
The earth-shaking dragon roar, accompanied by the golden streamer of the dragon's arrow piercing the sky, instantly penetrated the moon demon king who roared to the sky in the pit.

At the same time, the mighty torrent of supernatural powers followed one after another in the next instant, like countless sharp blades, cutting the bones of the Moon Demon King mercilessly.

In the next breath, the dense and ear-piercing sound of bone cutting resounded across the sky, making the people who heard the words frightened.

Afterwards, the central Shangguo overhauled on the Void, and continued to lock the spiritual consciousness to the Shangling City in front of him, and the defense army of the cities with Shangxiao City as the center, after the assembly was completed, under the instructions of the defense generals , The array rushed out of the city and pressed towards Shang Lingcheng.

After the elite battle armors collided with each other, the knocking sound of fine irons resounded through the night sky, and the formation was still pressing forward, but the iron and blood gas like wolf smoke, together with the monstrous fighting spirit, had already filled the entire sky.

The Central Shangguo, which has fully reflected, deserves to be the prestige of the four great Shangguo. In a very short time, the entire eastern region, relying on the heavy eastern city Shangxiao, together with hundreds of surrounding cities, directly formed several offensive and defensive systems. The sequence of defenses surrounded Shangling City.

"Rich, get up."

Above the towering walls of Shangxiao City, a cold voice came from the mouth of the princess Shangguo in the center, and the middle-aged fat man behind the old woman directly roared to the sky:

"Start the Dragon Prisoners!"

The sound of vigorous commands resounded across the sky, and with the soaring flags and the light of magical powers rising into the sky, countless golden lights began to converge inward among the cities in the eastern part of the Central Kingdom, and then gathered into a golden dragon.

These huge roaming dragons are directly empty into the ocean, moving freely, and after handing over each other, they form a battlefield that covers the sky and the sky.

The confrontation between the two top forces, the formation and the formation, are all vital.

Every monk has his own supernatural power, vitality and bloodline power. Compared to a disc of loose sand, if the strength of all people can be combined in one place, it will undoubtedly be countless times stronger, and the formation of the formation is so aggregated. effect.

Even if the big formation can only integrate 70% or even 50% of the combat power of all cultivators, it is a power that destroys the world!

"Princess, the Dragon Prisoners have already risen, the holy court thief who invaded Shangling City will surely not escape!"

Above the walls of Shangxiao City, the garrison leader’s murderous voice came out, and then the old woman in front of everyone continued to squeeze and support the ground, his face still solemn, and he responded:

"I don't know why, the old man has a sense of horror. The Holy Court will not simply send people to die, but if I try to go to the east of the country, I will definitely rely on it."

After speaking, the old woman continued to stare at the pit of Shangling City that was intertwined and destroyed by the light of supernatural powers, and the murmur continued:

"But what exactly is this dependency?"

"Old Ancestor, no matter what this holy court relies on, it is not easy to make a plan in our Shangxiao City area after all."

As soon as the old woman's voice fell, a steady female voice sounded behind her, and then a tall girl walked slowly from behind, gently supported the eldest princess's arm, put her head close to the old woman's ear, and continued to whisper softly. Open the mouth:

"Old Ancestor, the Third Highness has brought people to Shangxiao City, and is now rushing here."

"The third child? Is it Yin Wen?"

"Yes, it was His Royal Highness Yin Wen who killed the ninth Zhe Bojie of the Shengting Martial Palace some time ago."

As soon as the girl's voice came out, everyone around her took a deep breath, and then a thick color of joy appeared on her face, and she secretly made a fist.

The so-called troubled times need heroes. At this time, the Central Shangguo, which is swaying under the haze of war, needs faith and heroes more than ever. Now the third prince Yin Wen, for all the people of Shangguo at this time, is The hero.

The power of faith is often difficult to describe in words, and then the third prince Yin Wen straightened his body and stepped up the wall of Shangxiao City under all the extremely hot gazes.

The prince's face is still as delicate as ever, but his golden eyes have unknowingly brought on the boundless hegemony of those in power.

A gust of wind caused by the bombardment of magical powers blew up the pale gold robe on Yin Wen, but the third prince of Shangguo frowned. After walking quickly to the old woman, he hurriedly saluted, and then the voice came out. :

"Auntie, I have received information, we are in big trouble."

Before he finished speaking, Yin Wen turned around, staring at the vicinity of Shangling City, where the Qi machine was extremely chaotic, and his voice continued to sound:

"The holy court has already obtained a part of the teleportation circle, and already has a part of the teleportation power, and the location of the teleportation."

"Is it Shang Lingcheng?"

The voice of the old woman's opening was sharpened, and a violent riot was immediately triggered on the entire city wall. Obviously, these generals of the Shangguo understood in an instant. If the teleportation formation is nailed to Shangling, this will mean What's going on.

Then Yin Wen stretched out his hand to press on the city wall of Shangxiao City in front of him, and the heavy majesty on his body rolled up, and the blue veins bulged on the back of his hand, and the words of each word followed:

"Notify all the cities, whether it is soldiers or ordinary citizens of the country, it is time for life and death, and there is only a deadly battle!"

As soon as the word "Dead Fight" came out, the Qi mechanism circulating in the entire void changed wildly and drastically. This Qi mechanism changed so drastically that even ordinary citizens in the city could clearly perceive it.

The biting chill enveloped the whole body out of thin air, and the vitality of heaven and earth swallowed within the body also brought a particularly strange coldness.

But the storm of war swept through, as swift as thunder, so fast that it didn't give anyone much reaction time at all.

After a while, the entire large area of ​​the eastern part of the Central Upper Kingdom shook violently at the same time. Such a violent vibration was like an invisible heavy hammer of heaven and earth, unreservedly hitting the ground where the city of Shangling was located, making a sound. Loud noise throughout the world:


This loud noise not only shook the earth, but also shattered the countless magical powers shrouded in the pits of Shangling City, bombarding all the chaos surrounding Shangling City into dust.

As soon as the wind blows, the dust dissipates, and the void becomes clear again, but the next breath, the earth trembles more and more violently, and countless scarlet blood glows, like erupting volcanoes, rushed into the sky.

Under the entire night sky, a huge scarlet light beam appeared directly.

This beam of light leans against the sky and the earth, with countless runes intertwined inside, is dazzling. At the same time, under the big array, a roar that is as loud as the clock of heaven and earth resounds between heaven and earth:


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