The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1833: One old and one young

The eastern part of the Central Shangguo, headed by the city of Shangxiao, is the most prosperous area in the core of the Taixuan Central Plains. In addition to the strong support of the entire Shangguo flower for development, there is also a unique advantage.

That is extremely convenient transportation!

To the east of Shangxiao City, there is the largest river in the core of the Central Plains. At the same time, there is a huge lake in the middle of the river. Above the lake, countless ships sail and transport a large amount of commodities and goods.

In other words, this central Shangguo Oriental Shangxiao City and its surrounding areas are the core of the Central Plains and the intersection of land, sea and air traffic.

In fact, a few years ago, before the battle between the Central Kingdom and the Holy Court, in Shangxiao and the surrounding cities, there was a saying:

"When the caravan comes, the giant bird covers the sky, and the light does not show up all day long."

Although there is an exaggeration in this statement, it reveals the sight of countless flying races flying back and forth in the area of ​​Xiaocheng City.

In order to maintain the prosperous status of Shangxiao City, the imperial court of Central Shangguo once ordered that this city is the only big city in Shangguo that does not have a curfew, and there is no one. At the same time, it also allows those flying races that carry trade goods to leap above the towering clouds. The city wall landed directly on the city square.

As the saying goes, everything is pros and cons. This move by the central government to ensure the extremely prosperous Shangxiao City, but also caused a mixture of fish and dragons in this big city, which paved the way for the rebellion of the previous days.

However, the decision-making level of Central Shangguo is not a fool. After the battle with the Holy Court a few years ago, all the interiors of the city in the Shangxiao City area were completely banned. All flying races must land outside the city and can only enter through the city gate. .

This is also the reason why there are densely packed long dragons outside of every city around Shangxiao City.

But now there are too many creatures coming from all directions, even if the city gate is always open to absorb the people outside the city, this crowd is increasing.

And some people even waited for several days outside the city, and now they see someone riding a horse into the city grandiosely, such as entering an uninhabited state, they will naturally feel dissatisfied and open their mouths to curse:

"Shangguo's rules for going to the country, if it's not about war, everyone should honestly line up to enter the city, these people should be so bold."

With a little irritated scream, it was heard from the young man outside the city. Then the righteous young man at the gate of the city, just about to continue spitting, was grabbed by the old man by the side, and the old voice continued:

"Little brother, let's just say a few words, this group of people is unusual, so as not to cause trouble to the upper body."

After speaking, the old man's eyes showed the color of thinking, and he continued to speak:

"The strange beasts these people ride just now come from the rare beasts in the north, which are not available to ordinary forces. And little brother, have you noticed the robes on them?"

"It's not just a black robe, and there isn't any power emblem yet, it's sneaky."

As soon as the young man responded, the old man shook his head and responded:

"Although there is no emblem pattern on these people's black robes, the patterns on this fabric are also very unusual. It is estimated that it is the son of a big power, and the relationship between the sect and the defense army of the upper Ling city is not ordinary. Open the door of convenience and enter the city arrogantly regardless of the eyes of outsiders."

"In today's chaotic world, there are always some people who still don't curb their domineering nature, and sooner or later something big will happen."

After the young man finished speaking, he sipped in front of him. The dissatisfaction on his face became stronger, but he finally gave up. He lined up honestly, followed the crowd, and gradually walked towards the gate.

Along the way, the old and the young and the two communicated with each other again, which can be said to be very happy. Although the speed of the team entering the city is not too fast, the time does not feel slow between communicating with each other.

Unknowingly, the big sun hung above his head, and then under the dazzling sunlight, the two men formally came to the gate of the city, and then the sergeant of the Shangling City Garrison stationed at the gate of the city came forward and interrogated.

The contents of the investigation by the Defense Army of Upper Lingcheng were fairly detailed, and the two answered one by one, and then after the garrison waved and let them go, they walked through the long gate step by step and truly stepped into the city of Upper Ling.

"Has the old man ever been here in Shangling City?"

At the exit of the inner city gate of Shangling City, the young man raised his hand to support the cloth bag behind him, and looked at the busy street crowded by countless people in front of him. There was a hint of admiration in his eyes.

Then the old man's response sounded in the ears of the young man:

"The old man in Shangling City has never been here, but he has been to Shangxiao, the main city not far away, really many times."

After the voice fell, the old monk raised his hand to caress the white beard on his chest, and continued to speak with a smiling voice:

"If the little brother thinks that Shangling City in front of us is already extremely prosperous, the old man can tell you that the busyness of Shangxiao City, the jewel of the Central Shangguo Oriental, is hundreds of times as busy as this city!"

"Then if there is a chance, I really want to see it."

After the pale-skinned young man finished speaking, he turned around, saluted the old man on the side, and continued to speak:

"It's really a fate to meet an elderly person when you enter the city. If you can meet again in the future, you must have a good conversation.

"The old man sees the little brother as soon as he sees it. This is not too big for Lingcheng. Although the population has soared because of the turmoil at this time, the old man still hopes to meet the little brother again."

After speaking, the old monk returned the same salute, and then the young man in front of him got up and the voice continued:

"The boy, I wish the old monk all the best."

"The old man also hopes that the little brother can have a good meal and sleep."

"Then borrow the old gentleman's good words!"

The young man's handsome pale face showed a smile, no longer hesitating, and then turned and walked to the street on the left, while the old monk stood there for a few breaths and turned to the right.

The young man turned to the left and the old man turned to the right.

It indicates that this old one is less than the trajectory of Shang Lingcheng, and the differences began to appear at this moment.

Half a quarter of an hour later, around the old man walking slowly on the street to the right of Shangling City, several figures in black robes appeared unknowingly.

Afterwards, the black-robed figure raised his hand to an alley with a false lead, and the old man turned and slowly stepped into it. At the next breath, the surrounding environment suddenly began to change drastically.

"Subordinates, see Elder Ge!"

A respectful voice sounded in the ears of the old man, and then the old man waved his hand, his expression became extremely sharp, his eyes were also majestic, and the old voice immediately came out:

"Is that person still locked?"

"Naturally it is closed. His mouth is very hard and he didn't pry out too much information, so he still needs Elder Ge to interrogate."

"Don't worry about this, now you call the old man the team that rushed into Shangling City before!"

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