The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1832: Kamiryo Castle

The core place of Taixuan Central Plains, the eastern part of Central Shangguo.

When the sky was dark, countless bright and varied Akashi lights lit up on the wide and criss-crossed roads across the entire eastern land of the Central Shangguo.

Behind these Akashi rays are the citizens of Shangguo who have migrated to the east of Shangguo with their families.

Most of these people are from the vicinity of Tangdu in the central part of China. Under the threat of war, more and more central people have fled from the central government.

And if you take a bird's eye view of the entire Taixuan land from the air, you will find that there is only one place where the torrent of creatures is winding like a long dragon.

Shangxiao City!

Although Shangxiao City had just encountered an extremely tragic and thrilling rebellion a few days ago, it did not affect more and more people of Shangguo, and it flooded like a tide.

Strictly speaking, the word Shangxiao never refers to that huge huge city. Its prosperity is reflected in a large area in the eastern part of the Central Shangguo, because it is all Shangxiao. The radiation range of the city.

Around the city of Shangxiao, there are close to hundreds of large and small satellite cities, just like loyal soldiers guarding the splendid gem of Shangxiao City.

The big sun rises from the east. Today, the eastern part of the central country is a rare good weather. The dense clouds that have been hanging over the sky for several days suddenly dissipated in the early morning, and then the sun was shining and the sky was bright.

The bright sun shines on everything on the earth, and the people of Shangguo who are under the threat of war in the city have long-lost smiles on their faces. They look up to the sky, and speak loudly to the people beside them. :

"Have you heard, our Central Government has achieved another great victory since the last time we defeated the Holy Court's conspiracy to obtain Shangxiao City!"

After this excitement and excitement came out, a young monk who was waiting in line to enter the city around him also showed a strong expression of interest. He raised his hands and patted again, and the response sounded:

"This great victory has spread throughout the Central Plains yesterday, so how can I not know the boy."

At this point, the smile on the face of the young monk became more and more serious, and he continued to speak:

"Who would have thought that before in Tangdu, the Three Princes, who were criticized by all the monks because they only knew how to read books and mingled with scholars and literati every day, would be able to directly make a blockbuster, shocking the whole world.

"You know that is the top power of the ten philosophers of the Saint Court Martial Arts Palace. At this time, one of them was directly beheaded, which caused the Saint Court to hurt the muscles and bones. At the same time, it was immeasurable for the improvement of the whole country's momentum."

"Who can say no? The battle between the Kingdom of God and the Holy Court is protracted. Although we don’t say it on the surface, it has shown signs of decline in recent days. Fortunately, the third highness turned out to be born. Head, declaring his strong return, how exciting this is!"

At this time, it was an old man who was not young, and his cheeks were flushed. Talking about the excited look of the three princes, Yin Wen, who was known to the world, he was no better than the young people on the side.

Then the old monk slightly put away the smile on his face, and sighed:

"Our majesty spent his last life on the army, found the orthodox of the fairy palace at a young age, established the Central Shangguo, and spent his entire life to root and grow the Shangguo in this perilous Taixuan Central Plains, and become the head of the four important Shangguo What a brilliant strategy this is.

"Originally, all the people in the upper kingdom were talking about the princes of your majesty, each with a perverse temperament, and there is rarely a dominance of the world.

"And when the news came that these emperors were captured in the northern border, everyone was filled with righteous indignation, sighing, and only hated that there is no successor to the kingdom in the center of the country. We did not expect that we would be blind in the end."

After the voice fell, the old monk thought in a blink of an eye, and the old voice continued to sound:

"It is said that within the Wushan Sea, the Three Highnesses not only killed a ninth philosopher of the Saint Court Martial Palace, but even the monks of the Tiance Palace.

"You need to know that although the Tiance Palace is not as powerful as the Martial Palace, it still has extraordinary cultivation bases. This includes even the powerhouses of the land gods.

"This battle in the Wushan Sea is enough to make the holy court feel very painful. This is a well-deserved victory."

In fact, it's no wonder that the surrounding people of the Central Shangguo are so excited, it is true that this country, which is fighting with the holy court, needs such a great victory so much to regain its morale.

On the other hand, the Central Government needs a rising emperor to lead this country forward and enter a new era. After all, the role of faith is infinite in many cases.

"Old man, boy, I also heard that our Second Highness of the Kingdom, along with the Third Highness, participated in this ambush in Wushanhai. From this point of view, the Emperor Wufu is not brave and intrepid."

It was a young man who was standing in the back, his face was as pale as if he hadn't seen the sun for a long time, and then the old man who started talking turned around and his voice sounded:

"After all, these emperors have the blood of the Yin clan of Shangguo. Although the dragons gave birth to nine sons, they are all different, but the talent is there. When Shangguo is in crisis, they are not allowed to go on like this."

At this point, the old man's face became solemn, and after moving his lips, he opened his mouth and said:

"It's just a pity that His Highness the Eighth."

As soon as the words of His Royal Highness Eight came out, the complexion of the people around them suddenly became particularly complicated. Qi Qi sighed, and lifted their feet to leave.

Then two people, an old and a young, who didn’t know each other before, were left behind, carrying bulging bags, bathed in the bright sunshine, and looking up at the big characters on the city gate above their heads, they all fell into a trap. In a little silence.

At the same time, above the city in front of the two of them, there were two big characters with iron and silver hooks, Shang Ling.

Although the word “Lingxiao” is often integrated, there is a huge difference between Shanglingcheng in front of us and Shangxiaocheng not far away. This is just the sum total of Shangxiao City. One of the satellite cities is even rather inconspicuous.

However, in today's world, although Shangling City is only one of many satellite cities, it is still extremely difficult to enter the city. At this time, the old and young waiting outside Shangling City have been waiting for a long time. .

Fortunately, with the opening of the city gates, the long queues of dragons queuing into the city began to move forward again. At this speed, around noon today, the two of them can actually enter the city and eat hot food.

"Boy, I just want to find a place to have a bite of food, and get a good night's sleep. The journey eastward is really too exhausting."

After the young man fell with a bit of bitter voice, the old man on the side chuckled lightly. Just about to say that the last sentence was too tender, he suddenly turned his head and looked to the side.

I saw a little noisy entrance to the city, and a sudden riot broke out. Then a group of people in black, riding on the beasts, drove across the crowds at the entrance of the city. The blocking rushed into the gate of Shangling City.

At the next breath, a lot of dissatisfied voices sounded out of the city:

"It's really deceiving Taishe, why should we wait so long outside the city so that these outsiders can enter the city directly and swaggeringly?"

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