The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1904: The stray teenager thousands of years ago

To control the rules, and then to create your own rules, this is the road from the land gods to the upper realm.

Although there is only this few words, it is too far away for the countless monks in the entire Supreme Profound Land.

People on the ground, no matter how high their hands reach out, can hardly touch the stars hanging above the nine heavens, but there are always exceptions.

They are the exception and unique existence!

At this time, in the Great Hall of the Great Xia Treasure Ship, the green air forming the posts on the table is a kind of rule, a rule that belongs to the Taiqing Sect Master alone.

In Rouge's big eyes at this time, the silver light lingering in the black eyes of the young emperor may also be a special rule.

At the next breath, the gentle rouge put away the different color in his eyes, and the soft voice continued:

"Your Majesty, what kind of person is the Sect Master Taiqing? You told your concubines about his life before, but now you just have a chance."

As soon as the rouge's voice came out, Zhao Yu put away the aura of the heavens and earth, and the power was not obvious. He nodded and said:

"Liang Po, call Li Chunfeng in. Si Tian Jian has a dossier about important figures in the Taixuan Land, so he can tell Rouge."


Liang Po nodded in response, turned and walked out of the hall. Soon, Li Chunfeng, a figure in black clothes, stepped in from outside.

I saw Li Chunfeng sitting on top of his ruddy old face, with fluttering beard and hair. His face was full of confidence. He held a volume in one hand and said:

"Niangniang, since you want to know the life of the Taiqing Sect Master, let me tell you briefly. In general, the Taiqing Sect Master is undoubtedly a legend."

As soon as the word legend came out, the color of interest on Rouge's face became more intense, and then Zhao Yu, who was leaning on the girl, sat down and raised her hand to support her round chin, as if she was listening very seriously.

At the next breath, in the hall, Li Chunfeng's voice continued to sound:

"Thousands of years ago, a small sect on the southern edge of the Supreme Profound Land, a small sect, looked at the surrounding powerlessness, and even boldly came up with the idea of ​​building a country.

"So not long after, a small country appeared so quietly in this remote place. The lord of this country is also a sensible person, knowing that if it expands, it will naturally look for death, so he guards his own one-acre three-point land, safe and secure. Be a mountain king steadily."

After the two words Liguo came out of Li Chunfeng's mouth, Rouge's eyebrows were lightly raised, and he spoke softly:

"In the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, how about the private conversion to a country?"

"Hui Niangniang, it's not uncommon for this to happen, but later, it basically rarely appeared. The specific reason is still waiting for the subordinates to elaborate."

After Li Chunfeng's old voice fell, Rouge stood upright and raised his hand to signal the old man below to continue. Then inside the hall, Li Chunfeng's old voice continued to sound:

"Manny, we just talked about the establishment of a small country in a remote place, and because the place where this country is located is really too remote, so that this matter did not cause too much disturbance.

"However, although this country is small, it is not easy to govern. What's more important is that there is a successor who can be regarded as a model dude in this country.

"This successor can be said to be all evil, and he loves prosperity very much. He loves fresh clothes, loves the abbey, loves beautiful maidservants, loves horses, loves lanterns, loves the blooming and extinguishing of fireworks, loves treasures, loves flowers and birds into obsession, and loves waves. , Indulge in dark colors."

In the main hall, Li Chunfeng's few words directly sketched the image of a bohemian and frivolous young man.

After a pause, Li Chunfeng raised his hand to caress his white beard, a little sigh appeared in his eyes, and continued to speak:

"This son is undoubtedly a happy boy with a perverse temperament, and what is even more rare is that he has a strong talent for cultivation.

"When I was young, the lord of this small country took him to see a great monk who was held up to the sky at the time. I saw this great repairer riding on an elk and a fairy-like deer. He directly threw out a picture of a fairy riding a deer to test his comprehension. Unexpectedly, without thinking about it, this son would turn into a deer with luck in a blink of an eye, and be shocked by heaven.

"Overwhelmed with joy, bowed and hugged the elk's back and accepted it as a disciple."

After he finished speaking, Li Chunfeng raised his eyebrows and continued to speak:

"A genius will have the destiny of a genius. When this son was sixteen years old, because of a bet, he built a secret pavilion in the sect mansion and vowed to finish the 30,000 Dao Zang, otherwise he would not leave the house. , How capricious this is, how lonely.

"But this is not over yet. It only took a few years. The 30,000 Dao Tibetans were fully practised by him. Once they left the customs, everyone was shocked.

"But this time I was not satisfied. He returned to China and held a lawless party, inviting more than 7,000 people, taking good wine and meat, sitting around the mountain, drinking booze, drinking until midnight, singing in unison, moving quietly. Like an earthquake, countless people came to watch.

"In another year, he went to Longshan to watch the heavy snow, and had a drink on the top of the snowy mountain. Because he was too happy, he directly disturbed the dragon soul in the mountain. Countless cracks appeared.

"But this son is unscathed, and instead brags everywhere that it is such a joy to accompany a beautiful girl in a snow bath!"

After Li Chunfeng's words fell, the entire treasure ship hall became particularly quiet, and the boss with the beautiful eyes of rouge was also incredible.

Then the voice of the young emperor passed from above:

"This son is really a man of temperament, but the world pays attention to balance. Regarding the sect as the country, it is self-inflicted killing and robbery, plus the existence of this son, it must not be too good, right?"

As soon as Zhao Yu's emperor's voice came out, Li Chunfeng sighed slightly and said:

"Your Majesty Shengming, the joy of the world is mostly the same, but the results of joy are not the same, because the changes in luck caused by the founding of the country have attracted the attention of some big sects, including a big power named Banzhuan.

"In the beginning, this nunnery didn't want to kill evil, but to establish a nunnery in this small country, it can be regarded as setting up a dojo, but I don't know when, when this child heard that the nuns in the nunnery are beautiful and beautiful, they naturally yearn for it.

"Then I rushed to Ni'an at night and came to the foot of the mountain. I looked up and saw a bright moon hanging high. The stars were as bright as a galaxy, and the beauty was a mess. He immediately rose up and walked up the mountain and passed through the front hall.

"The mother might as well guess what did she do?"

Li Chunfeng's question fell, Rouge shook his head, and responded:

"I don't know it, but it must be extremely absurd."

"It's more than absurd, mother."

After he finished speaking, Li Chunfeng showed a smile on his face, raised his hand and waved lightly, and continued to speak loudly:

"I saw this character pass through the front hall, into the main hall of this nun, put on a costume directly, and came up to sing a big show.

"Moreover, this guy still sings Feng Qiuhuang!"

As soon as he said this, Rouge's beautiful eyes widened, and even Zhao Yu's face that was not angry and pretentious showed a little strangeness.

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