The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1897: The world is round

"Brother Qiu, do you think this world is round or square?"

A few years ago, in the eastern suburbs of Shenjing City, on the bamboo building of Dao Gong disciple Lushe, two figures, one fat and one thin, sat in the light of dawn. The gentle sunrise shining on the bodies of the two people, imprinting them behind them. Two contrasting shadows appeared.

Then after the thin man's questioning with a little thought fell, the fat man sitting upright, shook his head slightly, and looked into the distance. After thinking about it carefully, he said:

"The ancients once said that the sky is round and round, but the whole world is boundless, perhaps like chaotic chickens, or overlapping layers like bubbles, brother Han, my realm is shallow, I really don't know what the world looks like."

After the fat man's extremely serious words fell, the thin man beside him turned his face to one side, looking helpless, and muttered helplessly in his heart:

"What a fool."

Time goes back to the present, outside Fengyuan City, above the void, when the hand that surrounds the infinite frost hits the head, the evil intention is like a knife, stabs at one's soul, but it is just a moment of life and death. , For some reason, what emerged from the girl's heart was not the fear of death.

She once again thought of the question asked many years ago.

"What is the shape of this world?"

In the next moment, in the void beside him, the blue and white space transmission light lit up without warning, and then a big warm hand hugged himself into his arms.

At this moment, an unprecedented sense of security enveloped him. At the same time, Qiu Hengji's right hand blasted on the silhouette of the person in front of him.

"Ancient taboo magical powers. Super shock wave!"

A young voice without emotional fluctuations rang out from Qiu Hengshui's mouth, and then the entire void, centered on the palm of the former, shook wildly.

After an instant, within this unprecedentedly turbulent void, an arc sound wave emitting blue and white light blasted forward and spread out, sweeping the world in an instant.

"The Law of Shock Retreat, who are you on earth?"

A horrified roar came from the Frost Silhouette's mouth. This person was horrified to discover that he was being shaken back directly by this type of fast-spreading taboo spell, even if the law of the whole body was mobilized, it was difficult to stop.

At the same time, the power of the Law of Frost surrounding the figure shook violently, and the original power contained in it was all shattered, and the body rolled backwards with a burst of super shock waves without resistance, and directly Spit out a muffled hum.

In just one face, under the ancient forbidden supreme spells, this overhaul hidden in the dark has already been severely damaged, and the momentum is like a punctured balloon, quickly leaking out.

However, the power of the super shock wave of the taboo supernatural power is far more than that, and it continues to spread out in an arc shape, like a mighty torrent of sound waves, sweeping the entire void battlefield.

I saw blue and white violent ripples crossing the border, and the void shattered into countless black cracks at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The whole void is still like this. The fate of the Xuemei Nation army who was originally above the void is self-evident.

All dead!

Perhaps it was because it was so horrified that outside Fengyuan City, they fell directly into death-like silence, and countless monks who saw it all had almost the same expression.

His eyes were wide open, his mouth opened, and his horror was beyond him. After a long time, the monk reacted and murmured:

"Terror, too terrifying, in an instant, three types of supreme spells were continuously released, sweeping the world, old, old man, this is the first time I have seen you in this life.

"Don't say it's the first time in this life, this monk even thinks that in these tens of thousands of years, there may not have been such a big scene.

"Know that this is a combined magical power composed of a series of supreme arcane arts, and it also contains the most basic law of origin between the heavens and the earth. Power can be described as destroying the heavens and the earth!"

The excitement and excitement continued to be heard from the mouth of a ground monk, and against this background, the emptiness outside Fengyuan City gradually calmed down.

The chaos and boundless energy dissipated, and the wind and rain once again filled the void, but the monks on the side of the princess of Xuemei Kingdom who had occupied half of the sky were already gone.

Above the huge void, there was only the princess who was holding the dragon fishing rod, standing alone.

With disheveled hair, her luxurious clothes shattered everywhere, and at the same time, she was covered with the infinite heat of the chaotic meteorite, burning a lot of wounds, and she was extremely embarrassed.

But what is even more horrifying is that at this time, there is endless resentment in the eyes of the princess of Xuemei Kingdom. Then she stared at the girl who was held in front by Qiu Hengji, and opened her mouth with an infinite unwillingness. Scream:

"I'm not reconciled. Why, you are just a loser who was expelled from Xuemei Kingdom by this palace three hundred years ago. Why are you fighting with me? This palace is the most suitable successor to Xuemei Kingdom.

"My palace hates it. I only hate that it didn't kill you at that time, which created the situation today, but you think you have a chance to win, and all this is not over yet!"

Accompanied by the princess's terrible roar, the skin on the former's face fell down in pieces after being burned, appearing more hideous and terrifying, and then he raised his hands and continued to roar:

"The monk of Tiance Palace, you won't come out at this time, let's wait when, you must know that if this palace loses its position, it will not be of any benefit to you, come out!"

After the word came out from the princess's mouth, it lingered on the sky and passed into the ears of all the monks below, causing the latter's complexion to change drastically. Then everyone went from the original silence to raise their heads together. Sweeping back and forth across the sky above the sky.

But to everyone's surprise, after dozens of breaths, none of the cultivators of the Tiance Palace spoken by the princess above the sky did not appear.

"Damn it, **** it, you took the teleportation formation of this palace, but turned back, what a damn!"

Then a more stern roar came from the princess's mouth. At this time, she was even more hideous and terrifying than Bi Li Gui, and her body was intertwined with an aura of despair.

Then on the other side of the void, Qiu Hengji, who was holding the girl in one hand, lowered his head slightly, staring at the familiar and unfamiliar girl face in front of him, his mouth moved, and finally opened his mouth somewhat jerky:

"Stabilize, I will take you back to the treasure ship."

Qiu Hengji's voice fell, and the girl's big eyes blinked, staring at Qiu Hengji's face, which was much thinner than a few years ago, and said quietly:

"Fatty, it's the same question. What is the shape of the world we live in?"

The same question came to his ears, Qiu Hengji turned around, raised his hand and waved to the rear, and responded with a completely different answer from before:

"This world is round."

After speaking, Qiu Hengji smiled, and the voice continued:

"The reason why it is round is because we want the separated people to meet again."

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