"Well, what happened to this?"

In the eastern part of the central country, along with the crazy shaking of the earth, a large number of buildings in the city were shaking, and debris and debris fell one after another.

After the monks lifted their energy and stabilized their body, they could even clearly feel the waves that came from the depths of the earth.

Although most people couldn't see the drastic changes that took place in Shangling City at this time because of the cover of the tall city walls in all directions, the scarlet formation pillars that connected the entire world, even if they were far apart, were still clearly visible.

Under the heaven and earth of the Supreme Profound Land, the basic rules of the circulation of the five elements are followed, so the formation method is also not listed, and the blood-red back of each body represents an endless killing.

Because the core driving force of this blood formation is countless blood and souls!

Thinking of this, some of the cultivators with extensive knowledge of Central Shangguo's eyes were red for an instant. Until then, they finally understood why the holy court wanted to slaughter all the creatures in Shangling City.

"Too much deception, it is outrageous!"

The extremely cold voice came from the mouth of every Central Shangguo's overhaul. Then, under the infinite murderous intent, in the blood formation where Shanglingcheng was located, there was another earth-shattering howl, madly:


This violent howl was not a tiger's roar or a dragon's roar, but like a huge bell roaring, with a dedicated voice alone and clearly rang in everyone's ears.

"As your Majesty said, the core of this teleportation circle of the ancient fairy palace era is really a summoning circle."

Above the high sky of the upper Lingcheng, in the deep night, the voice from the night demon King Yeyi came out, and then within this night, a young response came out:

"This light and dark two moon sky, using the power of my own space origin as the array to activate this teleportation array, and the reason why it took so much time and effort to do this should be because of the incompleteness of this array."

After speaking, two eyes, one black and one gold, locked onto the mountain in the blood formation below, and concealed the dragon scales all over his body, and the voice continued:

"The complete teleportation array must contain the necessary conditions such as the array guide, the array source, etc. Therefore, opening it in an incomplete state requires a great price, but I have to say that the holy court has taken a very big step this time. A rare risky game."

After Shanzi's words fell, Ye on the side nodded little by little. It is worth mentioning that Ye Yi’s hand has a blood-red soul eye, which is the memory of the previous Shenji Pavilion torturing the butler of the Jinzong. Fragments.

At the next breath, Ye Yi held the hand of the soul eye with light force, and the eyeball in his hand shattered like fragile glass beads, turned into dust and disappeared, while the voice continued to spread:

"This Sicheng originally thought that the purpose of the holy court was to use the butler of the Jinzong as an introduction to us Daxia, but he did not expect that it was aimed at the central government and made such a big deal. I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. ."

When the voice fell, Shanzi pursed his lips, did not reply, but looked at the gaze below, the solemn color was thicker.

At almost the same time, in the upper Lingcheng area, the ground that was originally carved under Shanzi's eyelids to transmit the blood formation cracked directly outward.

The earth not only cracked, but even began to bulge from the bottom up, as if there was a terrifying existence, rushing out under the ground.

"The existence of this array summoning is born, so let's see what it is, condensing the peak of the formation method of the ancient era, so that the monks can reach the borderless realm, comparable to the teleportation scroll of My Daxia!"

The voice of the Night Demon King just fell, and the louder and louder bell ringing sounded through the entire void for the third time, and then one after another huge tentacles drilled under the ground.

Each of the tentacles that exploded from the ground looked like octopus tentacles magnified countless times, and they all showed **** glow. After rushing out of the ground, they stretched towards the sky, like swaying giant peaks, suddenly revealed in the sky. The world.

Such a earth-shattering scene gave people a strong and extremely emotional impact. At the same time, the tentacles were covered with countless suction cups. As these suction cups rose and contracted, the space was extremely easily shattered and shattered.

"What kind of monster is this?"

An extremely shocked cry came from all the monks who witnessed this, and then the ground under the tentacles continued to bulge outward, and the head of a huge giant frog slowly emerged from under the ground.

This huge frog-like giant has two soaring dragon horns on its head. At the same time, its body is not ordinary skin, but is covered with dense scales.

These scale armors are densely overlapped, with golden light shining, and for this kind of scale armor, the monks in the surrounding center are no strangers.

"Dragon scales, this beast has dragon scales on its body, it is a dragon species!"

A series of exclamations went straight forward, and then a large number of monks' eyes began to focus on the back of this blood-colored dragon, only to see the back of the latter, against a huge mountain-like bell.

On this big clock, runes were lingering, and as the giant broke out of the ground, there was a hum of vibrating void.

With a frog's head, a dragon horn, and a giant clock on its back, with such distinctive characteristics, the identity of the summoned giant can be directly expressed:

"This is Pu Lao, one of the nine sons of Gulong."

After this remark rang out from the monk of Shangguo in the middle of the Shangxiao city wall, an old monk who came along with the third prince Yin Wen, his eyes narrowed, and his voice continued:

"But this beast is not just Pu Lao, Pu Lao does not have such weird and scary tentacles."

"Regardless of whether this beast is Pu Lao or not, it has no good intentions. It informs Zhucheng, first-level combat readiness, and begins to evacuate the people from the surrounding cities of Shangling City, faster."

Yin Wen's voice immediately followed, still carrying the ultimate dignity. Under the circumstances that everyone was confused, the prince who had begun to stand on the stage of this troubled time and history chose to believe in a vague and vague news.

Because the source of this news is Daxia!

For some reason, even Yin Wen has an inexplicable confidence in the mysterious and extremely mysterious country of the North.

It has to be said that after the ambush of Wushanhai, Yin Wen's prestige throughout Daxia has risen in a straight line, so the generals in the rear, after a little hesitation, directly passed the order to withdraw the city.

"Walk around, retreat quickly, fast, this place will become a battlefield!"

Suddenly, the big cities around Shanglingcheng roared one after another, and the gates in the direction of Lingcheng opened up with their backs. At the same time, countless Shangguo monks began to turn into a torrent and rushed out of the city and began to evacuate backwards.

The scene of such a panic and evacuation is the first time since the establishment of Shangxiao City!

At the same time, after the image of the front side that can be called embarrassment, after being reflected in the eyes of the generals on the city wall, these imposing armored figures clenched their fists and squeezed their lips.

Finally, behind Yin Wen, several generals stepped forward and said loudly:

"His Royal Highness, the generals and others are willing to make a military order, lead troops there, and guard the surrounding cities of Shangling City without losing it!"

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