, and the setting sun was like blood.

Unknowingly, under the afterglow of the setting sun, the outline of a big city gradually appeared on the side of the sinking road. The whole body of the city was black, looking from a distance, like a giant sword lotus, blooming on the earth.

It is one of the most important cities in Baolian Sword Land, Lotus Terrace City!

Liantai City was once the base of the sword repairs of the Lotus Terrace. After the four sects of the Baolian Sword Land were unified, this city gradually became the center of the entire Qinglian Sword Sect. Prosperous appearance.

The Baolian Sword Land has a rule that has been handed down since ancient times, that is, any city or force cannot be built on the ups and downs roads, and at the same time this road belongs to the world's sword repairs, and no one has the right to claim it for themselves.

Therefore, the lotus platform city was built on the side of the ups and downs straight road, and several avenues extended out from the city gate, connected to the main road, looking from the sky, it looked like this sword lotus, extending out The huge roots plunge into the soil, drawing nutrients.

"Your Majesty, although we have just stepped into the core of the Central Plains, we still found some interesting places."

Inside the carriage, Sima Annan sitting cross-legged, put down the tea cup in his hand, a smile appeared on his handsome face, and continued to speak:

"The first, naturally, is the vitality of heaven and earth that is ten times stronger than that outside the Wushan Sea. This is the basis for the high cultivation level of practitioners in the entire core place, but this is far from the reason for its core position. "

As soon as Sima Annan's words fell, Zhao Yu, who was turning his head down and turning over the Zhezi, kept moving, and the response came out:

"It seems that Sima Annan, your servant also found out."

"Although the Weichen does not have the hands and eyes of your majesty, he is not stupid, and he still has a little observation ability."

When the words fell, Sima Annan shook his sleeves, stretched out the curtain beside the carriage, and stared at Liantai City, which was getting closer, and continued to speak:

"It turns out that the power of heaven and earth has developed to the extreme, and it really needs something to take on the infusion of vast luck."

"That is the inevitable development."

The voice of Zhao Yu lingering in the carriage, with inexplicable majesty, then the young emperor closed the folder in his hand, raised his head, looking straight ahead, the emperor's voice continued to sound:

"The life of a person lies in the vitality, and the life of a country lies in the heart, and every force that develops to the extreme needs a lifeline, because the ethereal vitality of the world also needs a foothold, otherwise it will be like rootless duckweed, which will disperse with one blow. "

As soon as the emperor's voice came out, Sima Annan's face became solemn.

"This Qi Luck is both tangible and intangible, and it is unpredictable. I don't know what it has to do against the sky. It has caused countless forces and great abilities to be broken, and life and death will disappear."

At this point, Sima Annan raised his hand and gently rubbed his chin, and continued to mutter:

"Perhaps this is the key to so-called detachment."

"What is detachment, I am afraid that no one can tell, and most of the sword repairs in this Baolian sword ground do not think about detachment, but to live, but Sima Annan, you might as well think about it, this Baolian sword ground Where is his fate?"

When the young emperor asked this, Sima Annan, who had a lot of beards growing on his mouth, brightened his eyes, squinted, and fell into thinking. After a while, he shook his head and said:

"Your Majesty, the Weichen thought it was a certain city within the Baolian Sword Land, but it was wrong to think about it in a blink of an eye. If a certain city bears the fate of this sword land, there will definitely be a top-notch power.

"But what we all know is that in the past tens of thousands of years, this sword land has been divided into four divisions for various reasons, and this Qinglian Jianzong has just been formed.

"On the other hand, within the Baolian Sword Field, the cultivation bases of the four great sword masters are almost the same, and there is no such thing as Murong and the sword master who held the sword like that before the Great Summer.

"At the same time, I haven't heard of any famous sword weapon from far and near, so these two can also be excluded."

After speaking, Sima Annan continued to rub his chin, the color of thinking on his face became thicker, and he murmured again:

"However, as one of the great powers at the core of Taixuan Central Plains, Baolian Sword Land must have a fate, but it's just a superficial minister, and I haven't seen it clearly."

Sima Annan's voice fell, and the emperor's voice from Zhao Yu immediately sounded:

"In fact, to a certain extent, people who can really play chess on the chessboard of heaven and earth will do everything possible to hide the fate of their own forces, because it can be called a weakness."

After speaking, Zhao Yu stretched out his hand to take the bitter tea that Rouge had handed over to him, his complexion unchanged, and continued to speak:

"The power of air luck is something that everyone wants. If someone knows the fate of the air luck, it is undoubtedly the same as being caught in the weakness. Therefore, if it is not compelling, there are few forces to show it.

"Baolian's sword field is not stupid, so naturally it won't reveal its shortcomings, but the fate here is not difficult to see. Sima Annan, if you walk around, you will know."

As soon as Zhao Yu’s divine voice fell, the speed of the carriage that was driving on the straight gradually weakened, and then the sound of broken beams sounded outside the carriage:

"Your Majesty, the four swordsmen, including the lotus platform of the Qinglian Sword Sect, set up wine in the pavilion outside the city in front, and invite you to give a comment."

Liang Po's vigorous voice fell, and Zhao Yu in the carriage got up, took Rouge's hand next to him, and patted it lightly, and then a steady emperor's voice came out:

"Go to the appointment."

As the voice of the emperor heard, Heilongwei Shunzi raised the curtain and greeted Daxia's most noble emperor to get out of the carriage. Then Sima Annan took care of the white robe on Li's body and followed behind.

At the same time, the setting sun above the sky continued to sink westward, and then Sima Annan, who was standing on the frame, narrowed his eyes because a magnificent and shocking picture appeared in front of him.

The crimson radiant sun happened to cling to the horizon of the Baolian Sword Ground. This sunset was so big that it was even countless times bigger than the lotus platform city on the side, not to mention the inconspicuous one outside the lotus platform city. Jianting.

But what makes Sima Annan even more amazing is that a vast road like a sword traverses a whole round of the sun, and then the **** setting sun shines down, perfect for this straight road called ups and downs. There was a layer of blood flame on the crossing.

It seems to have truly become a sword of heaven and earth surrounded by red glow!

At the next breath, Sima Annan took a deep breath, feeling the surging sword intent coming towards him, and muttered:

"Your Majesty, where is the fate of this Baolian swordfield? The minister should know."

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